• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

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Estimated Reading: 13 hours



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Both Applejack and Rainbow come home late and talk about their day. Neither actually listens.

Contains unrepentant AppleDash.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes, trying to think about anything but the straps that bound her to the wooden board. She cracked one eye open just enough to see Applejack, smiling mouth full of the knives that would soon be racing though the air towards her. The things some ponies will do for love...

Chapters (3)

When Timber told the story of Gaia Everfree to the campers at Camp Everfree, Applejack laughed it off as a silly bedtime story. Before the night is through, however, she will find out that even the toughest of girls needs some friendly support every now and then.

Chapters (1)

A seemingly innocent slumber party goes awry when six best friends engage in a game of competitive dares, testing the limits of their friendship, their will, and eventually uncovering the truth about the death of a fellow student. From uncomfortable situations to theft to sexual encounters, the night becomes one debacle after another, and all of it is on video tape.
Eventual AppleDash, FlutterMac. Some mature content. Based on the movie of the same name.

Chapters (8)

Applejack and Rainbow are summoned by the Cutie Map to solve another friendship problem. But to their surprise, the problem lies on the other side of the portal to the human world.

Now, finding themselves as funny looking, two-legged, small-nosed, mostly hairless monkey people, the two are faced with some important questions:

Can they survive life in this brave new world? Will they discover what the friendship problem is? How long will they be stuck here? And just why do their human counterparts seem to not be getting along?

Written for the fifth Appledash contest, "Second Chances".

Chapters (10)

It's been four years since the girls graduated from high school. They're still as close as ever, which is why Pinkie Pie decided to throw a party to celebrate the disastrous end of Rainbow Dash's long-term romantic relationship.

But Applejack isn't quite feeling a party right now. Instead, she finds her way outside to stare at the lake and reminisce. When Rainbow follows her out, what comes next is a conversation that might just change both of their lives forever.

Written for Krazy's Appledash contest over at Quills and Sofas. Prereading done by several members of that community. Come on and check out the crazy speedwriting fun!

(Note, because there was some light confusion from some readers. All alcohol consumption in this story is done by ADULT characters. NO UNDERAGE DRINKING, PEOPLE!)

Chapters (1)

Applejack is an awesome, hard-working and totally cute friend, and that's cool. But she's also totally oblivious to Rainbow Dash's advances. With just one more day before Hearth's Warming, the pegasus is determined to get through to her crush... whatever it takes!

Chapters (2)

When Sunset Shimmer tells the gang that she doesn't know what Twister is, they're horrified, and they decide to do something about it. Will Sunset be able to defeat AJ, Rainbow, Twilight, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Pinkie the Human Pretzel in order to secure a victory? (Just a little bit of fluff, rated Teen for minor swearing)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash and Applejack have been having interesting encounters over the last couple of weeks, but now Rainbow is wondering where it's going. Little does she know, she's about to be surprised.

Chapters (1)

Five times Rainbow Dash kissed Applejack, and the one time Applejack took the initiative instead.

The first time it was by mistake. The second time was by choice. The third time was by habit. The forth and the fifth time... it doesn't say. But for Rainbow Dash and Applejack, it becomes a pattern...

Chapters (1)