• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2021


Funnily enough, I only have 1 pet rabbit {new stories in the works :) - watch this space!}

RariJack 31 stories
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One-shot prequel to The Teacher, the Sorceress, and the Wonderbolt.

Rarity has harbored a secret for a long time now. So has Applejack. How can they reveal their secret, when it will leave them so vulnerable?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Challenge of Fleur

This story is a sequel to The Weed.

When Trixie's untimely arrival ruins a local charity auction, she finds herself and three other ponies swapping bodies. Now Trixie, Applejack, Golden Harvest and Fleur de Lis are stuck in the uncomfortable position of living one another's lives until they can find a solution. But what starts as a bad situation for all grows into something different for each of them. From crises of conscience to deeply romantic personal conflicts, all four will find their integrity challenged. The clock is ticking, and if they don't hurry they may find themselves stuck in one another's bodies forever.

For some, that might not be such a bad thing.

Other stories inspired by music:
Bed of Roses
Bulletproof Heart
Drops of Jupiter
How to Save a Life
Forgive Me, Friend
Time for Tea

Read the Seattle's Angels review!

Overall winner of the Transformations group's Body Swap Contest.

Special thanks go to Hopeless Appraisal and Danger Beans for editing.

Artwork commissioned from the talented CaptainPudgeMuffin.

The Fleur-Verse
Chronologically from Top to Bottom:
Shadow Pony
Reddux the Tyrant
No Heroes Part I - The Roster
No Heroes Part II - The Journey Home
Lightning's Bolt
The Weed
The Challenge of Fleur
Ordinary World
A Challenge for Fleur
Sweet to Eat: Tales of Nightmare Night

Chapters (5)

What is it? Where did it come from? Nopony knows, not even Canterlot's top scientists. But what is known, is that Celestia needs the help of Twilight and her friends to figure out just exactly what this strange substance is. But after a dragon's little observation, and a shy pony's suggestion (and secret little ability), the Mane Six end up reaching Cloud Nine.

(Rated T for drug using, cursing, flirting, and stupidity...ing)

Chapters (1)

It's 106 miles to the White Tail County Festival, they've got a truck full of apples, half a charge on their cell phone, it's raining, and they forgot their umbrellas.

Time to hit the road!

Rated Teen for language and mature subject matters.
Special thanks to SolidFire for his editing work.
Cover art by oDaefnYo

Chapters (2)

Rarity needs help and Applejack volunteers to help. Simple, so what's up with Rarity's weird reluctance?

It's not like it's real.

Coverart by LooknamTCN:

Chapters (1)

Unspoken feelings of love and a cold emptiness on the inside.

How does Applejack really feel about Rarity? If she never gives voice to her thoughts does it even matter? Do her feelings even exist?

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be a simple camping trip to celebrate graduating Canterlot High School. They choose to play truth or dare, but what they didn't know, was that the game was really playing them.

Tell the truth.

Do the dare.

Or die.

Who will survive? Only the game knows.

Chapters (5)

Christmas time is a complicated time of year for the Apples. There is so much work to be done, and yet so much celebrating to do. Applejack has to make sure her Secret Santa gift is perfect, reflect on people lost, and keep her family together. Isn’t Christmas supposed to be a happy time of year? She’ll sure as apples make sure of it.

Written for the holiday season! There is no content warning for this one, it's mostly just happy, fun, day in the life type of thing!
Cover: Done by me :)

Chapters (1)