Favourites 636 stories
  • Favourites 636 stories - 140 unread chapters
    Created by Baran3
    - October, 2014
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This story is a sequel to Past Sins

Hearth's Warming is a time for friends and family to come together, celebrate harmony, and welcome the new year. Nyx is looking forward to just this as she rides the train to Canterlot with Spike and Twilight. She's going to meet her extended family for the first time and wants nothing more than to make a good impression. Yet, the sheen of the holidays can't hide the trouble caused by meddling grandparents, relentless reporters, and a paranoid uncle.

Chapters (12)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

A few months after the events of Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000, Applejack decides to officially integrate the others into her family with an Apple tradition: a long night of cider drinking.

The next morning Applejack wakes up...in Twilight's bed...with a gold band on her hoof...and a legally binding document on the bedside table...

Cover art by ThePristineEye

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And check out About Last Night: A Deleted Scene, by EquesTRON.

Chapters (22)

After a night of drinking far too much hard cider for their own good, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack awoke to find themselves with wedding bands on their horn and hoof (respectively), a legally-binding document on the bedside table, and a very embarrassing videocassette of a drunken Las Pegasus wedding ceremony. Now, Princess Celestia has summoned Twilight Sparkle and Applejack to her quarters, to have a little word with them about this situation...

This bit of silliness came from reading Darth Link 22's story, "About Last Night". After posting a couple of random comments about Celestia and Luna's possible reactions to the wedding video which were, apparently, funny enough to cause at least one person to nearly choke on their coffee when they read them, I felt inspired enough to expand on it. Two cans of Monster "Absolute Zero" later, this wacky little vignette somehow materialized out of my addled brain... Note that this is not canon as far as Darth's story is concerned! (Although he is certainly welcome to steal any bits he likes from it if he wants to.) Just think of it as a "deleted scene" on the DVD. :pinkiehappy:

This would take place sometime after chapter six, A Most Forgettable Evening, so ideally you should have read at least that far into it before reading this. (And really, you should be reading it anyway, 'cause it's freakin' hilarious. :rainbowlaugh: ) If you just need a quick refresher, chapter two, Feel The Love, is where the wedding video is described.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle expected that her life would change when she exalted as an alicorn and became a princess of Equestria. That much was obvious. What she didn't expect was to learn of the threats that besiege Equetria every day, the kind of threats that would drive mortal ponies mad and make the mighty despair.

Twilight is no stranger to saving the world, but can she manage to maintain her relationships with those close to her when she has become something much more than any of them? And what happens when foes from the distant past threaten to topple even the Exalted Alicorns?

Welcome to Equestria, here's your shovel. This is My Little Pony playing by the rules of Exalted.

Chapters (4)

I want to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ShutterGuy] for the awesome picture he has done for this story. He captured Toby perfectly, so I give all credit to him and also he is a good writer, check out his story "Human and Pony alike", it is good.

Toby Mason is a six year old human child who wishes for someone to love him. One year earlier, Toby lost his mother Ashley Mason who died in a terrible car crash coming to pick him up from school one day. After Ashley's death, Toby was hard to console, but his father James Mason took the loss the hardest.

Feeling as his life ending along with Ashley's, James began drinking heavily, and in turn started becoming abusive toward Toby. Mostly verbally abusive, he would call Toby weak, pathetic, and blamed Ashley's death on him. Heartbroken by his father's actions, Toby would make a wish upon a star to find a new home, and find a new family who would love him and not be mean to him like his father.

How would the ponies of Equestria, especially The Mane Six react toward finding a lost human child in their land? Will the take him in and treat him as one of their own, or will they fear him and abandon him?

Chapters (33)

==Originally written Fall 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
After a long day of ruling Equestria, the Royal Sisters need a chance to unwind. Luna's solution is a few glasses of her once famous Moonshine, a drink distilled from moonlight. Celestia has been sober for a thousand years, but the temptation to have "just one" glass proves too great. Yet, when that one glass turns into several, it's Twilight who will have to deal with the princesses when they’re drunk off their flanks.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Drop of Moonshine

Sequel to Drop of Moonshine -

Applejack receives an order from Princess Celestia, for a batch of cider prepared with a very special recipe that involves honey, yeast, and time. She's even invited to taste the special cider when it's ready. But, when Rainbow Dash finds out about the special tasting, the three mares soon have a little too much to drink. What shenanigans will unfold and how will Twilight keep a lid on things this time?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Scion of Chaos

Five years after the summer in which the three had gotten their cutie marks, Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom, now young mares in their own right, decide to go on a quick summer vacation, all as an attempt by Sweetie Belle to cheer up a sad friend. However, the trip turns out to be more than they had anticipated.

Set five years after Scion of Chaos and An Emerald Treasure. For the sake of context I'd recommend reading both of those first.

Special thanks to Mac349 and Plebeian for proofreading. Thanks to CMC4TW for editing/idea-mulling.

Chapters (24)

Sweetie Belle is compelled to learn magic after Rarity promises to teach her the finer art of dressmaking, but only once the young filly has learned the basics of magic. However, learning magic comes with its own set of complications and bears an unforeseen gift that will change Sweetie Belle's life forever.

Here's a one-shot sequel that takes place four days after Scion of Chaos: An Emerald Treasure

And this is a Multi-chapter sequel that takes place 5 years after the events of SoC and AET: A Heart of Change

Here's a poem that's based around the character Red Timber. (Not necessary to read for the comprehension of the storyline): Red Timber

Special thanks to SameAsUsual for letting me use his art: http://sameasusual.deviantart.com/art/Ultimate-Sweetie-Belle-340226445. And to ShadowBro for adding in the title and cropping the image.

Chapters (21)