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The war is finally over. We ponies have lost. Our plan to convert humanity into ponies has failed. Hundreds of thousands are dead. Homes destroyed. Our nation is shattered and near annihilation. All because we underestimated humanity and their refusal to become like us.

I alone now hold the fate of my people in my hooves against the humans who want nothing more than to destroy us for the so called atrocities we have committed against them. I've lost my friends one way or another. My family. My fellow Princesses.

I have but one duty and that is, reluctantly, to see that we are shown mercy.

I'm just afraid of the cost. Or what I will learn from this.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam and Bemmo

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Edit: Good HiE list approved

A/N Hi guys, this is just a short story I wrote in about an hour, HOPE YOU ENJOY! (I'd like to thank everyone who likes this, thanks for getting it featured)

A/N audio reading can be found here. Read by our very own The Mysterious Fluttershy Fan. Be sure to show your support to his channel if you like it!

You have lived in Equestria for some time now, around five or so years. You never meant to come here it just kinda happened. The first few months were a living hell for you, you were attacked because most thought you were a monster. This continued until you were captured by the Royal Guard and brought to meet Celestia and Luna. You explained your situation and over time you became friends, but that didn't stop the fact that you were ridiculed and attacked whenever you left the castle, and so in time you became content with staying within the confines of the castle. But one day guards showed up to your room and put you in chains...

Chapters (1)

I am not sure how I came to be here, but there is a creature that reminds me of home. And since it does not look like I will be returning, I shall watch after her and ensure her safety. This is the story of how that came to be.

(This will be written in a mix between narrative and journal format, and it's a bit of an experiment tell me what you think. Also inspired by this video. And since I try to be original, it isn't the TF2 Scout.)

Chapters (12)

After his death, Sam has been chosen by none other than Discord to introduce humanity to Equestria. However, this samurai is not planning on being used as a pawn by anyone. He has set some new goals while stranded in this strange land inhabited by ponies, and he's going to need their help getting back home.

However, they are reluctant to help-with a bloody history trailing behind him, can Sam's lifestyle and philosophy be accepted by ponies? And what does Discord really want with Sam?

(Takes placeafter S3)

My utmost thanks towards JBL and (former) Whiter Penmanshipfor becoming my proofreaders/editors!

Chapters (13)

A strange pony warring a blood-red jacket and wielding a giant sword? Just another day in the life of a Ponyvillien.

Opening Theme:Chrono Phantasma

Chapters (6)

A young sentient creature known as a Jinouga, has been thrown out by his parents into the cold Everfree forest for not being 'aggressive enough'. The Jinouga has been a creature only known in myths and legends to all ponykind, but when this omnivore, with a very dangerous natural instinct, finds its way into Ponyville, will the inhabitants accept him as one of their own, will they throw him out, or will they utterly destroy him.

(This is an experimental story crossing over a creature from monster hunter and putting it into My Little Pony. This is going to be a sad/good feeling/cute story. Hope I do it well. I will also include pictures to help describe it a bit more)

P.S, this is a young Jinouga he is only about 3.5 ft tall and 7ft long from head to tail.

Chapters (3)

A letter sits upon a table where it had not just a moment before. A golden glow lifts it as it unfurls in front of the reader.

Let us see here, how to begin?

Well, I suppose the best way to do so is with introductions. I am Prometheus and while I was, as one might say, tied up for quite some time I noticed your world. I have to say it's quite interesting, but unfortunately stagnant as well. So Miss Celestia I, being the patron of progress that I am, have sent someone your way. He is not a creature native to your world, a species I personally have a great deal of interest in, they're ambitious little scamps. I am bestowing a gift upon him as I send him, one he will in time learn to master. It is my hopes he brings progress to your world, but as the past has proven on many an occasion the best intentions can at times have the worst effects. We'll just have to see how it goes won't we.


Ha, not as smart as the bastard thinks he is. I managed to snag the paper from him. So "Miss Celestia" my name is Coal and apparently I'm supposed to stir up some dirt. I'll admit I know just as much as to what is going on as you do, but if he's the Prometheus I'm thinking of, things might be a little more complicated than he'd let us believe. Crap, he's coming back. Ummm... Why did I just waste time writing Ummm?

Winter is coming... I'm disappointed with myself if that's the best I can come up with.

Chapters (16)

A real hero doesn't brag?

Just because she likes to talk about how awesome she is means Rainbow isn't a hero?

After her friends revealed themselves to her, Rainbow Dash reacts to Applejack's words in a completely different way than what's expected, and things only go downhill from there. Tears will be shed, friendships will be broken, and knives will be twisted as everything that can go wrong WILL.

Chapters (6)

After the events of Transformers: Age of Extinction, Optimus Prime takes to the stars to confront the great creators of his very race. Among these planets he had passed, he noticed that many of them were seeded like Earth was. One of these planets was Equestria, and the Ponies there find out that there are more to their own lives, and themselves, than they could ever have known.

Collab by both Myself and LoneShadow.

The Sex and gore tags are there mainly for the dialogue done, and IF said events even happen.

Chapters (3)

I was once Joy and now I am Sorrow.

A thing immune to magic and unable to be destroyed by force. We all thought it is impossible for such a thing to exist... But in Star Swirl the Bearded University, they proved us all wrong. They summoned a creature from a race of beings formed by magic and negative emotion. They merge it with a mare against her will and tried to bind it... they failed and payed the price. Now it is up to Elements of Harmony to stop the creature, but when they find it everything changes. Watch as they fight against two groups who wish to control the fate of Equestria if not the entire world and follow their journey to discover what it truly means to be a monster, what truly is evil and about a race of creatures that have always watched from the shadows and tried to make us happier.

Do not fear the shadows, fear those who cast them, for they are real and shadows are not. - the First.

Featured on 29/10/2016: Proudest day of my life!!!!!:rainbowdetermined2:

(Warning: This story contains slight bits of strong bits of gore and violence here and there. Also while I have tagged this romance, there won't likely be much. Also bad language!)

Proof read by my pain in the arse brother and the wonderful Bugze and now the also wonderful TheLunarRepublic2244. Also edited by one of my parents.

Chapters (14)