• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012


A Cruel And Terrible Crustacean

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One day, Fluttershy wakes up only to find herself in a changed world. Ponyville and Equestria are not how she remembers them: airships cross the sky, steam-powered machinery drives the economy and the rule of Celestia is no more. In this strange alternate world, Fluttershy reunites with her dear friends and learns of the event that changed history itself. Worse, the timid pegasus seems to have arrived just in time to witness the rapidly approaching climax of a civil war that has been raging for three hundred years...

Chapters (40)

"Equestria's Guard: the Bravest and the Best. Do you have what it takes?"

So the advertisements say. When Rainbow Dash saves the life of Princess Luna, however, she quickly comes to learn that there's a lot more to the guard than what everypony knows. As she faces down threats to her friends, her Princesses, and her country, Rainbow will have to decide exactly who she is loyal to.

A Price of Loyalty story.

Chapters (19)

Twilight Sparkle wakes up on the edge of the Everfree Forest, with no memory of how she got there, or why she is now several months pregnant. The last thing she remembers is getting home to Ponyville after attending her brother's wedding. What happened? Why is she with foal? And why has Fluttershy's cottage been abandoned for some time?
This is my first MLP fic, and the first story I have posted online in many years. Its been bouncing around my head for several months now, and I've been wanting to write for much longer. I would like some feedback on my writing style, and if you have any ideas for where to take this tale, please share them with me.

Sequal: The Rogue Stallion

Chapters (13)

Sequel of Moving On: Silver Spoon's Story

Edited by- Lewie!
Many thanks to Steel Resolve & Comma-Kazie

Having faced and surpassed the challenge of making new friends, Silver Spoon's tranquil and simplistic world comes to an abrupt halt once family obligations begin to lurk in her shadow. With the help of the crusaders, Silver Spoon and co. uncover a Silver family secret that could possibly shift the fate of all of Ponyville.

Chapters (10)

COMPLETE! NOW WITH SEQUEL!Diamond Tiara has moved away to Manehattan leaving behind a lonely and friendless Silver Spoon. Depression slowly sets in, but one Cutie Mark Crusader extends the hoof of friendship. The sequel The Spoon That Refused Polish

Chapters (15)

I've spent the majority of my life tilling the desolate land in which I live. Every day, I wake up to move useless rocks from one location to another. This is an archaic line of work that my family has clung to for generations. It is a dull, grey existence.

Today, I have woken up in a strange room, lying in a bed that isn't mine. I'm surrounded by five mares whom I've never seen in my life. They claim to be my friends, and expect me to bring joy to the hearts of everypony.

Joy? I don't think I've ever experienced this for myself, so how am I supposed to thrust it upon others?

My name is Pinkamena Diane Pie, and I'm not sure what to make of this situation.

Chapters (11)

At the height of the EndWar, a Ghost team has orders to track down a madman who has kidnapped some of the United States' top scientists. However, when it turns out that the madman has used them to build a portal to escape from the world's ongoing onslaught, he runs through, forcing the Ghost team to follow through and take him down. In the aftermath of events, the Ghosts realize that they have no way to return home, and find themselves in a middle of a conflict that calls upon their talents to protect Equestria.

Crossover Material: Ghost Recon/MLP
Rated Teen for Graphic Violence and Language

Earth events take place in an alternate reality EndWar/Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
Future Soldier technology is only drawn from initial previews of the game (exoskeletons, crosscoms, MR8s, rocket pods, active camouflage).

Chapters (27)

This is an official End of Ponies side story, written with permission from Short Skirts and Explosions.

Red is a Diamond Dog that survived the cataclysm that brought about the end of Equestria. He lives in the Wasteland, operating a mechanic shop and airstrip. His life is simple; he spends his days working on airships and serving his pack. As a stormfront blows overhead, Red remembers a chance encounter with the Last Pony, and sets out on an adventure, determined to hunt down the last equine in the world.

It is not necessary to have read End of Ponies to understand Red Wings.

Chapters (9)

A diplomatic crisis arises between Equestria and the small, poor kingdom of Tarandroland, ancestral home of the reindeer. Celestia and Luna agree that it is time Luna takes a more active hand in foreign relations again, and Luna brings Twilight with her as someone she actually trusts and can talk to. But the mission turns out to be much more than political discussions - if scheming unicorn courtiers, unfriendly surly reindeer, bloodthirsty pirates, ancient sorcery and dangerous monsters weren't enough, our heroines must deal with something old - older than Luna. And is Luna really ready for diplomatic action, will Twilight learn to use a fan properly, and exactly how wrong are Spike's superhero comics about reindeer mythology?

Now has a TV tropes page

Chapters (56)

This is it. Junior Flight Camp: where a pegasus gets their Flyer's Certificate, the official proof that they can fly on their own. Scootaloo's anxious to finally leave her flightless state behind, but having two star flyers in your group doesn't exactly help your nerves much. Nor does having a pair of first-timers as your instructors and an insane unicorn bard as the nurse.

And then there's Doldrum Whimper: a bulky pegasus colt who's the victim of choice in his school, yet can't seem to grasp that his strength is something he should be using. He's like Fluttershy on steroids, for Celestia's sake! Well, he's nice to have around, at least, and it's not like Scootaloo can't make new friends... if they measure up...

Rating adjusted for safe measure. There's no gore, no overly explicit themes, but some of the things are mildly suggestive. It would get under the radar of a kid's show, no problem, but it'd be noted for flying under the radar, still. It's mostly meant to be funny, but I warn you there are some sad moments in this. Don't say I did not warn you, I'm merely pointing it out because I can't use the sad and comedy tags together.

16/9 Edit: in the process of being rewritten. Layout will be adjusted, OC's colour scheme will be adjusted, some unclear elements will be clarified.
17/9 Edit: Rewritten to be grammatically more correct, and the OC now has a new colour scheme. Hope you enjoy!
15/12-17/12 Edit:More grammatical correctness in the spacing of dialogues, some little changes to make things sound more natural and some mentions of Whimper being purple corrected. I could've sworn I fixed all that before, though. Oh well...
Edit of the edit: gone over the whole thing based on the WRITE review of the first chapter, hopefully it's an improvement. The grammar should be accurate now, and OOC-ness reduced, at least in those chapters that allowed for enough leeway.

Chapters (15)