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Blacklight had the truth. He knew what he was. He knew Alex was dead, and that he was never human. He knew that Dana was never his sister, and that he was never even slightly related to her. He knew that there was nothing tying him to Dana, no real memories or biological similarities or even species based empathy. For some reason, Blacklight loves Dana like a sister he doesn’t have.

Perhaps this is what keeps him tame when he is brought into a place he does not belong. A scenario where a being of chaos and war brought to a place of harmony and peace is not often a pretty one. Yet with Dana there, somehow he manages not to go berserk and start murdering everything in sight.

Now the Monster of Manhattan contemplates his place in the world, lies to his sister and the ponies, and questions his lack of empathy when he begins to feel remorse for his actions. He is beginning to miss the simple times where the only things he had to deeply contemplate were methods of horrifically mutilating armies with the maximum amount of efficiency. At least that was straightforward.

(This fic operates under the assumption that Prototype 2 and its tie-in comics never existed. If you really have to ask yourself why, play the first game, then play the second game. The reasons should become apparent.)

(Well I'll be damned. Front page on the first day. Thank you all for your support!)

(Well, enough of you seem to think this is funny enough to be a dark comedy, so I added a comedy tag. I have to warn you though, I'm not entirely certain as to how consistent the comedy will be. So don't come into this expecting the wacky misadventures of a murderous psychopath.)

Chapters (9)

Spike has been spending a lot of time with Flitter, a local pony in town who is (at best) an acquaintance of the Mane 6. Rarity sees this and launches straight into action, enlisting Twilight Sparkle's aid in getting to the bottom of Flitter's intentions with her dear Spikey-Wikey.

Teen Rating for some suggestive passages.

Beautiful Cover Art by the generous Blackflash, and vectored/edited by the splendiferous CaioCoia!

EDIT: Featured 9/21/16! Thanks so much!
EDIT: Hit 4k views 10/7/16- Most successful story so far. I'm glad people enjoyed it!

Chapters (1)

A masked stallion aids the poor and funds the education of needy foals.
Under the mask is Prince Blueblood, who has sworn an oath to never be recognized.
Twilight Sparkle BURNS to know who the Mysterious "Wayfinder" is.

Chapters (5)

You all saw how the episode ended: Rainbow Dash unmasks Pinkie-Do-Well, the others show up, she learns her lesson, a letter is written, and everything ends up hunky-dory. Well, if I know Dash (and my fellow bronies), I'd bet a group of us thought that this was not at all characteristic of our favorite speed-demon. I have my own interpretation of that day's events, respectfully submitted below for your reading pleasure.

Having lost her one greatest fan to the usurper, Rainbow Dash is brought to a new low. How did she lose it all? Even her five greatest friends seemed to have abandoned her for Mare-Do-Well. And then Scootaloo... No. She would not let this happen. She would not lose everypony she cared about to some mask-wearing intruder. Even if she had to go beyond the limits of legality, morality, or even sanity, she would bring Mare-Do-Well down.

Loyalty is a two-way street.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Reunited

Six years.

For six years she has slept in a coma and now she has awakened. The entire world wants her to die for her crimes. Equestria wants her to die for her lies. Even I will admit I just want to see her die so I can move on with my life.

But before I say goodbye to my mentor, the former Princess Celestia, I have to ask her one question.

Why? Why did she do all this? Why transport us from Equestria to Earth? Why try to turn Humanity into Ponies?

All I want is the truth.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Running, it's all Chrysalis has ever done since she was born. Running from her emotions, from her heritage, from Celestia, and now she's on the run again, but this time is different. Twilight Sparkle doesn't give up as easily as Celestia did...

Chrylight in future chapters.

Chapters (9)

A Japanese warrior monk, known as Saito Musashibo Benkei, finds himself still alive and kicking, despite having died only days earlier. He finds himself in a strange, confusing, yet wondrous land, full of magical talking ponies who speak an equally bizzare language.

Follow Benkei as he copes with his new world, discovers new allies and friends, and comes to appreciate his new life. But Benkei was not sent to Equestria by chance to enjoy himself and live the rest of his days happily and care free. He was sent for a reason.

