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(I'm back,and I will start working again)

If you're raised in America, Europe, or any country that has outlawed slavery, then you gain a strong hate to the word itself.
But, when you're dropped into a situation where your life, and the lives of your closest friends, are being weighed against the freedom of others from another world, you have to make a choice between your own safety and the morals you hold.

Dennis, Viper, Britt, Emily and a couple of Marines...in a world dominated by Female Anthropological Horses, that enslaved all the males of their species and others.

With nothing to lose, how much can you give?

Chapters (4)

Titanium Heart.

Ironic isn't it? Of all special talents I could be born with, nopony ever imagined that be unable to love could be considered one...

Chapters (1)

When Luna thinks the lack of elements has left Equestria weak she summons a warrior from beyond the stars to help.

But let hope Discord doesn't get killed by him.

the other tag below is all the character that aren`t tagged as a character, I don`t know how many that's going to be though

Chapters (10)

Equestria, a magical land filled withall kinds of mythical creatures and beasts of all shapes and sizes. Among them are Humans, griffons, dragons and ponys. these four great races live in harmony thanks too two rulers named Celestia, the princess of the sun and Luna, the princess of the moon.

Together they rule over Equestria and it's people. However, darkness is upon them. Will Equestria hold fast or will it fall?

Rated Teen for mild language, violent themes, blood and some sexual themes

Chapters (4)

A young bubbly earth pony filly filled with happiness and a wolf with serious mind helps this young filly find a home. As they travel all over equestria they stop at ponyville to find out that ponies don't take to kindly of a wolf they believe holding this filly captive.

Anthro ponies

Chapters (7)

- Second Person Point of View -
Throughout your entire high school life, you have always stuck with a great group of friends. But during the years, things were surely complicated. These the toughest four years of your life, new problems arise every day, and you're not the only one that suffers this. You and Fluttershy go through more than what the average teenager encounters, and it's only the two of you that can help each other. Yet during these rough years, there's just something that you couldn't get a grasp of.

Chapters (3)

Without a name, without an identity, without a place to call home. He traveled. He traveled everywhere he was needed. He dealt with a problem and left. Taking nothing in exchange but a next train ticket. Without acknowledgement, without fame. Some called him The Solver, some were too scared to even call him any name. But most called him what he really was: The Traveler.
First time writing, mostly while drunk, so some things might be off, some not readable. If so, please tell me.
The human world in the story is steampunk-styled, with magic, steam-powered machines, victorian society and all that stuff.
Tags and rating may change during writing. Just sayin'.

Chapters (4)

Upon his death at the hands of Raiden Sam was carried through the Multiverse into the magical land of Equestria, much to his dismay. Now he is stuck in a land beyond everything he ever knew as he is thrown back into the spotlight once more to search for his redemption... and maybe a little something else along the way.

Chapters (7)

The Changelings have invaded Canterlot, they have brought the entire might of their hive down on the unsuspecting capital. As the best that the city has to offer falls at the invaders' hooves, one mare stands her ground against one of the elite of the Changeling Hive.

Little does she know that her actions will have consequences. Octavia will do more than just defend herself, she will shatter a changeling's identity entirely and will be left with no choice but to help him piece it all back together again.

Will contain puns, 14+. Keep the foals clear from this one.
Cover art made by katcooldraw.
Inspired by an animation by kanashiipanda.

Chapters (5)

Written by Nerf Stranger and myself. We work on all the chapters together as a team.

After his reformation, Discord had finally warmed up to the idea of having friends, but friendship without trust and mutual understanding means nothing. His latest attempt to gain Twilight’s ends in a magical catastrophe. Injured and left without his god-like powers, Discord has to work with the obstinate alicorn to find a solution.

It soon becomes apparent that a misguided spell isn’t the only wedge driving the pair apart. When those wedges are removed, it’s up to Discord and Twilight to repair the damage. They never imagined it would go further than that . . .

Dark tag for emotional dark scenes, not for grimdark.

This is a stand alone novel. It is NOT a sequel or branch story to my completed work, This Cruel and Random World.

Amazing cover art a gift from Nerf's friend, Madelee. Thanks so much! It's amazing! :pinkiehappy:

Editing for the first chapter courtesy of my buddy Nomad_Sigma.

Chapters (8)