• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012


A Cruel And Terrible Crustacean

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After the War of the Ring and the return of peace to Middle-earth, Gandalf the White departs for Equestria to visit two old friends of his; specifically, a certain pair of alicorn sisters.

Yet he does not foresee that Equestria, like ponykind, has changed with the years since his previous visit, and so he is quite unprepared for what lies ahead. Can the Wizard endure the trials that this new journey will bring? Surely, but only if he makes a few more friends along the way.

Six more, to be exact.

Written with a heavily Tolkien-influenced style, which has been sampled by:


Countless thanks for your help, guys!

(Originally posted on 8/21/12 on FIMfiction. This is written by an author that has only seen the films and has yet to finish the books, so there may be slight discrepancies.)

Chapters (4)

One by one, Twilight and her friends must come to terms with the consequences of being the Elements of Harmony.

These stories take place in the intervening time between Season One and Season Two,
with the exception of Ditzy Doo: Muffins, which takes place early in Season One.

The series continues in the sequel, Secrets and Lies.

Pony Psychology has a TV Tropes Page.

Chapters (13)

Rainbow finally takes a chance with Twilight and her dreams come true as a result. But, enduring everything that happens in any relationship, both good and bad, can they create something truly permanent? Will their relationship weather the trials and tribulations or will it crash and burn all around them?

This is my first serious attempt at writing so all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Big thanks to Fox-Sama for his help prereading/editing and also giving me the confidence to go through and post this in the first place. Go check out his story too.
Big shout out to shadowsreached as well for being an awesome prereader/editor.
Thanks goes to MajorWheat and Hellpony for choosing to help me out. I appreciate it guys.

Cover art used with permission and made by NyuuChanDiannePie on DeviantArt. Go check him out, he does AMAZING Twidash art.

Characters property of Hasbro. I own nothing.

Chapters (4)

“Pure Chaos? Now there’s a joke if ever I heard one. No no no listen. I am the unexpected. I am disharmony. I am that one piece of spaghetti that refuses to stay on the fork. I am, and always will be, Discord. Oh, it's true that I may enjoy chaos... Oh, who am I kidding? I love the stuff. But I am not chaos itself. What you see before you, however... Now that is pure chaos"

If you think this is just your average HIE then think again. With only the thoughts of getting back home our lost human will have to get to grips with the world around her, just as the world struggles with getting to grips with her.

Chapters (10)

Octavia has hit rock bottom. After the Gala and being forced to play that song, she was cast out by high society. Now she must gather the shreds of her pride, only to have to swallow them to work under the only pony that seems willing to hire her. Now it's time for her to make a name for herself all over again, and she's determined to make it no matter what, even if she has to start over from Scratch.

Chapters (17)

Sweetie Belle is compelled to learn magic after Rarity promises to teach her the finer art of dressmaking, but only once the young filly has learned the basics of magic. However, learning magic comes with its own set of complications and bears an unforeseen gift that will change Sweetie Belle's life forever.

Here's a one-shot sequel that takes place four days after Scion of Chaos: An Emerald Treasure

And this is a Multi-chapter sequel that takes place 5 years after the events of SoC and AET: A Heart of Change

Here's a poem that's based around the character Red Timber. (Not necessary to read for the comprehension of the storyline): Red Timber

Special thanks to SameAsUsual for letting me use his art: http://sameasusual.deviantart.com/art/Ultimate-Sweetie-Belle-340226445. And to ShadowBro for adding in the title and cropping the image.

Chapters (21)

Blueblood just wants to run his charity and be left alone, but High Society - and starry-eyed mares - have other plans.

He's not a good stallion, but maybe he's a better one than even he would guess. Now if only he'd stop being so cynical...

Chapters (10)

The Piano Man has spent the last month in captivity, forced to play the piano as part of The Great and Powerful Trixie's traveling show. Now he's free, and recovering under the care of the Equestrian monarchy while Trixie awaits trial for her crimes.
All is not well, however. The Piano Man has a long road of recovery ahead, and all the time he must compete with overbearing carers, his own mental trauma, and even discrimination from members of Equestria's unicorn supremacist subculture.

This story is the kinda (can't stress that part enough) better-written sequel to 'The Piano Man'. Because the first story involved some rather dark scenes, I have included a helpful catch-up in the first chapter - so if you have no interest in reading a dark story, then you can ignore the first piece and skip straight ahead to this one.
'The Piano Man: Act II' is most certainly not a dark story, and neither is it sad. The sad tag is in place for scenes in which I reference the previous installment, and nothing else.

The absolutely amazing cover image was created by the even more amazing WIL_I_ZIN, (deviantART) who is just... just awesome, for helping out.

Chapters (26)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up one morning to a harsh dose of unreality. She is stranded, without her friends, on an island which matches no known locale on Equestria. Surrounded and harried on all sides by the alien and the dangerous, she will find her mettle sorely tested, and find perhaps that the best friends you will ever have in your life are the ones you make when your back is to the wall...

Thanks to CedricBale and noobie56xx for tracking down the name of the artist so I could give them credit.

Chapters (13)

Pound Cake never cared for Canterlot. Why should he? This city has poisoned his existence, destroyed who he his, mutilated his body and soul and left him only a shell of who he could've been. And so he leaves it behind by rising above it, taking up the dangerous job of runner and transporting documents from rooftop to rooftop, away from the prying eyes of the provisional government. But when his sister is framed for a crime that would make her the most wanted criminal in all of Canterlot, he must prove her innocence while protecting the ones he loves and the lifestyle he has grown accustomed to.

A pseudo-crossover with Mirror's Edge. Teen for swearing ponies. A big thank you to all my pre-readers as well, for helping me crank this thing out!

Chapters (5)