He was sent to help.

He was sent to enlighten others.

But most importantly, he was sent, to save Equestria.

Meanwhile, an oddly intelligent bunny by the name of Akeeta befriends Benkei, discovers the truth behind her consciousness, all while dealing with mixed feelings about a certain white bunny.

Note: Character tags will be added as they appear in the story. The mane 6, Spike, and Princess Celestia are the main cast from the show appearing in this story, but appear later on.

This will be my first shot at a historical fiction (sort've, since it's a legend crossed with MLP) , which means I actually had to do a fair bit of research on Japanese warrior monks and folklore to accomplish accurately and smoothly. That said, this is fiction, this is the MLP Universe, and Benkei himself is from a legend, so its still gonna be pretty unrealistic in that sense. I decided against using the japanese names for armor as it just serves to confuse people. However, if you prefer the japanese names, here is a helpful diagram. Also, the weapon Benkei is holding in the cover art is a naginata, in case that wasn't clear.

Also, for those wondering, no, Benkei will not be speaking Japanese for the whole story as I don't actually speak Japanese and have been relying on painstaking crosschecking with google translate to get the simple Japanese phrases that have been included to make sense when translated back to English. Don't worry, he'll be speaking English soon enough.

Lastly, this story will be updated every month . Its sortve a background project I want to continue to write to see how far I can take it while I write other things.

Side Note: Sex Tag is for references to sex, talk about sex, and some heated situations. This is a teen story, and there will be no directly written clop. Sorry!

Comments are very much welcome, even if you just want to say you hate it, so long as a valid reason is provided to enable me to grow as a writer. Thanks for reading!

Below is a simple summary of Benkei's REAL legend that happened preceeding chapter 1, and partially during the prologue.

Japanese legend tells of a man named Saito Musashibo Benkei. The origins of his birth are unknown, and the first time Benkei was seen, he was a fully grown man. After joining a monastery of monks, and then being exiled from it Benkei built a shrine next to a bridge and stood guard. He defeated 999 swordsmen before being bested, and in a display of honor, he became his adversary's retainer. Benkei fought during the Genpei wars, the giant of a man bringing death on the swift wings of his naginata, a bladed pole sword. He lived a long and exciting life, but all good things come to an end, and Benkei died defending the bridge to his master's castle. He defeated 300 samurai before finally dying of mortal wounds, but Benkei did not fall. He died standing up, at least that's how the legend goes.

Chapters (7)

A human finds himself in Equestria under very unpleasant circumstances with no explanation.
His reaction: get the heck out of Dodge and start a new life where Equestria and her ponies can't reach him.
But an alicorn's reach is long and the events which brought him here and his treatment in Canterlot are not so easily forgotten by those who did it. How does one say 'go away' to an immortal goddess?

Yay! Featured, thank you all.
A TV Tropes page
Revised 08/31/14 for clarity and grammatical issues, no events changed. I am working on a sequel, but it will be from Fancy's POV.
P.S. Green is NOT Lyra. There are other green unicorns.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Negotiations

It's been five years since our surrender. Things have gotten better, but we have a long way to go before our home is repaired and our name redeemed. I have spent these five years working nonstop to fix all the mistakes my former teacher left us.

But now I have a chance to make up one of the biggest ones I've ever made.


She betrayed us and sided with humanity. I hated her for her betrayal. Called her a coward. Now I am cowering in front of her house, begging for forgiveness. I have lost so much. I just want to gain one thing back.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam ]

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

The Everfree is loaded with dangerous beasts and critters. From manticores that could end a life with one injection of its tail venom, to towering hydras that could swallow a pony whole.

To the ponies, this is a nightmarish land to never, ever set hoof in.

To a hunter, it is paradise.

When Fluttershy nearly gets mauled by another dangerous inhabitant of the Everfree, the deadliest, unknowing to him, ends up saving her from death. Fluttershy realizes too late, that the one who had saved her was nothing more than the kinds of people who she has the lowest of low opinion on.


And she has just met the most dangerous one of Equestria.

Crossover of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and League of Legends

Art credit to: dethfalcin.

Take caution when viewing comments in case of potential spoilers.

Chapters (25)