• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

RariJack 31 stories
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Total Words: 173,374
Estimated Reading: 11 hours



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A blizzard strands Rarity and Applejack in the middle of the woods. Things won’t be easy, but at least they have food, fuel, shelter… and each other.

A cozy disaster story.

Chapters (7)

Rarity asks Applejack about her yearbook photo. Applejack isn’t sure that’s what this is about.

My entry in the Spring Fling Contest!
Cover art by me.

Chapters (1)

Applejack reached up with a fore hoof to touch the brim of her hat. It was habitual, almost unconscious. She could feel, nestled safely underneath the hat, her two most precious treasures--a single blue feather and a small snippet of purple mane.

They were precious, more precious than anything besides her family and her farm, because they were only pieces of them she'd ever have.

Chapters (1)

There is a secret hidden spring on Sweet Apple Acres, and Rarity is happy to take full advantage of this for a little rest and relaxation.

But her friend Applejack has been under a lot of stress recently. It’s a shame she doesn’t know how to help...

Written as a bit of an experiment/self-challenge; I enjoy writing dialogue, so this story (as may have been inferred from the title) doesn’t have any.

Written for the Spring Fling Contest.

Chapters (1)

Rarity is hosting the annual Societé Fabrique soiree. Everything is going splendid thanks to some help from her friends. It's a bit boring, true. The social strictures of hosting tend to make for a rather dull night, but luckily for Rarity, she has Applejack to keep her company.

Chapters (1)

Whenever Applejack gets near Rarity she feels that something comes over her,
she gets more and more nervous the more she speaks to her,
her heart starts racing when she looks at her. As she trys to explain her feelings to others, something goes horribly wrong.

And now the blonde young woman must find a way to either get out of this mess or clean things up, but she can’t decide what to do.

Chapters (2)

Applejack and Rarity discuss a little secret they're keeping between them, and a few plans for the future.

The fourth SYNCHRONY oneshot in the same continuity as Synchrony and Oathmaker.

Chapters (1)

Rarity has a creative design in mind. What lengths will she go to to get the tools she needs?

Thanks to Lofty Withers and Sixes And Sevens for prereading and editorial suggestions!

Chapters (2)

It has been six years since Princess Twilight Sparkle ascended to the throne of Equestria. There has been continuous peace and prosperity ever since. The only down side? Rarity cannot get away from the press and media who follow them around.

Even in remote holiday destinations she is recognised. Only now she has an idea. A potentially weird and risky idea which involves a certain mirror portal. This tale really focuses on the relationships of these holidaying ponies, and the effects having a doppelganger can have on someone from a parallel world.

Author note 1: This is a story written using UK English dictionary.

Author note 2: Prologue is optional.

Chapters (14)

Every relationship has fights. Some relationships are fairly calm, with only the occasional light spat that is quickly smoothed over. Others have their ups and downs, but conflict handled quickly when it happens--no one likes fighting with a loved one after all. Still more will find work-arounds, lying, cheating, anything to avoid anger and upset because they can't deal with the potential for arguments.

Rarity and Applejack are not any those kinds of people.

For them, arguments and raised voices are just as integral to their relationship as laughter and smiles. They fight and bicker and disagree on everything from fashion to the weather to what movies to watch. Its just part of who they are, and they always work through it in the end.

But never in all of the years they have known each other could Applejack remember fighting over something so small. Or made of such see-through material.

A Rarijack One-shot set in the same universe as Cross the Rubicon, this takes place somewhere before the first Equestria girls movie, but while the girls were in high school. Can be read independently of Rubicon, but is technically part of the slowly growing multitude of side stories and ideas that have taken on a life of their own.

Chapters (1)