• Member Since 2nd Mar, 2012


A Cruel And Terrible Crustacean

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In the year 2030, a multinational merchandising corporation teams up with a newly established genetics lab to design and market living My Little Pony companions. A flawless mesh of living tissue and true artificial intelligence, these ponies are able to breed, age, learn, speak and eventually pass on at the same rate as your average human being. Their 'cute' and/or 'adorable' designs are marketed towards families and children.

Being critters of ultimately artificial design, however. Government officials disagree with these creations, claiming them to be a slight against nature. 'Playing god' is never a good thing.

In this story, we follow Fey, an upper-class young woman. And her unicorn companion. Together they fight to put a stop to a bill that would call for the closure of the genetics lab that created the ponies, along with each and every creatures immediate destruction.

Chapters (1)

The Equestrian Industrial Revolution is in full swing. Rainbow Dash returns to a drastically changed Ponyville and to Twilight Sparkle, her last friend in the city. She must rekindle the bonds of love and friendship before the winds of change render the Elements of Harmony irrelevant. Even in a world of steel, fire and glass, loyalty is needed more than ever.

Chapters (19)

What happens, happens. I think that is one of the rules of Causality as stated by the late, great Douglas Adams. It is a pretty important rule and I use it to guide me through life, no matter what goes on in it. So, when I was driving to an out of town job and found myself in another world, I did my best to take everything in stride.

I would be the first to say the adjustment is not easy. Especially, when the first thing you do is make yourself a pony distrusted, disliked and defamed by some national heros. Thinking about that, I think I have to invoke another Douglas Adams quote. "Don't Panic."


This is the result of me getting bored one day and starting writing. Now that I got a bit of it done, I wouldn't mind honest opinions, and flame away if you feel the need. I have thick skin.

As you might notice, there are a few chapters with a box at the top. These are the ones that my editor and I went through again, and hopefully improved. I'll refrain from changing plot but spelling, grammar and flow are all up for grab. Especially for the early chapters.

Chapters (26)

In the year 2148, Earth Ponies discovered they were not alone in the universe.

Discovering an ancient cache of technology belonging to an extinct race identified only as the Alicorn, the Earth Ponies soared to new heights of technological advancement. With their newfound strength, they searched the galaxy for more hidden treasures of the Alicorn empire, soon discovering the existence of other space-faring races that shared their lust for progress and knowledge.

But when their fevered searching unearths ghosts that were better left buried, and mysteries better left unsolved, the Equestrian Galaxy is besieged by an ancient foe bent on nothing than the total destruction of life. Only one group of friends, led by a single Earth Pony soldier, can stop the coming darkness, all the while trying to answer the great question at the center of it all; what happened to the Alicorn Civilization and the Equestria that was?

Chapters (17)

Brought to you by Loyal2Luna, this new Downloadable Content for Mass Effect 2 brings the fight to Equestria.

Just about ready to embark on their mission to stop the Collectors from further abducting human colonies, Commander Shepard and the crew of the Normandy SR-2 are given a new priority, when the Illusive Man tasks them with investigating the mysterious disappearance of a Cerberus science team.

Soon, what begins as a simple search-and-rescue unveils a mystery millions of years in the making, and the Commander finds himself thrust into a situation he couldn't possibly have prepared himself for.

Join the Hero of the Citadel as he uncovers the secrets, combats the demons, and ultimately decides the fate of the impossible world known as "Equestria."

Chapters (17)

What if ponies replaced humans in the Mass Effect universe? Will Commander Sparkle save the day like Shepard did?

Special thanks to vimbert and 108Echoes from Ponychan's /fic/ for proofreading and conceptual ideas.

The GDoc links, if FimFiction does not fancy you. This is both my working copy and the originals that was published on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (12)

When the world turns upside down for the Kingdom of Equestria, is it impossible for it to recover? When final words are spoken, all of Equestria will be forced to take sides. A select few must shoulder the burden of restoring balance to the kingdom, doing whatever it takes to bring back the peace, risking the sacrifice of all they hold dear.

Chapters (9)

Some memories never fade.

For Rainbow Dash, there's too much truth in that statement. The war, the fall of Cloudsdale, and especially the death of her closest friend all remain as vibrant in her tired mind as if it were happening to her for the first time.

Meanwhile, another has taken a forbidden road to escape the darkness in her past, and in doing so, she may plunge Equestria into darkness once again.

With everything on a silent path to destruction, the only one able to stop it may be too conflicted with her own feelings to save her home, her friends, her country... herself. Will she even be able to reach the answers hidden in the shadows?

After all... some things are best left forgotten.

This is the sequel to "The Eversleep". It is not necessary to read that story first.
Cover art commissioned by DragonMew: http://dragonmew.deviantart.com/#/d55frrj

Chapters (35)

Currently being written by Antojo Pony .

So then, what would happen if a human baby ended up and was raised in Equestria?

Will they be a normal everyday worker? Will they be a Celestia Knight? Will they take over the world? Will they speed up Equestrias technology level with good old human ingenuity?

Honestly I have no idea!

So that's why I need YOUR help! You, the readers will decide their personality, their dreams, their... everything really. So lets get started!

Cover art made by ForestOfSpring

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle has always kept to herself. Isolated in her studies, she leaves the library only to spend time with family. Friends, she has none. No significant other. No pals, no work mates. In fact, no work to speak of, either. And so, it seemed natural to ask - who is this girl, really? And moreover, why am I so drawn to her?

[WARNING: Spoilers contain comments! Wait...no...]

Chapters (13)