• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

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Warning: The following story contains M/M shipping. If you don't like it, you know where the exit button is.

Also the picture is a real painting that I did several months ago.

On the way home from a stressful day for dinner on a rainy night, Fancy Pants and Fleur de Lis were riding in a cab when suddenly as they were passing the poorer part of Canterlot, someone threw a painting out of frustration into a garbage can below. Curious, the unicorn got out of the cab and pulled it out of the rain to find an painting done with impressive skill. As time goes by, his curiosity about the artist who paint it lead him to a stallion down on both himself and his luck by the name of Acrylic Brush.

A huge thank you to Isk for helping me proofread this story. And to Milo Chalks for finishing the last remaining chapters.

Chapters (35)

Warning: The following story is currently unedited and follows more of a Twilight Zone episode.

What you are about to witness is a nightmare. Her name is Cozy Glow. Though she may be young, she is a genius manipulator, strategist, and child actress who has conned herself into the most significant role of all. She will be our guide into a world where “truth” and “lie” no longer have meaning. Where the darkest Machiavellian instincts are given free rein; and tolerance has become a thing of the past. With no one to balance out her newfound power, Cozy Glow can shape Equestria in any way she pleases, by whatever means necessary. Yet, this young tyrant will have to deal with the fallout of her own making. She will have no outside help within her borders… of The Twilight Zone.

Chapters (1)

Today is the greatest day I'll ever know...
Can't live for tomorrow, tomorrow's far too long...

Thanks to my two amazing pre-readers Twow443 and Sliverfish.

Chapters (1)

"My mare, my mare
Don't you lie to me
Tell me where did you sleep last night?
In the pines, in the pines,
Where the sun doesn't ever shine
I would shiver the whole night through..."

Fluttershy goes to visit Rainbow Dash.

Inspired by the Lead Belly song of the same name.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to If You Must

Down and downwards.

Chapters (2)

Whether you steal a candy bar or murder your way through an orphanage with a butter knife, you go to Tartarus.

Too bad for Sweetie Belle that she ended on the lower end of the scope.

Chapters (2)

Rumble left Ponyville when he was old enough to. First place he went: Cloudsdale, the place any right minded pegasus would go. Rumble was tired of the ground, and was ready for things to start looking up, so to speak. The past is in the past, and he only wants the future.

However, after a few months of living there, he finds something behind his apartment building that makes him think he didn't put quite enough distance between himself and Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

Every winter, Applejack heads off into the apple orchard after a heavy snowfall. This year is no different. She can't describe why she does it—to feel the wind chill, to test her endurance, to get some time alone with her thoughts...

All she knows is that she loves the journey.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle is the master of her own mind. She is the Princess of Friendship. She is the fourth piece of the Alicorn Tetrarchy. She has incredible power, and she has always asserted it in a necessary and compassionate way. She has a charmed life—a wonderful set of friends, a beautiful castle in a lovely little town, and is constantly busy with her life, stretching her wings upward and outward to new horizons as often as possible.

There can be nothing wrong with her.

Pre-read by Majin Syeekoh.

Chapters (1)

The pegasus' job in civilized Equestria is to use its weather manipulation talents to create all manners of meteorological phenomena in order to make sure everything is stable. Ponyville is small, but sometimes still requires larger storms to keep it in balance with the rest of Equestria. Huge storms with heavy grey thunderclouds, towering anvils of cloud, swirling with heavy rains and crackling with pure, almost completely wild and untamed bolts of lightning.

And those are the kind of storms Rainbow Dash loves best.

Chapters (1)