• Member Since 20th May, 2022


I'm just a person-thing that likes good fanfic,fun video games, great food and fantastic animated series (western and anime)

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This is a fic based on the Time Loop Files, the format of which was first codified by Innortal on fanfiction.net.
Here's a brief guide.
The basic idea is, one character (the Anchor, usually the main character of a fictional setting) is looping back to the very first moments of their parent series every time either they die or some kind of time limit expires. They of course end up monumentally stir crazy given enough time.
Eventually others start to loop as well.
The reset is not always perfect. Sometimes a loop's history will be different to the "prime" loop, or canonical plot.
"Crossover" or "Fusion" loops also occur, randomly. These can involve the home loopers having a guest, or the anchor for one universe spending time in another, or replacements of one character by another.
Vacation Loops are where the Anchor (or others) decide/s "buck it" and lets off steam by doing whatever comes to mind. There's little or no attempt to maintain the original timeline.

In addition, and particularly more recently, it should be known that this story has a collaborative element to it - people may submit loop ideas or loops, ideally at the Spacebattles thread (a link to the current version of which is on the Trope page), and they may become included.

There's two page image options, thanks to Filraen - the current page image has been edited by the original creator from this work of theirs.. The other one is here:

Chapters (233)

Okay, so quick recap: originally I had a pretty decent life on Earth albeit with parents who often busy with work and whatnot. One day while I was enjoying breakfast, a pair of golden-plated bracelets arrived on my doorstep and I accidentally made a mistake of slipping them on. Now I'm on another world as a hot-smoking blonde who isn't just a powerhouse but also has a pair of shotgun-styled gauntlets. I just can't catch a break, can I?

Oh, and I forgot to mention one other thing: I lost my memories too.

(Cover Art was made by me!)

(Displaced!Yang fanfiction!)

Chapters (9)

A suit of armour wakes up in the woods from a very long nap and has some issues. These involve some less than stable quadrupeds called ponies and one very specific one which we shall refer to as Luna.

Cover art from: https://www.artstation.com/andrewdoma

Featured basically whenever there's an update. Not sure as to why.

Chapters (38)

Aiden escapes Earth to flee from a group of hunters after his life since he had turned eighteen. He hopes that this is the last time he has to travel to another world.

Enjoying what little peace he has in isolation within the Everfree Forest, Aiden makes himself a home using his own hands and magic. Hopefully the inhabitants of this world don't mind a bit of magic...

Art by: VoidHeart (inactive)

Editors/Pre-Readers: ChaosPaladin and Soaring.

Chapters (2)

A cynical and distrustful man has a drunken conversation at a bar with someone and finds himself waking up in a land of talking ponies the next day. The catch? He's now a Ninetales. "Great...where's the bar?"

Chapters (35)

Adam Inns has always been a simple man. For him, whiling his days away in a log cabin with a good book and a good view is a life well spent, no matter which planet he inhabits. But one day, after a misunderstanding with a Royal Guard gets Celestia involved, she decides to have a little fun at Adam's expense, and he suddenly finds himself as the proud owner and sovereign of a brand-new country, his to do with as he pleases.

However, the joke slowly finds a life of its own, as the poor and outcast find themselves on Inns' doorstep, with nowhere else to go and little reason to love Equestria. As the new state begins to grow into its own, Adam discovers that the calculus of rulership is not as forgiving as he once thought - and as the Equestrian system shudders under the weight of a thousand years of status quo coming to an abrupt end, his newfound convictions soon put him on a collision course with his friend, Celestia... a course neither may be willing to correct.

Can harmony and friendship really prevail against cold, hard realpolitik?

Chapters (25)

Sora was an average teenage boy, though average was an understatement. At the age of fourteen, he was thrust into a battle between light and darkness, wielding a mystical weapon known as the Keyblade, saving worlds from creatures known as the Heartless and finding his friends, Riku and Kairi. He has saved the universe many times from the Heartless, saved Kingdom Hearts from being controlled by those with evil intentions, and has made new friends in each world he visited.

