• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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A young inventor named Tinker has her life turned around with the arrival of a mysterious mare in a crimson cloak and a tattoo in the shape of a draconequus that runs the length of her body. When their fates become intertwined, Tinker will travel through time and space with the pony once known as Twilight Sparkle and witness the nature of her universe and the ponies who inhabit it.

Chapters (18)

After GLaDOS is uploaded into a potato battery, Wheatley humiliates the AI even further by uploading her into a project that was abandoned by Aperture a long time ago. In the blink of an eye, she finds herself in a deformed body of flesh and bone that resembles an equine, and is just as powerless as one too. It comes with all of its needs and bodily functions as well. To make matters worse, she's trapped in a land full of insufferable creatures that just want to make 'friends.' Will GLaDOS' cold, sadistic sense of humor and morals get the better of the ponies? Or will they peel away the once artificial being's metallic shell and find that there's a softer side? Probably not, but it's worth a try.

Story Theme: Tyler Bates - I Love You (Watchmen OST)

Thanks to Meeester, MrJoshy, and funkyferret for proofreading/reviewing.

Cover by Fedte16.

Chapters (16)

On the eve of the Gulf War, a US Navy ship sails through an intense storm and into a different world.

Equestria and the other members of the United Lands are attempting to remove the dragons from their encroachment into Zebrica, but diplomacy is failing. While nopony wants a war, it appears that there might be no other option.

Captain John Mittal and the rest of the sailors aboard USS Wisconsin have some tough political and ethical choices to make. This isn't their fight, but can they stand by while the rest of the world prepares for war?

Chapters (8)

It occurred one peaceful night. Half of Equestria awoke to the sound like a double-shot thunderclap. A percussion heard in the skies and rattling windows from Apploosa, to Canterlot, to Ponyville. Nopony knew what it was or what it heralded for the world as it drew a line across the nation.

For Twilight Sparkle, this isolated incident might have faded from memory after a time, if not for the strange rumors of a creature sitting on the hill on the outskirts of town.

These are her thoughts given written form. These are Sparkle's Notes.

Report EVERYTHING to the Princess.

Chapters (3)

There are many buttons in the TARDIS, most of them should only be pressed by professionals like the Doctor. Derpy, on the other hand, isn't a professional and she pressed a button. The TARDIS crashes into the universe of Minecraft leaving the duo of ponies stranded in the pixelated world with nothing but a broken TARDIS and each other.

Thanks to Lexicon and Minjask for editing!

Chapters (5)

Humanity has fallen.

After only a year of plague, savagery, and drought, the temple of humankind could sustain itself no longer and the world was plunged into the darkness of extinction.

But it was not the end, not truly. Far below the dirt and abandonment, humanity lingered. It was here, within sprawling concrete and steel, that the last remnants of mankind remained, locked away from a changing world.

It is here that two men awoke. It was here that a revolution began. And it is here that the fate of humanity will be decided. Because, here, there is no turning back. Here, there is only one direction to tread:


Chapters (9)

Featherweight has had a crush on Scootaloo for as long as he can remember, but he never did anything about it. That is, until the fateful day where he is given the challenge to kiss her before nightfall.

Chapters (15)

The Doctor takes to the stars in this fourth installation of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When the TARDIS is unexpectedly pulled off course during her first foray into the wider universe, the Doctor, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and a somewhat-reluctant Twilight find themselves brought to the doorstep of a utopian alien city. While Rarity and Pinkie immerse themselves in two opposite ends of the local culture, questions that have gone unasked for centuries draw Twilight into the shadowy labyrinth of intrigue and deception that sustains a delicate balance of power in this "perfect" society. A balance that some will go to any lengths to preserve.

And as the mystery surrounding the cryptic messages left in the Doctor’s path continues to unfold, will the growing schism of distrust between Time Lord and Friendship Scholar over unspoken secrets cost both ponies more than either of them are prepared to lose?


"Only Skin Deep" is my fourth Doctor Whooves Episode and the sixth in the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-Anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction.net before proceeding with "Only Skin Deep."

1- Number 12by Squeak-Anon
2- Traveler by Squeak-Anon.
3- The Pinkie Conundrum
4- Game of Stones
5- Along Came a Spider

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer-pony know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler (c) Squeak-Anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on Youtube by: Cshep99
Cover & Concept Art provided by FoxInShadow from Deviantart.com
Number One Assistant & Proof-Reader - 2dextreem
*Rated T for some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (6)

Vinyl Scratch wakes up to find herself the personal student of Princess Celestia, sent to the obscure village of Ponyville to oversee preparations for the millennial Summer Sun Celebration.

Vinyl can only imagine two possible explanations for what has happened: she has tumbled into an alternate universe where she's Twilight Sparkle, or, after everypony telling her she'd do it eventually, she's finally gone and lost her mind.

Alternate Universe tag is obvious. Missing though, is the Drama tag (oh wait, they have that now--fixed!), and the "She's Finally Gone and Lost Her Mind" tag, which may be substituted by a CrazyPinkie emoticon.

Cover illustration based on a work by ThatsGrotesque. I'd love to see an artist include the versions of the Mane Six from this fanfic, though.

Chapters (14)

[Part Two of the Riflepony Series] Braeburn was once a simple, humble farmer; not the type of pony one would look at twice. But a little over a year ago, all of that changed. Before then, he hadn't met the pony of his dreams. Before then, he hadn't discovered his lineage and new-found talent. Before then, he hadn't been prepared for the adventure that he was about to embark on. Now all the cards are on the table, and not just his life. Join Braeburn and Daring Do in this high-action installment of the Riflepony Series as they struggle with not only a new quest, but with fate as well. Old enemies have returned, and have formed a fearsome alliance. In the midst of chaos and absolute danger, Braeburn might have to break his one and only rule, as the new Colt of the West.

Proofread by JohnPerry and RenaTurnip

Chapters (18)