• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012

Silver the Sojourner

Two years of hiatus and whatnot. The sojourn finally comes to a halt.

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Discord managed to free himself from his stone prison, but some difficulties occured and gave him a new perspective as a pony. How will he adapt to these changes? And will his plan work this time?

Comments are filled with spoilers.

Chapters (39)

This is another fic I originally published to deviantART about a year ago. Like An Entwining of Hearts, it was then posted to Equestria Daily in October.

It's a two shot somewhat comedic shipping fic, focusing in on the Twilight/Pinkie ship. The basic plot is that Twilight gets bored and ends up reading a dating guide. Not knowing much on the subject, she starts to go around look for a date. Pinkie eventually gets involved.

Chapters (2)

Hearth's Warming Eve has come once again, which means fun in the snow, warm food, and spending time with family. At least, that's what it means for most ponies. For Scootaloo it means a day off from crusading, loneliness, and the coldest night of the year. When Discord begins to whisper to her from his stone prison, she questions the beliefs held by many. What was so great about Harmony? What could be so bad about a world where chocolate milk fell from the sky?

Thanks to The Band Brony, Gsppcrocks10, Inkscrawler, TheBuggiest, and minjask6572 for help with editing. Thanks to SStwins for the awesome cover art.

Now with its own TV Tropes Page!

Chapters (22)

There was only one explanation. For all of it. All of the strange, erratic behavior. Her irrational fear of the sun. Her nocturnal habits of locking herself in in the dark and closing all the blinds. Wearing her sunglasses everywhere, even inside! It was time to invest in some silver, garlic, and a wooden stake.

Chapters (25)

I always wanted to go to Equestria. When I got the chance, I took the deal without reading the fine print. To my surprise, I didn't arrive there as a pony, or even as a human. It seems I get to view this world from a different perspective than what I've imagined.

My name is Echo. I am a Diamond Dog.

-Edited by the one, the only, Nathan Traveler!
-(Cover by Jovial_Shake of fimfiction.net)
-Now featured on Equestriadaily.com!

Chapters (26)

After a fight with Fluttershy, Angel Bunny runs away from home into the Everfree Forest and the pegasus goes in search of him. But what Fluttershy finds waiting for her there is something she could never have expected...

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon seem the best of friends. But friendship is only skin-deep, and beneath that skin, Silver Spoon labors under the demands of duty and responsibility.

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie runs out of sugar, revealing a part of her life that she never wished her friends to know about. Just what is wrong with Pinkie Pie, and what will it take for her and her friends to change things back to normal?

Chapters (2)

When the forces of nature come crashing down on a cold night, Scootaloo takes refuge in the only place she can call home: The Cutie Mark Crusaders Clubhouse.

Frightened and alone, only the arrival of a young mare with a mane and tail of rainbows can settle the filly. Scootaloo will soon discover that sometimes the pony who means the most to you as an aspiration, can also be the pony whom you take refuge with at the end of the day.

This story is a prequel to, My Sister, Scootaloo

* Featured on 06/23/2012!
* Edited by Double R Forrest
* Was written prior to Sleepless in Ponyville

Chapters (1)

Luna has invited Twilight to her balcony for a "special" night...

Proofreading by Mister Morden.
Cover by Vexx3 "Forbidden Love".

Chapters (1)