• Member Since 20th May, 2022


I'm just a person-thing that likes good fanfic,fun video games, great food and fantastic animated series (western and anime)

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This story is a sequel to Still No Signal

To the point: Human in Equestria, Cheerilee decides to make a move on him and it works? Kind of? Something like that.

Anyways, I was writing a story about a blatantly self insert I mean... a human going to Equestria, but thinking about reasonable reactions and interactions ponies and the human would have (You know, the most cliché stuff you could ever imagine, but it was a guilty pleasure to write). So, I was avoiding ANY romance at all, focusing on language and culture learning and adaptation but then, last year Valentine's day came and I decided to throw everything trough the window and write a silly romance one based on it and... well, let's say it's on time this year! Kind of, because is not finished yet, but I suppose I could post it as incomplete and go from there. So, I will publish this cheeky cheesy incomplete story here and see what happens...

It may contain human x pony romance, references, fluff, traces of memes and other allergens, including subtle RGRE moments.

Added 'Narcotics' because there is a description of a hangover, and better be safe than sorry, I guess.

Lazy cover image screencap from derpi

NOTE: The 'prequel' is about the setting for this story, but is not required to read to understand this one. Actually, this one was published BEFORE the 'prequel'.

Chapters (7)

After a strange alien creature named Anon suddenly showed up in Equestria, it was only natural that Twilight Sparkle would want to help him adjust to his new environment. To do so, she enlists the help of local school teacher Ms. Cheerilee. With her guidance, Anon should be able to learn how to do things the "pony way," and before he knows it, he'll be another friendly face in Ponyville's growing community.

Unfortunately, Cheerilee isn't exactly a fan of the new human in town, nor is said human particularly happy to be under the tutelage of an elementary school teacher.

Is there any hope of them getting along?

Chapters (12)

Stink Beatle, or drone 007, was a changeling of the Badlands Hive! Well, was, you see, his Queen is an idiot and a bit of a psycho. So instead of partaking in a stupid idea, like invading the capital of the strongest nation that Equus has ever seen, he left the Hive to live amongst ponies in peace… Yeah no, that didn’t happen either. He somehow winds up in Canterlot shortly after the invasion… In the castle, under a Princess’s wing.

Doesn’t this just put a hole in your leg?

Chapters (20)

Adam Merkur believed he could not obtain any form of success on Earth, so he accepts a deal from Discord: To be sent to Equestria as the next Lord of Chaos.

However, running from your problems always has its' consequence. Now Adam is in a world that sees him as a villain, trapped in a body he hates, and stuck with a dark destiny. Can Adam achieve the success he desires, moreover, what is 'success' to him now?

All art is made by me.
Begins during Season 3 Ep. 10.

Chapters (18)

After experiencing a humiliating defeat at the hands of Anne Boonchuy, a fragment of the Core enters through a portal that leads to Equestria. After discovering that the land is filled with the Magic of Friendship and has a new ruler, the Core plots to undermine it with a plan that neither Twilight nor her friends will be aware of.

Note: This happens after the events of Amphibia’s series finale “The Hardest Thing” and during the events of MLP: FIM’s “The Last Problem”.

Chapters (9)

This is tagged as Spyro the dragon but is a mlp x Skylanders crossover. There is simply no Skylanders tag so it will have to do.

Frederik, Jason, Fred, Keith, Barry, Mateo, Kaitlin, Kellie, Kendal and Chadwick are all good friends who met at a game expo a couple years back, all cosplaying as their favorite Skylander. One day when they were all hanging out at Keith's house. A weird box is dropped at his front door, which contains figurines of their favorite Skylanders, all wearing a accessory they were currently wearing.

The moment they all grab their respective figurine, they all black out and wake up in the middle of a clearing in the whitetail woods.

This series will be complicated for you to understand if you don't know about Skylanders. I personally only have played the games and will only write lore around what i know and the games. Each character will unlock the different forms of their Skylanders. If a Skylander doesn't have a rerelease (example being one of the Skylanders in this story), or not enough forms. They will get custom forms picked by myself.

You may ask what counts as a form for them? Anything basically. A special figurine such as a glow in the dark? Special form. Lightcore? Special form. Etc.


Chapters (3)

Jessica finds herself flung into a world she has little concept of. Everything is strange and new to her, but worst of all she cannot communicate with the native inhabitants. A world of monsters and sapient ponies, griffons and other assorted beasts is no place for a human girl.

How will Jessica cope? Without an understanding of their language how will she make her way in the world, will she even be able to ever communicate with them? Why was she even brought into the world and is there even a way for her to get home?

(Thanks to Tulip for the Cover image!)

(Also now apparently has a Tv Tropes page in the making. )

Now has a re-telling in progress focusing on the Equestrians' side of things, A Stranger Among the Voices

Chapters (13)

Just under a week before Hearth's Warming, a young mother finds a lone changeling child at the mercy of the elements. Will this nymph become her family's salvation? Or its damnation?

A spirital successsor to Raugos' Integration. (Familiarity not required)

All artwork done by Jowyb

Proofreading by The Fan Without a Face

Chapters (14)

"I can't believe I overlooked something as simple as feathers. It's no wonder you were having trouble. I wish I had more 'dragonish' knowledge to give you..."

Those words will have far reaching consequences when Twilight took those words to heart and contacted the one dragon that she thought could help: Dragon Lord Ember. Whom she sends will shake the very foundations of history and magic.

New cover as of 9/22/23
Also how the hey did this get featured? (9/18/22)

Chapters (26)

Book 1 in the Titans' Orb saga.
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The Titans' Orb is a magical stone created by the Holy Titans of Harmony to protect the world of Equus from interdimensional threats. After a vengeful demigod breaks loose from Tartarus, the Orb is shattered into six pieces and sent to Planet Earth, scattering across the globe. With all of Equus now in terrible danger, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are sent to retrieve the pieces at once.

Meanwhile on Earth, there lives a boy named Callum, recently fatherless and enduring the torment of an abusive family. He is soon to discover that the fictional characters from his beloved T.V show, are not so fictional.

Alongside his newfound companions, he is soon to embark upon a great adventure.

To find the Titans' Orb...

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Chapters (32)