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I still can't believe it all started with a family camping trip gone wrong. One moment I was enjoying my time with my parents and brothers, then next thing I knew I was stranded on a world full of magic and mythological creatures. In one day, I went from worrying about the upcoming calculus test to worrying about my next meal. I remember how the only thing keeping me going was the hope that I might find a way home. Little did I know that some deities had other plans in store for me.

I remember all the promises I made, both those kept and betrayed. I remember the friends I made on my little adventure; the same friends I threw away when everything came crashing down. Oh, the memories I made... Oh, the memories I am now forever cursed to remember.

I suppose this is a just punishment. My only regret is that my friends may never hear my side of the story.

Set between Seasons 2 and 3 // Some deviations from canon post-season 2 due to when this was originally started.

Pre-read, Cover art, and Audio Reading provided by: Skijarama

Chapters (32)

35,000 years ago humanity ruled the sol system. But a violent war broke out taring humanity apart and bringing humans to extinction. Years later new life formed and the remains of human civilization was mostly lost to time. most of it.

Characters will be added as the story goes on.

Chapters (2)

Ever since she was a little filly, Pinkie Pie has wished for a human for her to care for, to be best friends with, and to have fun with. Hearth's Warming Eve is coming, and after the tragic events of Pinkie's sisters passing away due to a disease, Twilight attempts the impossible. And for once, it actually works. But is easily regretted thereafter.

(You guys I'm sorry I had to do this)
This is just a simple short story that I got the idea for when I was in class, and imagined an image of Pinkie Pie hugging a human (Yes, it was me). And thus, this happened. I have absolutely no idea whatsoever how this will turn out. I'm writing this to clear my writer's block, and to get me back on track with my updates and stuff.

Chapters (5)

The Cutie Mark Crusaders have always lived in the now, getting what they think needs to be done as a soon as possible, executing their plans just so they can move on to the next one right away, not thinking about the consequences till they’re right there in their faces. But when an attempt to earn their cutie marks goes too far, Sweetie Belle and her friends must face a horrible reality that sends their world into darkness and fear. How will the truth be uncovered and what will be sacrificed to undo this nightmare?

Chapters (3)

Years, he did not know how long he was trapped in those accursed caverns, forced to do their bidding. But he did know that he would be free. He was broken; he pieced himself back together. He didn't piece himself correctly. He is free. What left the caverns is no longer a man. He broke free of his shackles; he is now little more than a creature. Enslavement can change a lot of things about a person. Would you break?

Characters and tags will be added as the story progresses.

Chapters (8)

The Shadow...
A dark entity that has been plagueing the quiet town of Ponyville for several days now...
...is really freaking annoying the manure out of everypony there, especially Rainbow Dash. But as the mane 6 try to get together to catch this trolling creature, what mysteries will they inevitably uncover?

Will they find the origins of the creature?
Will they figure out why it retreats to the Everfree Forest when it's done trolling ponies?
And will they be able to outsmart it?
Maybe... maybe...
...but I have yet to meet a mare that can outsmart the Bonk!

(Pssst, the shadow is the Scout. TF2 crossover peeps!)

Chapters (3)

Inspired by a random 4chan post 'Rarity is now beside you, what do?' I decided to write what my reaction would be in a slightly more realistic scenario. ( As realistic as random ponies appearing out of nowhere can be.) (PS I wrote the story as a character, not as myself specifically. It's just how I would react in that situation.)

Chapters (2)

I'm a spiteful old man. I've spent my entire life trying to fulfill my wish. The same thing every one of us wants.

The year is 2070. I'm the last brony alive, 82 years old. But I did it. I created the portal. And I'm jumping through. No regrets.

I've actually finished writing this story! Can you believe it? It's also available in book form, Click Here to go to lulu.com

Chapters (14)

Sometimes, it is better to speak without saying anything at all. But when not saying anything at all is the only option, it can make life much harder.

A man awakes in a new place, alone, yet not. Will he meet someone, or somepony, that will accept him for his differences?

Chapters (25)

September 17th, 1862 became the single bloodiest day in American history when a battle was fought along the Antietam Creek near Sharpsburg, Maryland.

Yesterday, Fluttershy hummed happily as she watered her garden.

The two events are not unrelated.

Chapters (4)