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In S9, After King Sombra's horn was found in the Crystal Empire, the princesses have decided to resurrect him and reform him. The pony to reform him will be none other than... Fluttershy! But what will happen when our yellow pegasus learns more about the evil king? When he gets his strength back, he is ready to attack the crystal empire, but will he?

Chapters (22)

After a portal experiment goes terribly wrong, Twilight finds herself on a strange world full of bipedal, magical creatures. She has no idea how to get back home. Maybe her new friends, a young Tauren and an Undead, can help her. They know of a magical city in the sky which might hold the answer to her problem. But can she really trust anybody in a world where true friendship is a rarity?

Knowledge of the Warcraft universe is not necessary to understand this story - but it might make reading it more fun.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Daughter of the Night

Twilight must go on an adventure to reunite with her council. This proves difficult when they are stretched all over Equestria and Nightmare Moon has taken control and brought forth eternal night. They must wield the Elements to rid Twilight’s mother of Nightmare Moon.

Chapters (12)

Twilight Sparkle the child of Princess Luna and her husband Night Shadow born 1008 years ago, she had a happy life with her Mother, Father and Aunt, but after 5 years this happiness started to end, her mother and aunt began to fight more and more and rumours began to spread about Luna and her daughter

New Cover Art by: lilfunkman

Chapters (3)

Kyle Slater was your typical soldier in the Alliance army. He was one of the few Human monks, but aside from that there was nothing truly remarkable about him. However, when the Iron Horde began their initial invasion of Azeroth, the unstable Dark Portal hurled Kyle across the universe to an uncharted world.

This strange new world appeared friendly and inviting, but dark forces threatened its safety. Facing a familiar foe he had hoped to be defeated, Kyle was forced to rely on his strength and wits to survive. Still, he was a soldier of the Alliance. This wouldn't be a problem. He was prepared for anything.

Except, perhaps, colorful talking Ponies.


World of Warcraft crossover

Beware the comments - They contain spoilers.

First Fic attempt. Please let me know what you think and where I need to improve.

Featured 10-29-2014! Holy cow, you guys are awesome!

Goodfic Bin approved!

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Cinematic Adventures: The Conjuring

So far the Mane Six and Spike have been in many strange and exciting adventures. From the land of Oz, to the shores of Spooky Island. They’ve helped a little sea sponge save his town, and they’ve rescued a helpless family from a demonic spirit. Now they will find themselves facing their biggest challenge to date. Watch as they journey to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to join Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, and Hermione Granger on the adventure of a lifetime. They will cast spells, fly broomsticks, and craft potions, all while trying to trying to stop the most dark Wizard that has ever existed in the Wizarding World, Lord Voldemort.

Chapters (26)

Armed with her mighty hammer Mjolnir, Twilight protects her home, Equinsgard the realm eternal. But after a failed attempt to learn how a small force of Windigos broke into her home and thus starting a war, Twilight is banished from her home. To her despair she is banished to Midgard where she meets Minuette, a unicorn bent on understanding the secrets of the universe. Can Twilight regain her honor in time to protect her new friend or will her brother, Shining Armor, destroy all she cares about? Watch as Twilight becomes one of Equestria's mightiest heroes.
Cowritten with Spideremblembrony(chapter 5 and on)
Proofread by Avenging-Hobbits(prologue-chapter 3)

Cover Art be Tate Shaw( agian this will be a link soon)

Chapters (17)

Twilight Sparkle has been betrayed by Celestia, all her friends brutally killed in front of her eyes after the young unicorn woke up one morning with wings. Celestia had realized that Twilight had been chosen by the Elements of Harmony to replace Luna and herself as the leading force of Equestria, and correctly surmised that the other Elements would have followed shortly after and become a united force the current princesses couldn’t hope to defeat if they chose to contest their position for the throne. Even though Twilight doesn't want to acknowledge her destiny as Equestria's next chosen ruler, the new alicorn cannot let the tyrants she has now seen Celestia and Luna really are remain in power.
Armed with only the Elements of Harmony and her burning rage, Twilight sets out to avenge her friends and free Equestria from Celestia and Luna's tyranny.
The fate of Equestria, as well as the balance of this entire universe, hinges on Twilight's success.

Chapters (5)

After Celestia banished Nightmare Moon to the moon, the Elements put her daughter into a coma. She wakes up centuries later with little recollection to what happened. Everything goes down in the Summer Sun Celebration but will she be able to stop her mother’s madness?

Chapters (8)

Twilight Amicitia Aurora Sparkle:

"Goddess of Harmonic Forces"
"Crownprincess of Equestria"
"The Protector of Pony Kind"
"Goddess of Magic"
"One of the divine three"
"Heavensent of the Stars..."

That all were just a few of the many titels the youngest alicorn princess of Equestria was known too.

It sure might be nice and had it´s benefits to be a kind of litteral goddess. Yet she herself couldnˋt care less for her near omnipotence and limitless wisdom.

What were all her titels; powers of the god of gods; all the knowledge one could wish for and an immortal live and body worth when one had like no actual friends?

After breefly seeing five young mares at their honoring ceremony. Just barely some hours after they averted a recent threat, she decides to taste her luck and aproach them in friendship - after all friendship is a kind of harmony, isn´t it?

An alicorn seen as an omnipotent goddess by her subjects. Approaching five seemingly ordinary mares...what could possibly go wrong about that....

G5, it's ponies and events are seen as uncannon and never to be happened (or happening) for this story and it's arc. Familiar names used are solely for the purpose of "Royal Friendship" and it's separate alternate universe storyline.

Cover Art made and used with Permission by zidanemina . Definitely check it out. Thatˋs some serious quality over there!:raritywink:

Chapters (7)