• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

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This story is a sequel to Onkalo

Pipp Petals gets a little too involved in ClipClop and HoofTube challenge streamer culture.

This is an outrageously stupid story written purely as a sequel/parody of Seer's brilliant horror fiction Onkalo, which is itself a sequel to Flashgen's brilliant horror fiction Pneuma (this links to an older, Google docs version of the story than is presently available on fimfic, and is the version on which Onkalo is based). Reading these stories is not only imperative to enjoying this fiction, but is highly recommended in general. Much love to the great minds behind some of fimfitiction's greatest horror <3 and thanks for laughing along with me!

Chapters (1)

Trouble looms in post-war paradise. Rarity’s overly generous sales strategy coupled with her unsavory dealings in the illegal Equestrian fur trade have sunk her deep into debt. With every day bringing her closer to homelessness, she is forced to assume her ex-life as a highbrow thief under the hoof of Equestria's last great crime lord, Don Noir.

Meanwhile, Twilight Sparkle searches for a way to help her friend. Her solution: bank robbery! Teaming up with a disgraced and disfigured con-pony, Twilight dives headfirst into the murky depths of the Equestrian underworld. Will she be able to sort everything out by the time Rarity's rent is due? Or will she wind up behind bars just in time to see Rarity wind up on the streets?

Set seven years after a cataclysmic war between pony and griffonkind, An Artist Among Animals chronicles a leader’s descent into corruption, a coward criminal’s mad dash for redemption, a broken veteran's struggle to save his soul, and an artist’s battle to retain her morals while still finding a way to make tons of cash.

--- --- --- --- ---

Cover art by Acreuball.

Chapters (31)

It's been a long time since Rainbow was brought back to Equestria, and some things have not gotten better over the course of a year...

A repost from fanfiction.net, with the authors permission.

I've more or less become the official reposter of DeadLight63's works.

Original Link http://www.fanfiction.net/s/8135475/1/My_Little_Dashie_Unbreakable_Bonds

Chapters (8)

My Little Dashie by ROBCakeran53 left many wondering 'What happened next?', ty500600 took the initiative to give the story an ending, to grant closure to all those saddened hearts. The ending gave closure, as intended, but still left the readers with many questions, myself included. I have taken the liberty to answer some of those questions in this epilogue/story.

Note: In this story, ty500600's Epilogue is only true to a degree, yes it happened but it happened differently.

Dad has been in Equestria for five years now, but what has happened during his time there? What will happen in the future?

This story was initially going to be just an epilogue but I've put some thought into it and I wish to continue the tales of Dad and Dashie.

My Little Dashie : http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1888/My-Little-Dashie

My Little Dashie : A Sequel : http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5284/My-Little-Dashie%3A-A-sequel

My Little Dashie: First Bath : http://garuuspike.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4ckqll

Chapters (18)

A mare of talent and mystery, Songbird Serenade is beloved for her music.

But she hides things from the public, struggling with her inner problems and the fears of her life out of their view. All they ever see is the unbeatable popstar, the cheery mare of the stage. It's all she'll allow them to see. She won't let anyone see otherwise, because then they might be dragged into her torment.

I appreciate the story being shared around, commented on, liked, enjoyed, all that jazz. :ajsmug:

Chapters (1)

Everypony worth their salt should have a backup plan. Cozy Glow knows this better than anyone. And when things start going south, what better backup is there than to go back in time and try again?

But when she ends up accidentally flinging herself into the future instead, she finds that maybe some goals aren’t worth pursuing.

Written for the 2021 Cozy Glow Short Story Contest using the prompt “Cozy makes an unusual friend”.

Chapters (1)

Life can be hard.

But for a young man named Travis, at least there’s a place he can run to.

A place where he has friends. ~ A place where he has understanding.

A place he can call home.

(Rated T for language use)
The Most Dangerous Contest Entry

Chapters (1)

We all have jobs, even ghosts and spirits. Some have simple jobs like protecting or teaching, others have harder jobs like beginnings and endings. The Pale Foal is one such spirit. Join him as he performs his very important job.

This came to mind over the weekend and I thought it would be fun to share it with you all. Its a very short slice of life about life, death and the supernatural in a magic fueled Equestria.

Feel free to share any typos you find, but try not to take it too seriously.

Chapters (1)

A collection of Fluttercord oneshots, all sharing a certain hair clip in common! Was originally a oneshot only, but due to request is now a collection. Just full of fluffy moments between Fluttershy and Discord, and friendshipping shan't be forgotten.

Cover by spazzymousegirl on deviantart.

Chapter Descriptions*

Nuzzle: On their way to a picnic after the Tirek escapade, Discord gives Fluttershy a gift, and in return receives affection in a puzzling way he can't describe. With the help of his friends, can he figure out what happened?

Cuddle: Fluttershy is sick, so Discord decides to take care of her. He'll get her back to health...and keep her warm.

Fly: After helping an injured bear and her cub, Fluttershy must make her way back home in the middle of a storm. Her wings too weak for the winds, she gets hurt. Who will save her? And why, oh why was she born a Pegasus if she cannot even fly? Only love can save her now.

Confess: As all of the gang enjoy each other's company after helping Applejack out at the farm, a misunderstanding happens between Discord and Fluttershy when they are caught holding tails while having a snack with their friends. They have a fight, and Discord leaves them all with a broken heart. Can Fluttershy and Discord work things out? All they have to do is fess up.

Date: After a week apart, Discord asks Fluttershy, his friend-turned-marefriend, to help him 'decorate his room'. But is that really what he's up to? Could it be...a date? But why would he lie?

Celebrate:It's been a year since Tirek's defeat. Dreams bother Discord yet again, and Fluttershy is acting suspicious around him. It becomes clear to him that she's keeping a few secrets from him, and he needs to figure out why.

*Celestia and Cadence also makes an appearance, but it won't let me add them to the character list. T_T

Chapters (6)