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With Twilight Sparkle's coronation comes new dangers, not from the outside, but from within. To keep her safe, Princess Celestia is forced to turn to a single prisoner for help, Saber Alabaster, an assassin. If Saber can gain Twilight, and the new temperamental captain's trust then they just might survive what's coming.

All characters are Humanized.

Cover art: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Radan-the-rogue-483057845
Featured on: 9/26/16 HOLY SHITZ!

Chapters (17)

It was an average morning in Ponyville. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, the changeling was swimming in the pool.... wait what?

This story is written by me and Limescale.
You can find his page here
Front page at 1/21/2017. Thanks guys for making it possible!

As of 11/27/2023, the story now has an audio reading. Check it out! https://youtu.be/iYjTMNmnfSk

Chapters (2)

Celestia. Princess, leader, some might say even a god.

But not many know what goes on in the princess' mind. What she could be thinking, that fateful day.

The day she was defeated at Cadance's wedding.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Big Sis Comes for a Visit

So Twilight Sparkle is trying to figure out Fluffle Puff and the chance just happens to come by when she least expects it. She spends a day with Fluffle Puff, joined by her friends, and witness the fluffy pony's whacky antics.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chrysalis Comes for Nightmare Night (Featuring Fluffle Puff)

After their return from Ponyville, Chrysalis just wants to relax and enjoy the company of her fluffy little pet. Of course, she soon realizes she won't be alone in that department since Big Sis has dropped by for a visit.

Featuring characters from FluffyMixer's Fluffle Puff Tales.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Mane 6 Meets the Queen’s Pet

It's Nightmare Night and the whole of Ponyville is out having fun. However, Chrysalis decides to show up with her pet Fluffle Puff. What kind of mischief will they be up to tonight? Can the Mane 6 stop them? Why am I asking these questions? Please, read and enjoy yourself.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis. She is evil, cruel, manipulative and downright mean. So there's no way anypony could love her for just being herself. However, the captured Mane 6 would soon learn that there is a special somepony for anypony.

Chapters (1)

Were blamed for everything, even if it isn`t our fault.
Were insectoid ponies, fanged beings of only torture and rotten hell.
Yet, we live off love, see the contradiction there?
And now were at war, giving our life for our queen- so the hive can live, can exist a little while longer.
Gore tag for mentioning of blood and broken parts. Not imagery!:scootangel:
One-shot story. Gore tag for blood and other bodily deadly things.:twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Edit: on advice, changed the name.

(AU equestria)

Ok, so here I am in Equestria, AWESOME! Living the dream my fellow bronies! The minor problem? Instead of the ponies in the show the inhabitants are all anthro versions of themselves. Good news? Twilight and her friends are willing to give me a benefit of a doubt. Bad news? Celestia and Luna despise me, the reason for that? I was brought to Equestria as one of the awesome ones in video game villain history, complete with triforce of power and immense dark magic, the powerhouse, ganondorf! As a result of our first meeting, I wound up petrified for 1500 years, thankfully I figured out a way to keep myself from going insane. But now that I am awake, I have one goal.... "Twilight? What does this symbol here say?"

(T for now but depending on how this goes it may go up, EDIT: added sex tag for upcoming refernces.)

Chapters (13)

Hello, my name is Robin. Well, it used to be Madison before getting ripped from my universe and thrown through the void.

So there I was getting ready for an awesome time at a convention before I had to return to my studies. I used to be a scholar of military history and tactics. I always enjoyed furthering my education and I saw knowledge as the greatest of powers. Turns out that's a great field to study if you're going to be thrown into a feudal environment!

So suddenly I find myself in Equestria, looking like Robin from Fire Emblem: Awakening, and the Royal Sisters are trying to hunt me down. I can't really blame them, I can get a little... enthusiastic when learning new magic.

This story is set in the Displaced multiverse.

This is the first story I've ever done of ponies and the first one I'm writing for FimFiction. I'm not the best author, but I like to think my writing is decent enough that the plot won't crumble. I'm always striving to be a better writer so don't be afraid to point out any mistakes you may find.

Special thanks to KiaraGate for helping me with the story. Thanks for letting me bounce ideas off of you, you've helped me a lot!

*As the story progresses I may add additional tags and or characters.

Chapters (33)