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An idea which wouldn't stop bugging me til I wrote it down. After Albert Wesker is defeated,he finds himself in a strange land. A strange land known as Equestria. How will a supposed god deal with the power of friendship and magic? Rated T to be safe.

Cover picture was drawn by Astringe on Deviantart, I can't draw for the life of me. I've asked permission and everything so no lawsuits should follow.

Chapters (51)

The Elements of Harmony are known to many as the most powerful form of magic known to Equestria. Together, their combined might has cleansed deities as powerful as Nightmare Moon of the evil that plagued her, and has imprisoned forces as insidious as Discord, the embodiment of Chaos itself.

So when news of six mysterious strangers, evidently not of this world, arrives in a letter from the Princess, with rumors abound that they are searching for the Bearers of the Elements, Twilight Sparkle is rather concerned, and more than a little suspicious, of their intentions for the Elements of Harmony, fearing that they might be plotting to either destroy them, or somehow steal its power for some unknown, nefarious purpose...

Except that they're not plotting the theft, or destruction, of the Elements.

They're plotting a succession - a succession of power UNTO the Bearers of the Elements. Powers the likes of which ponykind has never witnessed - and power which may upset the balance of magic in Equestria forever...

Book One of Three of the Codex: Equestria, and the first part of an epic trilogy that will shake the very foundations of Equestria as we know it.

Chapters (11)

After receiving two tickets to Dodge Junction's Founder's Day Festival, Applejack invites Rainbow Dash to join her in what looks to be a great time full of fun, games, rides, food, and more. But hidden behind all this is an opportunity for Applejack to finally tell Dash how she feels about her. Can the farmpony manage to confess between all the excitement?

(My entry for the AppleDash contest, image belongs to OZE-JP and not me)

Chapters (7)

As Luna begins her downward spiral to evil, Star Swirl the Bearded returns from a dark future and makes a terrible discovery - someone, or something, has altered the course of time! As he works to set things right, will his involvement change things for the better, or has the mage doomed Equestria to an even more terrible fate?

Made the feature box twice! :rainbowkiss:

• The second part is now available, which you can read by clicking here.
• Is the time travel stuff confusing? (Yes is the only correct answer.) Then click here to get a better understanding!
• NOTICE: This story contains an OC mary sue, an over-powered mage, some really dark moments and my poor but only occasional attempts at writing comedy. It also has warm fuzzy moments, too.

Chapters (12)

Twilight is banished from Equestria by Princess Celestia. How will Twilight convince her mentor and friends not to banish her?

Story by PLCTheCd, commissioned by Tan575 and artwork by CSImadmax

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Story of a Royal Guard [OUTDATED]

The Story of a Royal Guard series has been completely rewritten for the sake of quality, making this outdated. See The Guard And His Sword for the updated and higher quality story!

This fic will remain for the sake of still retaining the source material.

Chapters (11)

In a universe where humans are quite shocked to find ponies that speak languages at all, let alone English, the startling discoveries never seem to stop for the poor crew of the SMS Verreiter IV, an old-warship-turned-exploration-vessel hybrid that's certainly seen better days. Heck, some even speak of times that it had days where all the systems functioned properly for hours at a time.

Either way, they're on a mission of exploration, which means they'll be visiting every Old Earth-sized rock they can find. With a motley consignment composed of few jittery scientists, veteran marines, an exasperated captain, and a combat-hardened, battle-forged crew with absolutely nothing to do besides repair their own ship from itself, it seems like it'll be a very long year of exploration.

Then they find a planet with some rather startling similarities to human society.

Like Manehattan, the apparent parody of the American district, ponies having developed the English language, and the use of human-like tools and buildings.

And when the ship's transmitter fails at the worst possible moment, Forschungsschiff Kapitan Arnhem Zorner has to decide how best to introduce his country and humanity to these beings. Who can levitate books probably as easily as they could levitate knives and hurl them at him.

He doesn't know whether to laugh of cry at the situation that's been thrown at his face.

Chapters (7)

Tired of Luna's constant nagging, Celestia agrees to give internet dating a try. Using the website www.notforeveralone.com, Luna helps Celestia go on dates with potential immortal suitors. Shouldn't be too hard to find true love, right?

You can make a suggestion for any immortal across any manner of genre or fiction for Celestia to date next. Just make sure they're immortal for it to work.

Updates every Tuesday and Friday.

Guest chapters for immortals I have not covered are welcome, since I won't be able to write about every suggestion someone has. Note that all guest chapters are non-canon from the main story, so there is a bit of leeway to them. Talk to me over PM's for any further discussion.

Thanks to my editors The Ponytrician and Garnot for all their help!

Cover art from the hilarious tumblr you all should check out, ~Letters For Celestia~

Chapters (88)

Confessing her feelings to Flash Sentry was just the beginning. Now, Twilight Sparkle will have to tread through some very unfamiliar territory; The path of love.

(Once again, the cover image is courtesy of Coolez)

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to The Retribution of Chrysalis

Queen Chrysalis has spent the last few weeks living with Twilight Sparkle, hiding from the public eye and awaiting news of Princess Celestia's changeling relief effort. When Shining Armor discovers a critically injured changeling on the outskirts of Appleloosa, to Chrysalis' infinite delight, her hope for her race's survival is instantly reinvigorated.

But then the Canterlot hospital refuses to properly care for the changeling, leaving Cadance to provide the love he requires. The publicity forces Chrysalis to reveal herself to a fearful populace, driving her into the hooves of a fellow outcast. And perhaps worst of all, the awakened changeling has forsaken his queen. In his eyes, and in those of all of Equestria, Chrysalis must once again redeem herself.

Cover art by Nocturnal Melodies (No_M), drawn at my request for the story.

Chapters (10)