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The Piano Man has spent the last month in captivity, forced to play the piano as part of The Great and Powerful Trixie's traveling show. Now he's free, and recovering under the care of the Equestrian monarchy while Trixie awaits trial for her crimes.
All is not well, however. The Piano Man has a long road of recovery ahead, and all the time he must compete with overbearing carers, his own mental trauma, and even discrimination from members of Equestria's unicorn supremacist subculture.

This story is the kinda (can't stress that part enough) better-written sequel to 'The Piano Man'. Because the first story involved some rather dark scenes, I have included a helpful catch-up in the first chapter - so if you have no interest in reading a dark story, then you can ignore the first piece and skip straight ahead to this one.
'The Piano Man: Act II' is most certainly not a dark story, and neither is it sad. The sad tag is in place for scenes in which I reference the previous installment, and nothing else.

The absolutely amazing cover image was created by the even more amazing WIL_I_ZIN, (deviantART) who is just... just awesome, for helping out.

Chapters (26)

Revised as of 06/06/2013
Felix Jackson died saving a little girl from a train. Fortunately, it wasn't his time to go and Death was just about to send him back. But Felix pulls a fast one and tricks Death into sending him to Equestria. And Death is none to pleased about this. It's tough enough to avoid death on earth; but when you're the only human in a world of miniature technicolor ponies, hiding becomes all but impossible.

Revision editing done by HoovesMcCoy, AuthorGenesis, and Anonymous

Pre-reading done by Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, and munomana.

Chapters (8)

Due to circumstances beyond his control, and unbeknownst to him, a human ends up in Equestria's not so distant past and falls in with none other than Daring Do. Check out the adventures of Daring when teaming up with a snarky human!

Chapters (5)

It all began thousands of years ago in some dark and smoky cave with a tale-teller chanting to his awe-struck tribe huddled around a sputtering fire. He told of strange beasts, angry gods, and dark magic afoot in a dangerous world. He embellished a bit too much, and technology was young. Nothing could be proven, so these stories became ghost stories.

But in a civilized Equestria, ghost stories are just for fun. Just for scaring fillies and colts on a Nightmare Night slumber party.

So, when an orange filly happens upon a book out in the everfree, she doesn't think twice about sharing its contents with her easy-to-scare friends. What she doesn't know, is that she didn't find a book. She found a journal. And it's not like any ghost story she has ever read.

A horror fic, or at least my attempt at one. Based heavily on the Slenderman legend, or at least my interpretation of it. There won't be any gore or sex, so don't think this is your typical "Oh, it's already rated R for being scary, lets just throw a few sex scenes in it" that Hollywood tends to lap up like a thirsty dog.

Have fun, and remember... Once you see him, it's already too late.

Chapters (7)

Twilight is an intelligent mare, and always has something to say. But when a group of bizarre creatures shows up at her library offering life long service and devotion, for once she's at a loss for words. Which is too bad, because she'd really love to ask: what's a human and why are they so weird?

Story Image by: Megan Lara

Chapters (1)

Canterlot... For centuries, Canterlot was the shining gem of Equestria, the pinnacle of pony society. Now, it’s a reminder, a bleak and monolithic warning to the world. 

Changed by the chemical and technological poisons that plague the mountain, an abomination of nature, I wander the greatest disaster Equestria has ever seen. 

... I will escape eventually, and when I do, I hope my friends still see me as Twilight Sparkle, and not the monster that hides among the ruins. 

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has disappeared. Not just from the face of Equestria but possibly from the face of her universe itself. She must now learn how to survive in a place unlike anything which she has experienced thus far. Luckily she has a friend out in the Wasteland. Join Twilight and The Lone Wanderer as they try and discover a way to send Twilight back to Equestria. Of course this is the Wasteland and things are never as simple as they appear...

Now has a Tumblr

Chapters (35)

In the beautiful land of Equestria, a creature born of darkness and despair from a world where hope long lay dead crashes from the sky. A beast of little more than destruction and fury. His name is Jonas, and he has no idea why all these colorful ponies are talking.

Chapters (5)

A pianist from Earth is home on a lonely Saturday, getting ready to enjoy his weekend, when he is suddenly summoned to Equestria - only to find himself being held captive by The Great and Powerful Trixie, who plans to use him as a piano-playing slave in her show.

If you came here looking for the sequel, 'The Piano Man: Act II', it can be found here.

Chapters (12)

Kevin Costern is a human in Equestria. But how will he deal with natives that don't speak English?

When you're done, check out the sequel.

Chapters (17)