• Member Since 24th Jan, 2022

Miro MM

I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all, I see it all

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I've been wearing a mask. For how long i'm not certain. Someday that mask will come off. Either i'll remove it willingly or it'll fall off at the worst moment. Until then i'll just write the letters which i'll never send.

Warning: Suicidal and depressive thoughts

Now with audio reading Dear Princess Celestia

Lovingly edited by one of my best friends Jumbled

Chapters (1)

"And here you'll see the statue of the Lord of Chaos, Discord, imprisoned in stone..."

A group of students from the School for Gifted Unicorns are given a chance to visit Celestia's royal garden and a curious filly decides to ask about a statue that's in their tour, where they all hear the story of how the spirit of chaos fell into a stone imprisonment for the third and final time.

Art by: Kabudragon

Chapters (1)

Warning: Philosophically dark.

A lot has happened since Celestia and Luna disappeared nine hundred years ago. There are no wars, no diseases, no pain, no death. Princess Twilight, Discord, and Spike do everything to ensure that the utopia continues.

But even the most ideal paradises have ponies that wish it wasn't so.

Story inspired by Mister Saugrenu’s artwork 1000 Years in the Future.

Reading by Scribbler Productions

Edited by Soge.
French translation by Anima Draconis.

Chapters (2)

Big Mac, a notorious pedophile, takes the Cake Twins out for a wonderful night of SFW romance.

My entry into the SFW foalcon contest.

Chapters (1)

Your dad is out of town.

You've got the whole house to yourself.

You invite Berry Punch over.

You'll find heaven in her hooves tonight.

Pre-read by r5h, Pearple Prose, and re-Yamsmos.

Edited cover by ThePoneDrome. Un-edited art originally by ayahana. If you like my work, consider donating to my Ko-Fi.

Chapters (1)

Prologue to Missed Calls.

Fluttershy is unable to move, and unable to feel anything that is going on around her. Her world is strange, and she doesn't really know what is going on. So, unable to move, she does the only thing that she can do.

She remembers.

Translated into Russian by Athlete.

Chapters (1)


“H-hello, you’ve reached Fluttershy. I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, but if you could leave a message I will get back as soon as possible. Thank you…”


“H-hello, you’ve reached Fluttershy. I’m sorry I can’t come to the phone right now, but if you could leave a message I will get back as soon as possible. Thank you…”


Translated into Russian by Athlete.
Translated into French by BlackRockSparkle.

Chapters (2)

It's been a year since her coronation as queen, and Twilight Sparkle has a lot on her mind. Most importantly, the actions of a certain draconequus and how they helped her along her journey.

Chapters (1)

Every weekend when the library's closed and no threats to Ponykind are around, Spike and Twilight enjoy their nights with munchies and some flicks. This time though, their choice of cinema encourages some interesting discoveries between the long-time friends.

(Image is cropped from Frist44's work on Derpibooru.)

Chapters (1)

It's the spooky season of October and Pinkie wants to celebrate the approaching Halloween with scary movies. She gets her sisters together to watch a horror movie, but rather than a typical scary movie with ghosts or slashers, she wants to try out something a little more hardcore. So, she picks out Rob Zombie's cult classic, The Devil's Rejects.

She might regret this.

Warning: Contains spoilers for The Devil's Rejects and lots of swearing from Limestone.

Spiritual sequel to Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy Watch The Human Centipede.

Chapters (1)