However, he fails his mark of mastery exam after almost getting himself killed by Xehanort's younger self, needing to be rescued by his friends as Riku and Kairi become Keyblade Masters. Needing more training before he can retake his exam, Master Yen Sid gives him coordinates to somewhere in the galaxy, though the information on what was there or why was unanswered, obeying his teacher. But as he was close to reaching the coordinates, his own gummi ship, which he crafted on his own while on a break a week prior to his exam's failure, malfunctions for some unknown reason and crashes into the world of Equestria.

With no way to make it back home, and Equestria too far from the rest of the worlds to contact his friends or fix his ship, Sora is stranded on this new world until someone realized he's been missing. Until then, he's going to have to fit in, his magic transforming his body into being a part of the world like in many others he visited in the past, and be patient. Little does he know that there were also dangers that lurked in this world, aside from any Heartless that may appear.

Sora's story takes place after the events of Dream Drop Distance, his adventures beginning in Equestria before the season 1 premiere of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Kingdom Hearts is owned by Square Enix and Disney. My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is owned by Hasbro.

EDIT: Those who are new to this story, there are links in a majority of the chapters where they lead to soundtracks of Kingdom Hearts to help build an atmosphere in the story. Sadly, most of them may come up as dead links because those videos had been taken down by the YouTuber for some reason, even if there are some still active by that same person, or they'll be gone as well if they happen again. With how many chapters I've put in this story, and how many links there might be, I don't have the patience to take them down or find new links with the right music I chose for those moments if I can remember which ones. So, up until Equestria Girls: Legend of Everfree (Part 3), ignore the links, as much as I hate to say that with the hard work I've done. Hopefully this crossover will be as enjoyable without music as it keeps on going. :twilightsmile:

Chapters (237)

After a conversation with the Mane Six causes Spike's mind to wander and fill with worries, he tries to find a quiet spot to collect his thoughts and think things thru. However, during his "free time", he finds himself in the magic mirror room again. As he watches himself, he makes a simple, silly mistake that ends up sending him back to that strange, pony-less world. This time, he doesn't have Twilight's help, but the strangest thing is the way he appears there: much less dog-like and much more...human.

(This story is located in a "flexible" timeline, the only events that occurred in the human world were the ones of the first movie.)

Chapters (36)

If you ever met Sunstone when he was but a young colt, you would’ve seen a large grin, two purple eyes full of determination, and an earth pony who could take on the world.

But something happened over the years. As Sunstone grew older, more and more did his cheerful smile morph into an ugly scowl. His enthusiastic attitude gradually capsized, leaving in its stead a disgruntled husk of his former self.

Shining Armor and Twilight Sparkle: Two gifted unicorns that would quickly undermine everything Sunstone has been hoping to achieve, unintentionally turning him into the underdog he never wished to be. Resentment overtaking his better judgement, feeling doomed to be living forever in the shadow of his immensely successful brother and sister, Sunstone has had a lifetime of feeling thoroughly unremarkable.

Unable to bear his inability to stand out amongst his younger siblings, Sunstone vowed to never see his family again. It’s been five years since he departed on a journey to finally understand his true place in Equestria.

Not once has he looked back at the life he left behind.

Chapters (8)

Five humans fell through the barrier between two worlds, straight into the clutches of King Sombra. Forced to drink from a mystical teapot, their bodies transformed into beasts he could use. With his helmets in place he now commands them:

The Yak with brutish strength, the Unicorn and his piercing spells, the Thestral who stalks the night battlefields, and the Dragon that rains down fire on those who oppose their Great King. All four now loyal soldiers.

But what of the fifth? What happened to the last human in the group and why does he not fight alongside the others?

- The death and gore tags relate to particular moments that are more implied than seen and described.
- Darker themes are usually in, but not exclusive to, the main story arcs.
- There is also minor talk of suicide in a very short part, so I have added the tag just to be safe.
- Contains themes regarding gender identity and dysphoria which play out over the course of the entire story.

As before, this may need to change rating from Teen to Mature.

Cover art is by the very talented Mix-up.

Um, apparently this made the featured list on January 15th 2020... Thank you all so much!
Featured on Equestria Daily on May 26th 2020!

This is the home of the stories known as the Teapot Tales.
Side story arcs will be between the main arcs.
Side stories along with a second and third arc are already planned.

Chapters (22)