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Celestia has been waiting for this night her entire life; Twilight Sparkle has been destined to come for years upon decades upon centuries. But she didn't know to expect her student like this.

She steels herself anyway. She pours some tea, and welcomes Twilight with open hooves.

Then the two of them have a talk.

Chapters (1)

ACT One: (Chapters 1-10)
After a fatal tragedy, Twilight wakes up in a situation unlike anything she had experienced before. How is she supposed to react when she finds herself reincarnated as the daughter of Queen Chrysalis, the very one who orchestrated her assassination? Does she give into the rage and loss of her former self, or does she hold true to the magic of friendship?

ACT Two: Synopsis incoming

Chapters (10)

Canterlot lies steeped in chaos, a virulent and deadly plague still boiling away after a decade of suffering. The city, and the ponies in it, still feel the effects, still feel the bite of the times. The lower city, cursed as it is, is mostly partitioned off, leaving each and every pony left stranded and without help. Ponies struggle day by day just to stay alive.

Even as the ponies suffer, politicians toil away, plotting and scheming, machinations rumbling just below the surface. The city is fevered, sick and bloated, ready to pop at any moment. A single pony may be enough to make it all erupt.

And make it erupt Twilight Sparkle shall.

One small step, one lucky break is all she needs to turn the city on its head and take her rightful place by the Queen's side. But even she may not be prepared for the shark tank that is Luna's court.

Chapters (25)

Twilight Sparkle can't remember her own name, where she is going, or why. She remembers Celestia, and that she loves her.

Maybe that's all that matters.

Cover art by MagnaLuna.

Chapters (1)

*Takes place after the events of the 2017 Power Rangers movie so, spoiler Alert is in order*

When Jason used the Megazord to slap Rita Repulsa into space to defeat her, Rita along with her Green Ranger power coin were sent flying in another direction that flew all the way to another planet where a certain newly crowed Princess of Equestria named Twilight Sparkle finds the coin during a walk with her love Flash Sentry while Rita follows suit.

Later that night when she is asleep, a group of assassins try to murder Twilight in her sleep, but seeing an opportunity to get revenge on the Rangers and Zordon, Rita intervines save Twilight from death.

Then using her dark powers, she posses Twilight via the green ranger coin that allows the princess new powers like never before, but unknown to the princess, nothing is what it seems as Rita's world and Twilight's world are on a collision course that will see two factions of good unite to stop not only Rita, but also the Traditionalists as well.

*This will be similar to the Green With Evil MMPR story in Season 1 and using elements from the 2017 film and a few other bits as well.

The Sex tag is for bits of occasional nudity.

Theme song: Green Ranger theme song

My Little Pony Friendship is Magic belongs to Hasbro Inc.

Power Rangers belongs to Saban Inc and Haim Saban.

The Assassinverse and the cannon stories that fall into it (The Assassination of Twilight Sparkle and Aftermath of a Fallen Star) belong to Rated-Ponystar.

Chapters (12)

What does it take to rule Equestria?  Following an argument, Celestia has abdicated the throne and vanished from the memory of Equestria’s citizens, leaving Luna the chance to learn for herself.  Twilight, one of the few that still remembers Celestia, has grave concerns about Luna's leadership capabilities.  The nobles are restless and foreign enemies circle like sharks, sensing weakness.  Meanwhile, far off in the frozen north, Sombra stirs, dreaming of himself on the throne.

Chapters (29)

After being banned from coming to the wedding, Twilight leaves Equestria and becomes a member of the Storm King's army. This allows Twilight to become close friends with Tempest as Twilight swiftly rises to the rank of 2nd Commander and is renamed Sparkle Shadow.

Chapters (7)

"Darkness beyond blackest pitch, Deeper than the deepest night." Those words echoed through her dreams from foalhood. However as she grew her bonds with her brother, her assistant and her mentor quieted them. Her bonds with her friends, the other elements, silenced them. But what happens when those bonds break? When all she loves turns their back on her. What happens when the Nightmare awakes?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Fallen Age

Long ago, before the rise of Equestria, long before the Three Tribes Era even, Equus grew and prospered under the rule of the seemingly immortal Empress Cosmos. For two thousand years, she and her five Exarchs guided the many races of the world into a better future.

And then, she vanished, and her name and all she had done was forgotten.

Ten thousand years have passed since that night. Her Exarchs have not been seen in millennia, and the few who do know of that time think they died long ago.

The civilization she helped create is now forgotten by most, destroyed in a war born of xenophobia. One that heralded the rise of the Three Tribes Era.

But now signs have begun to appear. A long-forgotten prophecy is about to be fulfilled. The once and future ruler of Equus is about to be reborn. But what does this have to do with Twilight Sparkle and the five new ponies who have just arrived in Ponyville?

Chapters (21)

I stood over the cold and smoldering corpses of my fallen brothers and sister. Their hollow eyes glaring up at me, eyes that once held ambition, passion, and a dedication to their duties. I now stood over their mangled bodies, as the last of my kind.

Author’s note: I do plan to come back to this story at some point in the future, please be patient

Chapters (4)