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In Earth years it is the year 2512. Using advanced space technology humans have been exploring solar systems and other galaxies! Until one day a starship named the U.S.S Atropos finds a small planet with strange energy readings coming from it. Curious they investigate...

Btw, I was really bored one day and just started writing this. After reading over it I realized that it wasn't half bad, so I devised a plot and decided to upload it to fimfiction. Plz don't be haters! XD

Chapters (18)

This follows the events described in the Cutie Mark Chronicles, with one small change: The Sonic Rainboom doesn't happen like it was supposed to. Six destinies fail to start. But when one door closes, another one opens.

Cover Art by Inspired_Light

This is supposed to be close to Canon, but since history is altered and the characters don't experience many of the events that make them who they are in the show I'm listing this as alternate universe (does that make sense?)
For the same reason I'm listing the OC tag, even though the OCs are the mane 6 living different lives.

Nopony dies, nopony suffers permanent psychological scarring, and no irrational whirlwind romances happen.
If I have inadvertently included somepony's OC I apologize.

Warning: contents may contain Existentialism. The facility used also handles peanut based products and wheat gluten.

Chapters (34)

Captain Alex "Blitz" Noah, the commander of the M1 Abrams "Retribution II", is accidentally teleported to another dimension with his crew and tank while testing experimental shielding devices. The crew unsure of what has happened find themselves in a colourful world full of ponies?! This is my first fic so if you find any errors please show me and I'll fix them.
Suggestions and any constructive criticism is welcome.

Chapters (14)

Giant mutant spiders have ensnared Rainbow Dash's friends with plans to lay eggs in the mares' soft, squishy, bellies. This is the sort of evil that no normal pony can handle. Who should Ponyville call? Who else?

Enter Amethyst Star: Spider Slayer

Dedicated to RazgrizS57 and written in under six hours before a live audience on Google Drive.

Cover art by Darkflame

Chapters (1)

One day, Fluttershy wakes up only to find herself in a changed world. Ponyville and Equestria are not how she remembers them: airships cross the sky, steam-powered machinery drives the economy and the rule of Celestia is no more. In this strange alternate world, Fluttershy reunites with her dear friends and learns of the event that changed history itself. Worse, the timid pegasus seems to have arrived just in time to witness the rapidly approaching climax of a civil war that has been raging for three hundred years...

Chapters (40)

Naturally, most would think that having a destiny of good luck would be something wonderful. Who wouldn't love winning every competition? Who wouldn't love never having to worry about finding a job? Who wouldn't love to have everything handed to them without having to work at it?

One pony would beg to differ with this sentiment. Lucky Clover is a colt that has lived such a life, a life that has become more of a curse than a blessing. What once seemed to be great has turned into a nightmare, for being lucky all of the time does not necessarily mean life will be a simple trot in the park. On the contrary, it can present challenges that most would never face.

[A/N] I think I might have seen a story like this before, centered on a pony with perpetual luck, but I've decided to roll with this idea and give a story (with some background) to one of the most under-represented background ponies in this fandom.

With that said, I hope you enjoy. :)

Edited by: Twi-Guy

Story Slightly Inspired by: Every Thorn Has its Rose

Chapters (1)

This is a MLP / Black Ops 2 crossover, don't ask why.
Please do atleast give it a read before you judge it?

Crosby. Just a normal run of the mill J-SOC Soldier, minding his own business while strolling around in the hallways of The Obama. He accidentally stumbles apon a lab he never noticed before. A lab that ruined his semi normal brain. It also sent him to another universe that seems to have... talking miniature horses, Dragons, Minotaurs, Griffons. Heck, even talking Zebras! But no humans. None what so ever.

How will Crosby deal with this? Shoot his way out? Blow his way out? Sneak his way out? Talk his way out (unlikely)?
Or will he just prank everything that moves because he's finally free from the army? Or just insult everything because he can?
Only one way to find out.

Rated teen for bad language or something like that but, mostly bad language.
Special thanks to;
Pinkies imagination, RainbowBob for proof reading this heap of junk,
Chiromishi (My good old buddy) for helping me edit, Slayerbroman for giving me ideas and YOU! For reading!

Chapters (3)

Captain Halford Norman of the USS South Dakota must lead his crew in a new land and determaine the fate of the famed battleship. But what will he do in a land of ponies? And how will they ever return the massive fortress to it's proper time? Maybe with a little magic, and a little friendship, the crew can find their way to home.

Chapters (3)

Co-authored with Gideon020 Big thanks for his help with this story!

Buried in the stone beneath Canterlot, an ancient secret is about to be uncovered. One that will forever change Equestrias view on the places beyond the stars

Going far from the Galaxy we call home.
A faint gleam of hope and a promise of knowledge.
Farewell, Equestria, farewell, beloved ones
Bearing the fate of the Elements.
These ponies fight and the romance burns high
Somepony has got to do this
If we are the ponies they count on...
Going far from the Galaxy to space unknown.
A faint gleam of hope
The Space Battleship Yamato

Cover art made with love by Daniel DiCenso
Brutally edited by Metallusionsiamagic

Chapters (19)

Twilight Sparkle has been called to Canterlot on royal business: a university's archeology department needs help with a tricky project. All very routine and hum-drum for her... but for Rainbow Dash, it's a chance to get an inside view of the exciting and fast-paced world of ancient history! But how much does she really know about the field? A chance meeting with a larger-than-life pony teaches her about the difference between reality and imagination.

Update: This story is followed by a full-length sequel. Check out The Death of Daring Do: Engine of Eternity"!

Chapters (1)