• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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"Twilight isn't exactly a social pony." Could win me the Understatement of the Year award.

However, what most ponies don't know is that Octavia, a high-class socialite, isn't exactly much better herself, despite countless rumours about a liason between her and a certain DJ.

Now, drawn back to the upper-classes that she tried so desperately to get away from, can Twilight Sparkle find solace, and companionship, from one of the very socialite ponies of her past that she is so desperate to escape?

Chapters (10)

You are a quiet and introverted musician. You dislike showing off your talent (for music or magic) but the opportunity of a lifetime arises, and going against your character, you accept. But when a certain grey mare enters the picture, you realize that you've gotten into more than you bargained for.

Chapters (31)

Throughout all of history, one concept has kept both the written and spoken word from becoming an unintelligible mess. That concept is that most holy of grounds known by some as "grammar." It sets down rules for language to follow, and keeps it free of distortion.

Yet something is wrong. The rules are failing. And only one pony so much as suspects that something is wrong. Something that goes deeper than a simple appearance of errors. Something that could be an attack on the very root of language itself.

Chapters (6)

Dinky Hooves is excited. For the first time in her young life she’s about to go to school. Her goal? To learn, have fun and above all else: make some friends.

But the path isn’t always so cleanly cut. Bullies, her own overwhelming shyness and a slightly (Read: very) over-protective mom stand between her and the life she wishes to lead.

And maybe there’s a little something about that cool colt...

Chapters (5)

My life was simple. I used to be a cellist, of Canterlot's pride and nobility, and a very happy pony with where I was. I should say I landed myself here; it was nopony's fault I agreed with Vinyl on this ludicrous idea. I will, however, blame Vinyl for the guards outside. And for my doctor. And for Princess Luna.

That's all on her.

So, in the off chance that we don't get out of this room in (literally) one piece, my name is Octavia, beginning log: one.

[Log Note: Click on the "initializing" for the formatted GDocs version, which is highly suggested.]

Chapters (5)

Octavia's creativity pays off one day during a concert, where a special piece she adds as a finale brings out a new fan. But the fan appears out of nowhere, and no one seems to notice her but Octavia.

And all she does is dance.
Featured on Equestria Daily November 15th, 2012.

Chapters (10)

Dearest Billy,

It is with a heavy hand that I must relay: He is dead, and passed away among his bees only some hours ago. I, too, am not long of this earth, thus it falls to you to publish my final wish. The attached parcel is my tin box--you have ferried it hither and thither before--and it is where notes from all our adventures, spanning two centuries, as many wars and three monarchs had been safely kept. The remaining bundles within, however, we agreed some time ago to never publish, lest our reputations be shredded. However, with his passing heavy on my mind, I cannot forget such cases, so singular and impressive that they prove, without a doubt, that Sherlock Holmes was the greatest detective London, Britannia, and Worlds beyond our farthest imaginations could ever have known.These cases will confuse you--perhaps even tarnish your memories of us--but mark my words: they are as true and real as the paper upon which you read this letter.

Most Faithfully,
Dr John. H. Watson MD

Chapters (5)

Rainbow Dash is torn between fulfilling her dreams and acting on her feelings for Twilight Sparkle. Does Twilight not feel the same way, or is she simply oblivious to Rainbow's intentions?

Cover art by http://jewlecho.deviantart.com/ !

Chapters (1)

Hearth's Warming has always been a time for family and friends. A time when the ponies of Equis remember the frigid days before the rise of Modern Equestria, and bask in the warmth and comfort of their loved ones.

But for one particular holiday season, strange things are happening in Ponyville that can’t be easily explained. Least of all by Scootaloo, who is having her own share of troubles during this normally festive time of year.

When the mirth and whimsy of Hearth’s Warming starts to take on a more dour and icy edge, things take a turn for the stranger when out of the blue, the enigmatic “Doctor Clockwork” appears.

Join the Hourglass Stallion as he takes it upon himself, his temporary companion Spike, and the newly-conscripted Scootaloo to save Hearth’s Warming before the holidays are ruined forever!

Chapters (6)

Season 1: November 28, 2012 through January 1, 2013
Season 2: February 24, 2013- February 23, 2014
Season 3: To be announced sometime in 2014. (well before Half-Life 3)

credits go out to Marik_Azemus for the amazing cover he drew for the first season of the story and SuperBigMac for all the help he's given with writing this intricate idea. I'd also like to thank my friends and you the fans for all the amazing support!

Henry was like any average person, content, happy, and always looking for the brighter side of things... Until a traumatic event tears him apart from the very core, changing every facet of who he was and could have been. Years passed and his condition never truly improved, even when he moved out of his parents home, a place with nothing but dark memories and empty promises. Despite that, he's tried his hardest to stay strong as he works towards his major in Music Arts, regardless of the disadvantage his condition creates for him.

A fellow musician renowned for her many concert performances literally stumbles into his life and begins to show a different side of what it means to live. Can she help pull him from the shell he created around himself and teach him to be true to himself or will the weight of the world be too much for him to bear?

Chapters (14)