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After tiring of Twilight's hostile attitude, Discord decides to "help" the Elements of Harmony by bringing in an alternate version of each of them. These duplicates from various worlds aren't told anything about each other, which is good. The last thing Equestria needs is these monsters working together.

***Not too dark!***

Elements of Disharmony
Pinkie Pie from Cupcakes by Sergeant Sprinkles

Rainbow Dash from Rainbow Factory by AuroraDawn

Rarity from The Secret Life of Rarity by BronyWriter

Fluttershy from Pattycakes by Pegacorn Ondacob

Twilight Sparkle from Death Note: Equestria by Nonagon

Applejack from Bad Apples by... Bisque? It's hard to find an evil Applejack story.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle, a new ruler in Equestria, has only been a princess for a few weeks. She just returned from an adventure in a new world that she never knew of, but she still doesn't feel ready for life as a leader. On the other hoof, Flash Sentry is just a new member of the Canterlot Royal Guard. As a member of the guard, his job is to protect the three princesses in Canterlot, as well as tour with them wherever they go. This turns into a romantic relationship, and they live happily ever after.

Actually, no they don't. That only happens in fairy tales.

Rated Teen for suggestive scenes and innuendo jokes, but if you know me you know that my stories are always the PG rated version, where the acts aren't described after kissing or touching. This story takes place after Equestria Girls but before Season 4, not including any new developments in the series or comics after the movie.

Artwork by: cat4lyst.
Edited/Pre-read by: Gemstone The Unicorn (final chapter only).
External Links: Goodreads.

First Story: A Guard and a Princess.
Second Story: A Prince and a Princess.

Chapters (21)

Welcome everybody, my name's Markiplier and this is a short story about one of the worst days of my life. I had to spend twenty-four hours in a world of multicolored ponies and try to survive this chaotic world within the allotted time. Fans, they are many, they are awesome, but sometimes... they're not from our lovely little rock called,"Earth."

I hope you'll enjoy this, but should you find something unsatisfactory about it, well... there's a lot more interesting stories you could be reading. Have a good one.

Keep it cool, Condemned.

Chapters (7)

Over the course of a single day Lavender Breeze's life was destroyed. Regretting all the things she's lost, she longs for closure.

Then in her darkest moment, she comes face to face with the thing she hates the most, the thing she blames for everything that's happened.

Chapters (1)

The magic of friendship flows through every creature, big and small. They just need a little push in the right direction. Tired of living under their masters' neglect, insanity or just plain monotony, the pets all desire (in one way or another) to take life in a new, more exciting direction.

When a mysterious curse is laid on the Elements of Harmony, turning the bearers into pets and their pets into ponies, the misfits embark on a dangerous trek to break it. What was originally meant to be a quick trip around Equestria turns into a harrowing journey that expands from the comfy suburbs of Ponyville to the forgotten ruins of an underground kingdom to the biting tundra of the north, all filled with odd characters, laughter and an evil that has lasted for generations as the pets each embrace their inner hero. Because as we all know: the greatest of legends always start with the smallest beginnings.

Story Theme: Matthew Perryman Jones - Swallow the Sea (Pt. 2)

*Guys, I appreciate every bit of feedback I get, but can you do your best to be constructive? I'd like to know what I did right, what I did wrong, and where I can improve so that this story could be at its best.
Thanks go to the beautiful MrJoshy, Rainbow Bob, Vexy, Astrocity, Skeeter the Lurker, and funkyferret for editing and reviewing.

Credit for image and title go to Shawnyall and Equestria-Prevails

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash shows a surprising amount of manipulation to get Twilight out for a romantic night. Rarity might have helped a little.

Cover art by DoktorRainbowFridge

Chapters (3)

On one peaceful day in the magical land of Equestria a strange structure arisen from the ground right by ponyville! This structure attracted the attention of everypony in all of Equestria bringing the most renown Equestrian archaeologist to just plain tourists. Just what is it most ponies ask "what is it" and "where did it come from" some thought it is from aliens some think a sign from the lost race of the Humans. However when somepony tries to get near it Multiable objects comes flying at them and if they get hit by said objects they get injured or possibly even killed!

If that wasn't enough who would think that this device was design to control minds, then bring back the lost race of humans falling come crashing down the sky literally, and then the mane 6, the CMC, and others along with the humans Traveling back in time to the fall of humanity the Great World War III

A Command and Conquer Yuri's Revenge and My little pony Friendship is magic Crossover in an alternative Red alert universe where the great war ended in the destruction in the Human race making the plant uninhabitable to humans forcing them to live deep underground or in space.

This is an idea I came up with while playing Yuri revenge and having MLP playing in the background (yes I do this some times)

This is my first attempt at a fan fiction so please go easy on me and yes I know my grimmer and spelling suck so don't be to picky on it. I'm also unsure about the tags as well and I encourage constructive criticism too and ideas as well.

Chapters (1)

Citizens of Cascade Falls, the enemy is dangerously close to your homes, and you must evacuate. Feel no fear, for their attempts to take your town will be futile. A battalion of America's finest vigilantly stand on guard to ensure your homes are protected from the communist pigs. Vacate the area immediately after hearing this message. A refugee camp is prepared fifteen miles from here for any and all American citizens.

Please have your forms of identification ready upon arrival. Failure to comply with this rule will immediately result in execution. Please follow these steps, for they are your best hope of survival.


This is a WIC crossover, following the plot and storyline of the game, with a few improvisements to where the details were too vague.

Cover picture made by Wubsy.

Chapters (5)

Twilight gets drunk and ships Rainbow Dash with everything in the universe.

Rainbow Dash is not amused.

Chapters (4)

My name is Simon "Ghost" Riley. I was part of Task Force 141, an elite group of soldiers composed of the best of the best. Our mission was to take down Makarov, the mastermind of Russian invasion of America. The team consistered of myself, Roach, Ozone, and Scarecrow with sniper support from Archer and Toad. We didn't find Makarov, but we did find a jackpot of information. On our way to the landing zone, Ozone and Scarecrow were killed by mortar fire while me and Roach managed to survive. I dragged him all the way to the LZ but fate had other plans in store for us, specifically death at the hands of our own commanding officer. Shot point-blank, the shock and blood loss made my vision blur as everything went dark. I couldn't feel my body or when I hit the ground, but I could smell the scent of something before flames engulfed the world. I tried to resist Death's offer, but in the end, I gave in. I welcomed his embrace, hoping that I'd finally find peace.

Instead, here I am, alive and kicking in a world full of bloody ponies.

Chapters (5)