• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022


Vibes and sunkisses, your hype man :)

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My life has been flipped upside down, and now I'm in a world of fucking technicolour ponies! Not only that, but I'm a game character now too? And There's a voice inside of my head?!
I'm right here, Aria.
Not now, Stele! Where did it all go wrong...?
Or rather, did it really go wrong? Maybe I'll enjoy this world better than my old one, it's not like I'm missing much back over there anyway.
We know, we didn't have any friends, Aria.
Sigh Well, Dear Reader. Care to sit down, grab a nice cup coffee and read about my tale, do ya?

Elements of this story are Inspired by The Gamer, written by Sangyoung Seong and Illustrated by Sang-A and other Fics on this site, like The Game: Aether and Mind by Zwillingen700

Side note: for those who may thing I'm ripping off the name of another popular fic, I didn't actually know about it before I came up with title, and only learnt that someone else had used this game when someone pointed it out to me.

Chapters (5)

Sunset Shimmer is playing the latest Tirek’s Revenge game; (with a Queen Chrysalis DLC boss to boot). However; due to her constantly losing in the past, Sunset’s been getting a little bit testy lately… . And it seems to have made her friends slightly frightened of her.

What’s gonna happen when Sunset loses again… ? The answer that follows will be quite as destructive as it could get.

Chapters (6)

This is a primarily a short story about stress, anxiety and the importance of parental affection in the development of young adults against a backdrop of political chaos and instability across the Griffonian Empire after a decade of wars; some large and some small.

If that name is unfamiliar to you, then I'm happy to explain that this story is based on a headcanon from the Hearts of Iron IV mod Equestria at War in which Duchess Gabriella and Duke Gerlach secure Griffenheim and rescue Grover VI from the talons of the Archon. From there they reconquer the empire and look after Grover VI as his wards, which gives us the backdrop to this short story.

I have also decided to flesh out this story, you can find the longfic version here which is currently receiving weekly updates, though that may be subject to change as my exams are coming up.

Chapters (1)

At chapter 10 of Past Sins, Princess Celestia brought Nyx to Canterlot almost by force(?) and Nyx became Nightmare Moon. What if Twilight went to Canterlot with Nyx? Will it change? Well, find that out on 'Past sins: What If......'

My first my little pony fanfic. Corrections welcomed but no rude comments.
Recommend to read Past Sins until chapter 10 before Celestia's visit if you didn't.
Special thanks to Pen stroke for the permission to write this.

Yup, my story is 'On Hiatus' again... I'm sorry. Read my blog post if you want to know the reason.

Chapters (2)

On a dark night filled with even darker magics, an insane cult attempts to give Nightmare Moon a body and life of her own, utterly separate from Princess Luna. But, when the spell is interrupted by Celestia, something unexpected is created.

Now, a little black alicorn filly named Nyx finds herself living under the care of Twilight Sparkle, only to be haunted by memories and emotions from her past. Is she Nightmare Moon reborn or is she simply a doppelganger with a soul and mind of her own? Can Twilight Sparkle protect Nyx from those who refuse to see past her dragon eyes and black coat?

Or, will Nyx be forced to inherit the sins that may not even be hers and become the greatest evil Equestria has ever known?

Chapters (22)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

After the conclusion of "My Little Dashie", life goes on for the narrator and Dashie. They do indeed remember each other and all the time they shared, but how can Dashie let her daddy know this crucial fact? Long after Dashie has left his life, he decides to catch up on all the episodes he missed by cutting off when he adopted Dashie. As he watches, suspicion of her lasting memories grows on his part, while she attempts to find a way to communicate her situation to him. Pasts are revealed, shedding significant light on the circumstances of Dashie's adoption, and Dashie tries to throw in an on-screen hint that only he will grasp the true meaning of.

So, this is LONG overdue. I wrote this back in October, inspired both by the original story and by a picture by CSImadmax over on deviantART. However, I did not have a FIMFiction account at the time and merely posted the story on my deviantArt account as a link to the Google Doc that housed it (link if you don't believe me: http://amimizunofan22.deviantart.com/art/My-Little-Dashie-A-Moment-265671483). Nonetheless, I figured that posting it here would help spread it a bit more. So, without further ado, here is My Little Dashie: A Moment. Oh, a quick note: the picture that essentially kickstarted the writing process (and serves as the cover image) and that will give you a much better idea of the closing scene than my description (because I SUCK at describing outfits) is this one: http://csimadmax.deviantart.com/art/new-season-259085425 In fact, have it pulled up once the story gets to Twilight's library at the end.

Chapters (1)

I might make this into a voice acted project (non paid though).

Chapters (3)