• Member Since 15th Aug, 2014


Avid reader. Aspiring writer.

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"Cutie Mark Crusaders Alicorns, Yay!" Follow the CMC as they adjust to new expectations and find new crusading opportunities.
Is there enough aspirin in Equestria for the denizens of Ponyville who have to deal with three ever-helpful alicorn fillies?

Chapters (17)

(Rated Teen just to be safe about it. Takes place before Season 9)

Author's note: THIS GOT FEATURED!? NANI!? (2/5/19) Thank you all! Have a Pinkie hug! Also thanks to the people who've pointed out grammar mistakes, I am not perfect unfortunately.

My name's Sun Glow. I'm a Pegasus working at the Baltimare Weather Department because that's the only place that will take me. The only thing people care about is that I look like a Pegasus version Princess Celestia and I hate it! Day in, Day out, getting mistaken for her, getting comments about it, being denied jobs because of it and a lot of accusations of being a Changeling. I hate it! I want it changed but nopony can change but there's one pony that probably can: the Princess herself.

I never asked for this look and I've had it since birth. But all I know right now is that if the Princess can't change it, nopony can.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Where Loyalties Lie: Honor Guard

Honor Guard Captain Red Ink is a proud warrior, the son of the Stalliongradi Tsar, and something of a legend amongst the Equestrian Guard. Until his mistake, some would have said he was atop the world. But a reckless violent streak and a disrespect for the common pony carry him away from his lofty post aside Celestia.

He expected a frigid post on the dragon border to carry the rest of his days. Compared to that fate, delivering a letter to the Princess's student in Ponyville seems a delightfully easy task. If he had known the fate the Princess had prepared for him in the tiny city, he might well have exiled himself. Fate can be cruel indeed to a warrior staring down at a nearly blank piece of parchment, knowing his life depends on filling it with words. The beginning, after all, is always so very easy.

"Dear Princess Celestia..."

A Price of Loyalty story.

A spin-off of Where Loyalties Lie, though you don't need to have read it.

Chapters (12)

"Equestria's Guard: the Bravest and the Best. Do you have what it takes?"

So the advertisements say. When Rainbow Dash saves the life of Princess Luna, however, she quickly comes to learn that there's a lot more to the guard than what everypony knows. As she faces down threats to her friends, her Princesses, and her country, Rainbow will have to decide exactly who she is loyal to.

A Price of Loyalty story.

Chapters (19)

Waking up on a rooftop on Nightmare Night alone wouldn't have been so jarring for Eyewitness if it weren't for the dead body. Struggling with the harsh wake up call, and the arrival of the mysterious 'guardspony' Chocolate Malt, she must help him solve the murder while keeping her own secrets intact.

Won 3rd place in the Equestria Daily Batpony Writeoff, 10/31/2013!

Chapters (1)

Limited Liability is a changeling with a very routine life. He works at a bank. He lives with a marefriend. He goes through every day making sure he isn't discovered.

At least, that is, until the day that the hive has planned to invade Canterlot. On that day, his love runs out, and his disguise fails. Trapped in public with a chitinous body for all of Equestria to see, Liability has to find a way not only to survive, but to avoid ruining an invasion years in the making. Along the way, he learns a very interesting lesson about the ponies around him.

Written for the Equestria Daily "Outside Insight" contest.

Cover Art by Ruirik.

Chapters (1)

Centuries after most of her friends have all passed away, Twilight decides to make one last trip into the past. No interacting, no greeting deceased friends, no reunion with her beloved marefriend. Just one quick glance at a life long lost.

However, for better or worse, she'll end up getting much, much more than that.

This story has a prequel entitled The Last Train Home.
Cover art by Swan Song

Chapters (6)

Now that Discord's reformed and friends with a princess and her entourage, he's decided it's time to assimilate himself into pony culture. With Nightmare Night coming up, Discord decides to get into the spirit of things by opening a costume shop in Ponyville. His amazing costumes soon become the talk of the town, and Nightmare Night fever is stronger than ever...

...but is Discord about to play the ultimate Nightmare Night prank on an unsuspecting Ponyville?

Chapters (11)

This story is a prequel to Injuring Eternity.

Life is like a train ride, don't you think, dearest? The tracks have been set, destination picked and the ticket is well in hoof. What a shame that so many, myself included, are so focused on the destination that they fail to realize a universal truth.

Destinations will change, trains will be caught and missed, but there will always be somepony willing to journey with you—so long as you let them.

Thanks to the amazing lilfunkman for the gorgeous cover art.

Now with a russian translation!

Chapters (9)

Equestria burns, its citizens enslaved, its goddesses silent.

Clinging to Celestia's teachings of mercy and forgiveness, Twilight journeys south across the Sand Sea to make peace with the enemy who devastated her homeland. But every step of the way, the brother they killed is there to haunt her. The brother whose family they butchered. The brother so filled with hatred he'd see Twilight betray everything she believes in to satisfy his need for revenge.

Chapters (1)