• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012

Silver the Sojourner

Two years of hiatus and whatnot. The sojourn finally comes to a halt.

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This story is a sequel to Petriculture

It's been several months since Pinkie Pie made a stunning admission about her past that permanently changed her relationship with her friends, particularly Twilight Sparkle, but life seems to have settled back to normal (well, normal by Pinkie Pie's standards, at least). However, when an old nemesis returns and ensnares Twilight in her influence, it's up to Pinkie to make things right.

This is the second story in The Petriculture Cycle. There is a TV Tropes Page for the entire Cycle here.

Cover image by Page Turner; "Princess Twilight" vector by Nianara.

Chapters (7)

In an effort to keep her mind occupied, Twilight Sparkle decides to delve once again into the grand mysteries of Pinkie Pie. This time, Twilight's focus is on her claims of growing up on a rock farm: like so many things related to Pinkie Pie, the idea that somepony could grow rocks as an agricultural product makes absolutely no sense. However, the investigation eventually leads Twilight to a rather... surprising discovery.

This is the first story in The Petriculture Cycle.

Artwork by Page Turner. Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (1)

Being imprisoned in stone is a lonely experience, my dear... You have nopony else than yourself and your thoughts. You also get some time to contemplate about past mistakes...

Pre-read and edited by frieD195. May be revised in the future.

Now with a Youtube reading!

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia writes a report to her teacher on what she has learned about mortality.

On EQD Sept. 7, 2012.
Hungarian translation by Shidotoku
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (1)

There is a legend. A legend of six heroes destined to protect Equestria from danger. But these six are not the Elements of Harmony. They are more.

The Steadfast Commander.
The True Genius.
The Vigilant Eye.
The Merciless Wrath.
The Fighting Spirit.
The Lone Wolf.

They are the true Protectors of Equestria.
They are the Guardians.
They are Noble.

Alright, so here is the story I have teased on my blog, The Noble Guardians! If you already guessed the concept, good for you! But for the rest of you, this is a Halo: Reach Crossover. I have seen a couple fics in which Six or Jorge are brought to Equestria, but they were always alone, so I decided to bring them all together as one. This will follow the show's storyline, with Noble acting as additional characters to the episodes, but don't worry, I guarantee they will be major characters with their own arcs and there will be plenty of original situations. I will also most likely skip any episodes in which Noble would have little to no involvement. (This will be few and far between, one example being "Call of the Cutie" I mean, even the Mane Six are only minor characters in that episode. I'll probably either mention those in passing or have another story going on with those episodes occurring in the background.) Anyway, see how Noble reacts to becoming Equestria's destined protectors!
Cover image credit goes to Gekko3309.
Naturally, this story contains spoilers for Halo: Reach

Chapters (14)

The sequel to Out in Ponyville. Now that Twilight and Applejack have found love, there are hardships and gifts on the way that will affect their futures forever. A great evil ritual returns to Equestria and the Elements of Harmony are put to a more difficult test than any of them can imagine. Can they still have a happy ending?

Chapters (11)

A friend notices Applejack acting odd and calls her out on it. With that prodding, our honest earth pony manages to cough up the truth to Twilight and is shocked when she is eager to try out being more than friends. Knowing they cannot put telling the others that are important to them, Applejack and Twilight are quick to make the rounds and things mostly go smoothly. In the end, things look bright for everyone.

Chapters (7)

It's strange how a short few years can seem like such a long time ago, Twilight remembers the moment she was told the truth about her, and how she would outlive all her friends.

Chapters (2)

After an unknown accident Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves sharing the same body! Now they must struggle to hold themselves together as their world is turned upside down. How long can two ponies exist in a single mind? It’s a race against time as they search for answers before it’s too late. When all is said and done, you’ll never look at Twilight Dash the same way again.

Chapters (15)