• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012

Silver the Sojourner

Two years of hiatus and whatnot. The sojourn finally comes to a halt.

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There really is no excuse for forgetting something as important as a hoof-written law. But Celestia forgot. And now, a thousand years after she wrote it, a law comes into play mandating that Celestia take a two-month sabbatical from her duties as Princess of Equestria.

So what happens when she has to step down for a couple months and leave Luna by herself in the bloody gladiator ring that is Equestrian politics? What happens when Celestia has to disguise herself and mingle with the populace of Ponyville without them knowing?

The short answer to that would be "a string of hilarious chance encounters, sisterly banter, romantic mishaps, and a political coup that was decades in the making."

The long answer, of course, is this story.


Rated Teen for swearing and sexual humor.

Cover image is by enma-darei

Chapters (5)

Growing up with books, Spike has always been a fan of the critically acclaimed Daring Do series. But after finding himself stuck in one of the novels, Spike must find a way to survive in a foreign, daring land filled with mysteries and adventure. Back in Ponyville, Rainbow Dash finds familiarity in a draconian character from the newest Daring Do installment.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Off The Edge Of The Map

When Twilight is sent with Luna on a diplomatic mission to Draconia, they quickly find themselves somewhere that doesn't appear on any map, and Luna is lost in more than one way...

Thanks to RBDash47 of Pony Fiction Archive for formatting it for submission.
Title image by Valcron

Tremendous thanks to Illya Leonov and Scribbler for the Audiobook version.
Now with a Spanssh translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-2-3-857110089

Chapters (8)

When Rainbow Dash's newest trick backfires spectacularly, she and Fluttershy find themselves stranded in the middle of nowhere. Together, they'll have to survive and find their way back to Equestria and Ponyville...no matter how far the journey.

Now with a Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-1-3-857109863

(Originally submitted to Equestria Daily)
Art by katwalk.

Chapters (3)

Everypony knows that Pinkie loves to befriend all the ponies in Ponyville. She just loves to make them smile, and be friendly as could be. What happens, though, when a new pegasus comes to town and Pinkie's best efforts go awry due to a simple misunderstanding? Can she recover this potential friendship? What lengths will she go to in order to make up for her mistakes and try to make the new mare smile?

Chapters (9)

Cenes Hallern has seen better days. Jobless, carless, moneyless, overweight, and now a hermit, he isn't in the best of shape. Will the arrival of the princess of the night help turn his life around?
Previously part of Ponyfall, now an independent fic. Please read before insta-down voting, because doing that helps no one. If you have a specific concern with it, talk to me in the comments. I very much welcome constructive criticism. Emphasis on constructive.

This might get a revamp. After a lot of self forgiveness, I look back at it and wonder how people who read it see me. For future reference, I am much less of a nutter than I portray myself here. (at least I hope so >_>)

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo's birthday is coming up, and Rainbow Dash is unsure of what to get her number one fan. Upon asking her, it seemed her birthday wish would be a little harder to obtain than Dash thought. Enlisting the help of Twilight, the two mares set out to ensure that little Scootaloo has the best birthday ever.

That's right, a fic about best filly where nothing bad, tragic, or otherwise horrible happens to her, or anypony else. This is my attempt at an episode like fic.

Special thanks to RazedRainbow for getting this thing ready for public consumption.

Chapters (1)

Twilight has always had feelings for Celestia. But whether these feelings are for her surrogate mother or for her imagined lover, nopony knows. It will take something strange to make her understand just what she thinks of the Princess; something like her conscience becoming sentient.

Chapters (1)