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This story is a sequel to World of Ponies: The Rise of Change.

Three years have passed since Castus and his humans fled from Canterlot. In that time, they have grown and learned; living at peace in a wide open plain. But forces begin to move, that now push Equestria and the Humans into a war in which both sides are not fully prepared to face.

Awsome Cover Art is thanks to Sipioc and KickassKing. Thank you dudes, you guys are awesome. I'm honored that my story has inspired fan art :)

Chapters (30)

Troy was a normal teenager going to a halloween party dressed as the vampire king Dracula however while taking his little sister to a friends house he ends up in equestria. not only has he become a real vampire, not only is he an enemy of a nation but his sister is missing and he wants her back even if he has to destroy or turn every pony in his way.

Chapters (2)

Hello there, my name is or was Kyle but now I go by Axel. You see, what started as just me and 13 of my friends going to a convention cosplaying as Organization XIII from Kingdom Hearts II for my 18th birthday, has ended in us becoming Organization XIII, coming to Equestria, being labeled as enemy's of Equestria and having all the ponies hating us including that S.O.B named Celestia. But you know what, I don't care; if I'm stuck here and miss sun butt isn't going to help us get home then I might as while have some fun well I'm here till we find a way home.

This story was inspired by F*** it I'm Having Fun by Jimmy the Grape and many other stories like it. And special thanks to Thadius0 for proofreading.

Chapters (7)

(Second-person fic)

You are a school-age colt who hates Hearts and Hooves Day with a passion and wishes the holiday would leave as soon as it arrives. All that changes when you run into the local bully Diamond Tiara. You say something nice to her and suddenly your world starts to change...

EDIT: Featured on 3/9!
EDIT: Third Place Winner of the Poniverse Hearts and Hooves Day Contest!

Chapters (1)

Your name is Naxon. You have been living in "The World That Never Was" with Organization XIII for an entire year now, after a man named Vexen has implanted all the data of every Organization member inside of you, giving you all of their weapons and powers, but you have yet to awaken them. You have been told that you would serve as a replacement if the thirteenth member didn't appear in time, your future will be set in stone, your destiny will be what they made it to be.
But the thirteenth member has finally appeared, and your leader has ordered Vexen to lock you up, he refused, of course, saying that you are his "greatest creation", but your leader insisted, saying that they'll release you when needed.

After a little over seven days, Vexen came into your room and told you it was time for a "tune up". You were brought back into his lab and he implanted the data of the thirteenth and fourteenth members, he told you that he'll be back to get you very soon, you don't remember much after that, something about, "taking over the Organization".

You counted at least 130 days since Vexen said that, and you haven't seen him since. Then you met some boy who found your room by accident and you two ended up being "friends" as he called it. You remember his name was Roxas. For the next three weeks, he came to your room regularly, bringing seashells and sea salt ice cream. But one day, he stopped coming...

207 days later, you discovered that Roxas had left the Organization and for you, it was a lot to take in. Your only friend was gone. Maybe forever. You began to realize that Roxas was the only person who cared about you. You wanted to leave this place, you wanted to leave and never come back. Who knows? Maybe you might find Roxas.

Then you felt the room shake and thought that castle was under attack. You took this chance to escape; you packed your belongings, your diary, the first seashell Roxas gave you, and the popsicle stick from your first ice cream, and left your room. You saw a giant dragon circling the castle and raised your hand forward, opening the Corridor of Darkness, as they called it, and escaped into an unknown world.

All that you remember after that is running from a group of fledging Nobodies in a severe thunderstorm.

You are trapped in a doomed future and the only person who ever showed you the light inside you was Roxas. But maybe some new friends can take his place? Show you that, "Friendship is Magic".

KH Universe: Takes place after Kingdom Heart 2 and the events after that.

MLP Universe: Takes place after Rainbow Rocks.

Cover art from vadenwrench via DeviantArt.

Rated Teen for mild language.

Tags will be updated as the story goes.

This is currently a side project; this story is not canon to my KH:MLP Crossover series.

EDIT: Featured on 3/10/2017, thank you all for your support!

Chapters (10)

Not quite a mare, but unhappy being a colt. It's a hard position for a young pony to be in. Would be easier if judgement weren't in every look, hate in every scowl. For Glitter Shell, even her friends and family aren't giving her the support she needs. So, she goes to find some in her personal hero.

Based on the blog Ask Glitter Shell. Give it a chance; I doubt you'll regret it.

Featured on Equestria Daily on August 12th, 2013; thank all of you for the support! Though please remember to support trans people in real life. This story is a very tame snapshot of what they have to go through for most of their lives.

Chapters (1)

[Anthro characters. Set in a rule 63 universe.]

Davril Longfang thought he’d finally got it made, one final contract that would fill his pockets with so much coin he’d be able to retire from the often dangerous job of being a professional thief.

A contract to steal something very powerful from a cruel ruler in a faraway land beyond Cyrium.

Now, stuck in a completely new world with its own problems and internal conflicts. Davril has to fit in with the locals whilst at the same time trying to fulfill the contract given to him by the stranger.

Cover art done by me, background taken from 'Fall Weather Friends' episode.

Thank you to my pre-readers DVAN56 and Draconian Soul and my editors Merc The Jerk and Jake The Army Guy, go check out some of their stories!

Chapters (4)

Celestia has a dangerous creature held in the deepest of Canterlot's high-security dungeons. It can create ponies (with full backgrounds and histories) with it's strange and often-times prophetic powers. The Princess does her best to keep it under wraps, but its only a matter of time before it's "creativity" will get out of control.

Chapters (7)

The death of the girl was what set him off. He destroyed anything that seemed to be the source of his wrath. But in the land of Equestria, where peace and harmony are the rules that define the land, can anger as pure as his be allowed to exist?

Chapters (4)

Heard any of the stories of people disappearing from the middle of convention inside a crowded room with hundreds of eyes watching them fall through a portal or in a flash of light. Well guess who joined the club!

Well now I'm stuck as a statue of the garden of two technicolor pony princesses because they don't like strange being landing in the middle of their magical pony gala and giving them a middle-finger-salute before running away.

I'm not sure if they know what that was anyway...

Rated teen for strong language and other future things like violence or very crude humor. Early chapters rated terrible for bad writing and poor grammar I can't find


A Displaced Story
[Fullmetal Alchemist]

PM if interested

Gravity of the Situation by DJSkywalker


Chapters (7)