• Member Since 20th May, 2022


I'm just a person-thing that likes good fanfic,fun video games, great food and fantastic animated series (western and anime)

Favourites 232 stories
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Estimated Reading: 13 weeks


  • Favourites 232 stories

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  • Featured 23573 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 0 stories Stories that have been reviewed

This story will be a reboot of my original story with an entirely new direction and story. We delve into the life of a peculiar farmer woman, thrust into a foreign world through some cosmic mishap. Clearly out of place, she finds herself devoid of the ability to sense the presence of anyone familiar. Instead, she keenly perceives the gazes and whispers of the forest enveloping her. Lost and directionless, she struggles to find her bearings amidst this unfamiliar terrain.

Chapters (6)

Wanting to impress his best friend and bolster his own reputation. Discord takes a human from earth and changes him into a colt. But not just any human, a human who knows about the show itself. Thus begins a symbiotic relationship where Anon gets to experience life in Equestria as a young child while Discord can use him for his own plans. Of course, the information of Anon's origins are to remain a secret. And this of course, along with Anon being quite the manchild, creates all sorts of hi-jinks for both him and those around him. Though, considering his adoptive father is Discord. Chaos is all part of the course.

The story is mostly slice of life. Especially at the beginning. But as it goes on, things become more chaotic and life tumbles down into chaos for our good Anon. Everything from dealing with the queen of the changelings to even getting his own chance at soviet Glimmer. All that and more in this story.

This is a reformatted version (reformatted by ShobieShy) of the greentexted "Dadonequus Discord" written during mid season 5 by myself.

Cover Art by "Bunny". made specifically for the story

https://pastebin.com/u/Erf1111 link to the original version

Chapters (327)

The summer season was just about over at Stella Lacus adventure summer camp. Amie and her younger brother Wes were eager to return home. Unfortunately for them, their adventures had only just begun.

All at once, the entire summer camp and the mountain it was built upon shifted universes, leaving Earth behind for a far stranger world. In the same moment, every camper, counselor, and staff-member transformed into strange insectoid creatures, with unknown powers and incomprehensible needs.

Instead of returning to nursing school, Amie has a new goal: keep her little brother alive. If only the other campers didn't look at him like food...

Updates every Saturday. Editing by Two Bit and Sparktail.

Awesome cover by SimonDrawsStuff.

This story was sponsored by Canary in the Coal Mine on my Patreon. Thanks so much for your support!

Chapters (89)

The Changelings are in rough shape, ArchQueen Chrysalis has been taking over the other Hives and purging their Royals, with the intention of becoming the sole ruler of the Changelings and eventually taking over the world.

While she has successfully wiped out most of the Royals, she doesn't know she missed one, a young Royal Stallion, hidden away by his mother and father to challenge Chrysalis for the right to rule the Changelings.

Now this young Royal, with the help of his trusted friends and allies, must build his own Hive for the eventual confrontation.

Story starts a few years before Nightmare Moon's return and goes from there.

Will add or change tags if needed and may change the cover art.

Chapters (27)

This story is a sequel to Winds of Change

He wished for friendship.
He wished for acceptance.
He wished for peace.
He got more than he bargained for.
He got the throne he’d never cared for and the whole hive to watch over, and now King Thorax must lead his kind into a new era of peace and harmony such as the changelings had never known before. So much is at stake, not just for him or his people, but for the whole world; he cannot allow himself to fail.

Good thing he knows what he’s doing.

…he does, right?

Edit 2-Jan-22: made it into the Featured slot! Thanks guys!

Chapters (37)

[Displaced Story]

[I don't own Dragon Ball Super or My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic]

My name is Michael, well... it was. Now I'm known as Goku Black, or Black for short. I was thrown into this world of pastel-colored ponies with magical powers a thousand years ago. I was happy, trained under my Teacher, Master Starswirl. Until another wanted control, I couldn't risk the ponies I cared about getting hurt if he got control, so with the help of the Princesses, sealed me in stone with the help of the Elements of Harmony. I don't know how long I've been here, but it sure has been boring. After what has been centuries, I feel like now is the right time to be released from my stone prison.

Chapters (23)

Spike wins the Gauntlet of Fire but decides not to give the Bloodstone Scepter to Ember for he has other plans in mind. Twilight and her friends are not thrilled to lose Spike but the Dragons welcome him. Spike discovers what Dragons are missing will lead them to prosperity.

Takes place during season 6 episode 5.

This story got featured 4/20/23-4/21/23, 5/2/23, 5/3/23, 5/10/23, 5/14/23, 5/20/23, 6/6/23, 6/21/23, 6/24/23, 6/29/23, 7/14/23, 1/13/24, 3/1/24, 3/22/24 AWESOME!

Chapters (23)

When their mother brings home an abandoned purple hatchling, and introduces him as Spike, the newest member of their family, both Garble and Smolder are more than thrilled. Garble even vows to be the best big brother he can be for Spike, no matter what he does or fails to do.

Does he really need to act like a pony?

An alternate universe where Spike is raised by Garble's family.

Featured on 2/26/2020! Thank you everyone!

Edited by VoxAdam

Cover art drawn by Doodle-Mark

Old cover art Cover Art drawn by boskocomicartist for SpikeSmolder fan, used with the commissioner's permission.

Chapters (30)

After a month of being missing after a magical mishap, Spike has returned to Ponyville. However, he's not the adorable baby dragon everyone remembers.

Now a well fleshed out drake, and garbed in armor the likes of which ponies have never seen, he walks with caution, grace, and absolute confidence. His eyes show wisdom beyond his years, but he has trouble remembering details about his friends. But he returned with a purpose.

He also didn't return alone.

One thing is certain though...he has a story to tell. That is this story.


MLP/Metroid crossover.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: Now with cover art by DavieRocket.

Chapters (141)

Six months had passed since Spike had vanished during Twilight's ascension. Six months of frantic searching, worry, and finally grief for the Mane 6 and princesses

That is, until a strange object lands during Twilight and Tirek's battle, carrying the lost drake back home...with a few changes and one heck of a story.

(Inspired by Tatsurou's 'Another Hatchling')

Chapters (31)