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Am i seeing this right? FEATURED on January 9th, 2014!

The characters of Happy Tree Friends become ponies.

Happy Tree Friends and My Little Pony crossover.
Flaky-Centric in most chapters, but not all.
Story will contain at least a bit of gore(Come on, it IS Happy Tree Friends!), and may contain couples of both gay and straight orientation in the future. Might get the 'romance' , 'adventure' and 'slice of life' tags in the future, depending on how the story goes.
Rated TEEN for some gore(Don't worry mods, if it gets bad I will put it as mature, but I'm not sure how much it will have yet), some cussing, and some disturbing and some suggestive themes.

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia invites Twilight to take her usual place at a ceremony in Trottingham, but Twilight is worried about meeting their Queen Brittania. How will Twilight act around higher royalty?

Originally written for the Brony UK Convention 2012 fanfiction competiton judged by Sketchy Sounds. He personally wrote character names, places and situations on pieces of paper and handed them to anyone who wanted to enter. The only rules were it had to include the BUCK mascot Brittania and whatever was on the paper. I got Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (1)

What is a young Imperial Guardsman to do when the warp spits him out into a land of ponies?

Warhammer 40K and all affiliated logos, characters and trademarks belong to Games Workshop. MLP and all related logos, characters and trademarks belong to Hasbro

Thanks go to the_marked_one for listening to all my crazy ideas and to FenrisianBrony and MyDigitalHazard for proofreading.

Chapters (30)

While pursuing a splinter of Hive Fleet Behemoth, Captain Sicarius and the Ultramarines 2nd company are caught in a warp storm that carries them and their prey to an unknown planet. Meanwhile, Princess Luna notices something strange in space that could spell danger for all of Equestria. Swept up in a war between the terrifying Tyranid swarm and the vengeful Ultramarines, the ponies must fight for their lives in a war that spans a galaxy.

Thanks to thirdstring_overlord and GiftedMonster for proofreading my newer chapters. thirdstring_overlord also writes an excellent 40k crossover that needs some fans. Go check it out!

Disclaimer: I do not own My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and Warhammer 40k. They are the properties of their respective owners.

Chapters (9)

It had been days since Simon was walking through the streets with his girl, Sophie, and the horrible dreams of monsters and beings had began to drive Simon off the edge. Yet hope shines in the distance, Hope in the form of a new place, untouched by the nightmares of his own mind. But with a text and vision, he begins to take to take the fight where light and darkness are in conflict. A place away from his "safe" zone. A new land, Equestria.

(I will work on this as i have the time, due to school and other things in like. Also, i would like to put more characters, but the limit is 5. Also, ponies don't appear until chapter 3.)

Chapters (4)

Where the HELL am I? Last thing I knew me and my spotter were providing overwatch for a convoy but now I'm in a forest that was no where near my position. I know this because with all that green it would easily stand out in all the sand. Is there any possible way that I can get home or am I going to be stuck here with all these weird talking horse things?

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The Crown of Night

Now available in print from Lulu.com! Hardcover - Paperback.

(New readers, unsure where to start? The Education of Clover the Clever is best.)

Clover Cordelia is a freshmare student at the Cambridle Academy of Magic who is determined to become a great sorceress.

Star Swirl the Bearded is a legendary wizard in need of an apprentice.

It's a tough job, working for the world's greatest wizard. On top of the usual challenges of student life there are apocalypses to deal with, and assassins who show up at inconvenient times, and plant life scheming for world conquest.

It's probably nothing Star Swirl can't take care of, provided he and Clover manage to resist killing each other first.

Previously updated alongside its prequel, The Crown of Night. It is not necessary to read The Crown of Night first.

Featured on Equestria Daily!
Featured on the Royal Guard!

Cover art by iisaw.

"Characterization is the name of the game here, and this story's take on Star Swirl is one of the most enigmatic and intriguing I've seen. His eccentricity is offset perfectly by his straight mare, Clover the Clever, and the interactions between them are a joy to behold."
-Prak, PR for the Royal Guard.

Rated "Why Haven't You Read These Yet?" by PaulAsaran.

Weird praise for The Education of Clover the Clever from the comments:

"........The sadist in me is grinning while the student is screaming it's little lungs out :pinkiecrazy::raritydespair:"

"I can't tell if he's insane or not. And it's glorious."

"I am unsure if this is merely silly and deranged or subtly brilliant."

"Ok, so I like this story. I actually like it quite a bit. I have no clue why though. Not a single clue.
I haven't a clue what you're doing right, but keep doing it. You're awesome."
-Vibrato con Amore.

Chapters (26)

(In the process of being rewritten)

After his defeat in the Crystal Empire, Sombra is sent to Hell to suffer for his sins until the end of time. However, it turns out that his eternal punishment is not a lake of fire, but rather a combination of annoying neighbors, trivial work, and disgusting beer. Will Discord and Chrysalis be able to get the angry newcomer to loosen up and enjoy his eternity?

*AU: This story assumes that all major FiM villains, save for Nightmare Moon, died at the end of their respective episodes.

Cover image by Madmax (text added by DJ Indie Cred)

Chapters (1)

Years in the future, ponies have taken to living on space stations, as the planet is no longer habitable. They live calm lives, kept safe by the A.I.'s that run the stations. Station V is one of these stations, protected by SAL 9000. However, they came with a price; only Sal knows the truth of the stations. But not of the planet below.

A cross-over fic (the first one based on this material) using elements of Stanley Kubrick's 2001: A Space Odyssey and Arthur C. Clarke's novel of the same title.
Thanks goes to my editor for all the great work he did.

Chapters (1)

His evil was legend. He was an entity of incalculable power and unparalled malice - his icy soul utterly consumed by his plans to destroy all of life, until he was stopped and defeated. But what if that wasn't the end? What if he was given a second chance, in another world? For he was not always like this. Nobody is born evil. But anyone can turn evil. Will he become a hero? Or is he doomed to repeat his mistakes and walk the same path as before, the Path of the Damned?

Edited by Zaleros, TimePrincess
Proof-read by: Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former edit: Lazygamer313
Former last check-up (starting from chapter 139): Dubz
Chapters 132-133 proofread: Sixkiller5, DarkZonker, SmurfOnSteroids, Bast, Shadowfire, Wraithguard, Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former proof-readers: Vrilix, Defias, Merchent343, TexPony
Fan Fiction Read on youtube by lunarassassin

Epub with styles (italics, bold): http://www.mediafire.com/file/l7flswrrl68do0y/rebirth-of-the-damned.epub, created by Halusm

1. This is my first fanfiction, so honest criticism is appreciated.
2. This is a crossover with Warcraft universe.
3. English is my second language, so you will have to forgive me for possible grammar mistakes.
4. Hope you like it.
5. There is a prequel called: Project Eclipse.

Chapters (176)