• Member Since 20th May, 2022


I'm just a person-thing that likes good fanfic,fun video games, great food and fantastic animated series (western and anime)

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Cadence is killed in an attack by Queen Chrysalis as an act of revenge for the failed invasion, Shining kills her in retaliation but the lonely life soon gets to him. Shining has become distant from everypony & pays attention to only his work ruling as king of the Crystal Empire. After 3 years of separating himself from Equestria a hero of the Crystal Empire returns to save him from himself & just maybe show him how to love again.

Chapters (19)

Our protagonists awakens in Equestria as a with only a bare bone understanding of the world they are now in.

And after a bad encounter with Trixie our protagonist Amber Wood has decided to stick around Ponyville.

Will living in Equestria help heal the wounds her old life left behind.

This tale begins just before the start of the series.

Chapters (33)

August Roltan was a prodigy, no one could argue that. An heir to one of the most prestigious schools of magic, and a respected scholar despite his young age. He could have become the greatest mage of his generation. Apparently, it was not ment to be. Now, waking up in an unkown land and with new body, he can rely only on his magic and wits as he tries to find his way home.

Chapters (3)

When Puss is called upon the town of Gold Plaza, by a courier named Anton saying Mayor Marco is seeking help to capture the wanted criminal of the town named Claw the Gutter, whom has been terrorizing the town for years. Puss himself goes to the town to meet up with the Sheriff named Johnny Dead Eye they worked together to stop a robbery of a Ruby called The Forsaken they all fought against each other, until as a last desperate act Claw used the Ruby to escape only for him Puss and Johnny to end up in a strange new world now a criminal is on the loose with the only ticket back to their world.Puss and Johnny need to catch Claw and put him to justice but things take an interesting turn.The duo bumped into a certain con artist cat and unexpected group of 6 ponies and a dragon later on at Klugetown, They both team up to help each other out with each of there situation’s.

Takes place after the Netflix show The Adventures of Puss in Boots and before The Last Wish and that the same time during the MLP Movie.

The OC characters are mine since I only created them for the story to make it interesting and exciting.

Extra Tag:Comedy, Sad

Chapters (2)

In Manehattan there is a strange ape-like creature that is being held in a lab. Its injuries bear the distinctive marks of illegal sport hunting by exotic game poachers.

What's strange is that there's an entire section in books on natural life about this creature designating its kind maned apes. What's even stranger is that there are accounts throughout Equestria's history about maned apes turning up.

The maned ape, given the moniker Big Red by the scientists holding it, is given over to the crown and transferred to Ponyville for safe keeping. The Mane 6 comb through Equestria's historical texts and oral account to try and find where the maned apes come from.

This is an HiE story that starts in Season 1 shortly after Apple Buck Season.

EDIT: 6-8-2022 Featured! Woo-hoo!
18-202023 Featured! Woo-hoo!

Chapters (9)

Discord had broken free from his stone imprisonment and now he could spread chaos once again. But once again he'll be thwarted by the elements of harmony so he came up with a backup plan, find someone else to cause chaos for him and what better creature is as naturally chaotic as him? Humans. Not one, not two, but four.

Chapters (8)

Daring Do finds an interesting creature. She isn't going to take care of it, so she brings it to the Royal Sisters to deal with. Surely they can handle it, right?

Chapters (8)

Everyone in equestria is surprised when the lamb arrives and shakes up the status quo. I decided to combine two things i love, Cult of the Lamb & My little pony. Be warned, there will be descriptions of things in cult of the lamb, but nothing too bloody or gory.

Chapters (4)

Featured on May 14, 2013. And again on November 29, 2014 more times than I can count thanks to you guys.

Now with our own TVtropes page! Help us catalog the awesomeness.

Holy crap we've got a trailer too!

MLP:FIM is the property of Lauren Faust
Bleach is the property of Tite Kubo

Plot aspects for chapter thirty six onward contributed and improved by Ketvirtas and Alondro
Chapters 0-88 proofread by xbox432
Chapters 89-onward proofread by LyonAzakura
Partially inspired by Dirty Bit's story Cuatro
Further inspired by Christopher28's story A Different Viewpoint of Equestria
Further inspired by Trinary story Friendship is Empathy
Random plot elements inspired by SwimmingDalek98 and Phoenix Archangel
Story structure and pacing inspired by Tite Kubo

Ulquiorra Cifer was defeated at the hands of a mere human and died in Las Noches. Or at least that's what he thought. In the boundary that separates life and death for all Hollows, he's found by one that finds him interesting enough to give a second chance at life free from Aizen's control, and free to do as he pleases; he was just never told that his second chance of life would take him to an alternate world he never could've imagined even if he tried.

The land of Equestria is a magical place full of hope, and second chances. In this land where friendship is considered the most powerful magic in existence, can the Cuatro Espada find something that's been missing and learn how to live? Or will his presence be the downfall of the peaceful world and all of its inhabitants?

Chapters (155)

Rainbow Dash's morning was pretty much ruined.
She tripped getting out of bed and landed flat on her face, giving herself an aching muzzle.
She forgot to buy her favorite brand of hay flakes at the store yesterday and had to eat plain toast for breakfast.
She found out she had to pull double-duty today and tomorrow on the weather patrol.
Oh, and she found a nearly-dead foal, broken and bleeding at the edge of Ponyville.

The rest of her day became a whirlpool of stress and worry but the colt woke up, thank Celestia.
Something's not right, though. Nopony can find his parents, he's not in the registers, and there's an unsettling look in his eye...

YouTube reading by Fire Hearth

Chinese Translation by forgivenlove

Russian Translation by Likantrop

TV Tropes page, if you're interested in that sort of thing.

Chapters (15)