• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

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Twilight Sparkle is a gifted student and scholar. When she attempts to harness her creative side by writing a science-themed sensual romance novel, however, things rapidly get out of hoof. Can her friends stage an intervention before she humiliates herself (and them) at a prestigious literature recital?

No. No, they cannot.

Chapters (1)

When Applejack and Ditzy Doo are caught together in the kitchen, what will Granny Smith say? Probably not what you think.

A meta-fictional response to a persistent trend I keep seeing in certain fics.

Chapters (1)

Oh Applejack, where for art thou Applejack! Those were words Sunset thought she'd never have to hear herself say. Though there is a first time for everything. Because they were both failing drama class, they were chosen as Romeo and Juliet for the senior play. And neither of them seem to be happy about it.

Chapters (2)

No one has ever seen Rainbow Dash on a date. Still, ponies assume that she’s attracted to… mares? To stallions? Hm. What sex of pony is Rainbow Dash attracted to?

Rarity intends to find out.

Chapters (1)

Applejack's tired of Rainbow's antics so she decides to do something about them.

Chapters (1)

Applejack is not quite ready for her latest friendship mission.

She has to get sucked through an interdimensional vacuum cleaner, have her entire body re-shaped, and get dumped in an alien world she's only heard about secondhoof from Twilight.

It certainly doesn't help that she has no idea what her mission will be. And since the map only summoned AJ, she has to go alone.

Not that she's scared or anything!

Written in one half hour for a Quills and Sofas PANIC! Authors were given a very specific prompt that fit a very specific genre, then required to NOT write in that genre. This came out of that mess.

Chapters (1)

Deep underground under the farmland of Sweet Apple Acres lives a familiar group of ponies. Anypony could tell you who these citizens were; most of them were once citizens of towns all over Equestria. Ponyvillians, Cloudsdale pegasi, Canterlot citizens. They were the lucky ones. After something went wrong that caused Princess Twilight of Ponyville to snap, the ponies who made it out unscathed needed a leader.

Rainbow Dash never thought of herself as a humble pony. She knew she was awesome, and she knew that everypony else needed to know.  That's why when Twilight Sparkle was "corrupted", as Starlight Glimmer would say, the cyan pegasus not only led but started the group that hoped to bring Twilight down. Nopony really knew what happened to Twilight. As far as everypony knew, her very mind was destroyed by her own magic. 

How different are things? Can they stop Twilight? Will anything ever be the same again? It’s only a time until the dark takes over...

Originally written during NaNoWriMo of 2020 and edited a bit, this specific story does NOT include the School of Friendship in its canon and happens before Twilight’s coronation. Most of seasons 8 and 9 are not canon to this story.

Tags will be updated as story progresses!

Story will update weekly.

Chapters (16)

What is it? Where did it come from? Nopony knows, not even Canterlot's top scientists. But what is known, is that Celestia needs the help of Twilight and her friends to figure out just exactly what this strange substance is. But after a dragon's little observation, and a shy pony's suggestion (and secret little ability), the Mane Six end up reaching Cloud Nine.

(Rated T for drug using, cursing, flirting, and stupidity...ing)

Chapters (1)

Rarity needs help and Applejack volunteers to help. Simple, so what's up with Rarity's weird reluctance?

It's not like it's real.

Coverart by LooknamTCN:

Chapters (1)

I've never written an Equestria Girls story before, so this feels a little abnormal :unsuresweetie:
However, I am excited for this little Appledash series! I've had the idea for this story for a long time, so it'll be nice to finally bring it to life! :pinkiehappy:

When Rainbow Dash is the only one who shows up to Applejack's sleepover, she's filled with a cocktail of emotions. Fear, worry, excitement and annoyance being only a handful.

After a lesson in baking, multiple ciders, a trip to the barn and so much more, who knows what secrets will be revealed?

Hope y'all enjoy this Equestria Girls love story:heart:

Chapters (2)