• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

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Estimated Reading: 12 weeks



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Day in and day out, he always faced the two of them; but one was nothing more than a distraction from the other. In order to avoid facing the nightmare he anticipated every single time he saw her, he would always direct his attention back towards the other; the distraction.

And when he reveled in that distraction one time too many, he lost something that he could never recover.

Special thanks to Petrichord, Pascoite, The Elusive Badgerpony, and Comet Burst for input, pre-reading, and proofreading.

Chapters (1)

When you were God
Did it all seem like it was going to go as plotted out?
And when you were God
Did you expect a silence to your every shout?

When you were God
Did you expect every head to be bowed?
And when you were God
Did you expect your voice to be that loud?

When you were God
Did they ever ask you where they would go next?
And when you were God
Did you ever wish for that deep rest?

And when you were God
Did you begin to believe that all of it was real?
All the things that they had said
Even though you're the only mortal here?

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie loves her friends.

She's very good at showing this, too.

Even if it seems like there's nothing anypony can do—least of all her—she'll be there for you.

In memory of CoffeeBean.

Originally written for the April 2020 Quills and Sofas Speedwriting Candy Contest.

Preread by darf and r5h.

Chapters (1)

While having tea with Fluttershy, Rarity notices that there is somewhat of an ant problem in her friend's cottage.

Inquiries into why this is the case are more difficult than expected.

If you like my work, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.

Chapters (1)

They've forgiven Starlight Glimmer for her past. Despite everything that she had done, they forgave her. It is something wonderful, the power of forgiveness.

It is a shame she can't forgive herself.

edited by AHAUNTEDGHOST and crush'dx3
coverart stolen and edited from Cadillacdynamite

Chapters (2)

"Most things out here are ambivalent. The animals, the forest, they don't care about you. But the river? The river is trying to kill you."

"I have found that in our darkest days, we judge ourselves not in terms of what we can do, but in what we fail to do."

CW: death by drowning in the background, implied suicide attempt

Entry for the Twilight Files contest. This story is a media fic best read on the site. If any piece of media is not working (and Red is still active on FimFic) please let him know.

Chapters (33)

after discovering an old photograph, moondancer reflects on past relationships, and how they affect her to this day. she also ponders a simple question; does she want to be alone, or does she want to be surrounded by others?

moondancer is such a fascinating character to me because of her backstory, and i wish she could've gotten more focus in the show.

thank you for reading this. it means the world to me.

Chapters (1)

After a long day in town, Fluttershy feels ill. While trying to recover, she has strange dreams and starts to recall meeting somepony on her way home that day. Hopefully, she'll recover soon, and be able to enjoy another blue, sunny day with her friends.

CW: Animal death and Suicide.

Expanded from an entry for the Quills and Sofas Speedwriting's "Colorful Characters: Fluttershy" contest where it took second place. The only requirement for the contest was to write a story centered on Fluttershy in an hour. However, I've had the idea for ages, and glad I finally wrote it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to No More Beauty

In the dark of night, Fluttershy always found it very difficult not to slip into memories of what had happened to her.

She knew that dwelling on it did her no favors.

Really what she was truly damaged by is what she’d become.

Chapters (1)