• Member Since 25th Mar, 2012

Silver the Sojourner

Two years of hiatus and whatnot. The sojourn finally comes to a halt.

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Rarity has fallen hard for the lavender mare from Canterlot, but there is just one problem, that certain mare from Canterlot is completely oblivious to it all. Thus, Rarity does everything in her power to escape the dreaded friend zone, from skywriting to asking Twilight's parents for help. But will it be enough? Probably not. After all, Twilight is rather naive, but a mare's gotta try.

The pic that inspired this story, and the cover pic credit goes to ~SigneTheSlaske of Deviantart.com, check them out for more great artwork.

Chapters (6)

Two silly short stories about Luna, Celestia, fashion, and legal theory. "Slice of life stories if your life is crazy royalty cake with cinnamon sprinkles." - JadeCriminal@SpaceBattles.com

6/17/2020: Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI.

Go to the Equestria Daily story page to see the stories in this set by Georg and Dennis the Menace. (If you can't access the page, it's because your school blocks google docs.)

(This is not "incomplete"; it's an open-ended anthology.)

Chapters (2)

Due to her reckless antics and tomboyish behavior, Rainbow Dash has generally been thought of as one that had no real interest in the matters of love and dating. However, she gets challenged by Spike one day when he tells his friends that he would never be able to fall in love with her. Given Rainbow's competitive nature, a new challenge between the two of them begins.

She tries to steal Spike's heart and if he falls in love, he loses!

Between awkward dates, friendly interference, a jealous Rarity, an over-protective Twilight and a betting pool stretching all across Equestria, who knows what ending awaits them!

Chapters (12)

At first, Chrysalis loathed him; the dumb-as-a-brick woodspony who goes by the name of Evergreen. But through circumstance, he is her only savior. And slowly, she comes to love the simple pony and his way of life. But her life as a changeling keeps holding her back. Will there be a happily ever after for them? Or are they doomed for failure?

*Comments contain massive spoilers!*

Check out the Sequel, Antecedent! http://www.fimfiction.net/story/25117/Antecedent

Cover art by Ink-Flow!

Edited version helped along by Fernin and Burraku_Pansa.

Chapters (16)

[On Hiatus so I can finish some of my other projects. I still love this story, so I'll continue it!]

"Why can't I write a good story? I've got everything sorted out in my head, and my dreams are so detailed, I should be able to write whole novels from them! So why can't I get a proper story out on to paper using those dreams? Every single one just doesn't sound right. It's either too short, or too cheesy, or I just can't bring myself to show it to the world on parchment!"

Spike is trying to write a story involving him and his Lady Rarity, but his dreams just don't seem to work on paper. So, what do you do when you have a blank sheet of paper in front of you, and a pen standing at the ready? You brainstorm, and read!

This is just a short story, far from a one-shot, but mostly something for me to do. I'd call it 'experimental writing', as it may contain ideas I might use in the future, or one-off ideas that I don't consider good enough to make into stories, but still want to mention them. I guess you could call Spike, and this story, my creative vent.

Warning: may nod to popular fiction, non-fiction, and stories deemed by communities as 'vulgar', 'terrifying', 'perfect as kindling', or any combination of the three. Hopefully not that last one, but you never know.

Chapters (3)

Spike is a kind, loyal, selfless dragon. To many, he's not only Twilight's number one assistant, but rather an assistant to the entire town. Tragedy strikes when the adolescent succumbs to a fatal illness. It hits the townsfolk hard, especially Twilight Sparkle.

Sulking in her own despair, the faithful student asks herself the same, fruitless question: 'How does one cope with losing their only son?'

Sadness Porn at its smuttiest. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's imagination as a child was unbelievable, probably due to all those books. Which also make up the amazing Fort Book, Twilightopia's first stronghold against the country of Armor! With the help of Captain Smartypants and Private Cadence, General Twilight defends her fort against her brother's advancing army of one!
A tale of Twi's childhood told from her point of view.

Inspired by the cover picture.

Chapters (1)

Twilight breaks Celestia's doors.

But then, you'd be mad too, if your stupid brother got drunk and told you that you were adopted...

Chapters (1)

Welcome to our User Guides and Manuals directory! To avoid painful and unexpected brushes with death involving your unit, please select you purchased unit below to read its User Guide and Manual.

Chapters (3)

Twilight awakes from a minor magical accident to find herself dead. She believes she is doomed to wander Equestria for all eternity, that is until she discovered certain ponies could see lost souls like her, ponies like Princess Luna.

First fic, blah blah blah, constructive criticism, blah blah blah, if you favorite it like it blah blah blah, etc...

Cover art isn't mine

Chapters (2)