• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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In Canterlot, Twilight Sparkle meets a new friend, Octavia Melody, who helps her cope with the loneliness of being separated form her old friends in Ponyville. As time goes on, Twilight becomes more attached to the cellist than she originally intended. Meanwhile, back in Ponyville, a certain unicorn begins to realize just how much she misses her former neighbor...

Special thanks to GreekSatellite for my fancy new cover image!

Chapters (2)

It was a strange urge that caused Octavia to sign up for that blind date program, but now here she was. Literally seconds away from meeting the pony she'd been paired with. She wasn't completely naive, but any dates she'd gone on before had been pre-planned and prepared for.

And she knew who she'd be going with.

And it was rarely anything more than dinner at a moderately fancy restaurant.

If that weren't bad enough, she'd done something during the sign-up that she was regretting and only added more mystery to this meeting. It was pretty easy to see this going south, but...could it also be the start of something beautiful?

Only one way to find out....

Well! This is something completely different. As a change of pace from my usual Doctor Whooves stuff, I decided to ficenize (That's a word now) an RP I was a part of over on The Fun Has Been Doubled! I should stress that this writing is COMPLETELY from scratch, and will continue to be. I will not copy-paste ANYTHING from the thread, except perhaps a tiny bit of dialogue. Even then I will probably rewrite it just a little bit. I play as Octavia, and back during Valentine's day we had a blind date event, where characters signed up, chose their preferences, and then were randomly matched until it worked. I'll let the story tell you the pairing, and I recommend reading the fic before you go and try to see the thread. As a side note *Advertise advertise*, we over at the site are always looking for new members to play both canon and original characters, and we're really friendly to anons and guests! So feel free to drop by!

Octavia was played by Max Kodan, and the mystery date was played by Coffeefox. Look forward to some wonderful times ahead!!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Fashion Crush

(Humanized) Vincenza Scratch, AkA Vinyl for her friends, AKA DJ-PON3 on stage, 22 years old. The DJ found herself in one of the low periods of her young career, probably the lowest and longest she ever experienced so far; writer's block, out of ideas for a new genre of music as her 'classic' electronica seems to go out of the crowd fashion, less and less attendance to her gigs, etc.

Starting to run low on money, She gets in touch with one of her mother's friend in the capital, Vito Philharmonica; Member of the board of one of the most prestigious private high school. Vito offers her a place to stay and a job to help her to get back on track : A music teacher job for a Highschool senior class, which includes Vito's own daughter, Octavia.

How's Vinyl going to teach to a bunch of teenagers when she's barely older than them? ( and probably not much more mature as well). And when other teachers and some of her students look down at her for being a 'simple' DJ? One answer, Becoming the GTVS: THE GREAT TEACHER VINYL SCRATCH! (Yes inspired by GTO, one of the coolest manga ever)

Fanart for the story on tumblr or on DA!

Don't forget to check the comic version as well

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to The Trial of Faux Pas

This is not a story about tolerance. This is a story about caution.

When Cheerilee gives her class the assignment to set up a little business, Apple Bloom and her friends set out to sell apple juice. Everything looks like it'll go smoothly, until the new kid in town starts selling a drink that's insanely popular with the help of Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon.

And Apple Bloom doesn't like it one bit. She thinks Lyra and Bon Bon have adopted a poison mixer out to brainwash Ponyville.

And no, it's not just because he's a changeling.

A/N: Yes, this is the sequel to Trial of Faux Pas, but the prologue pretty much tells you everything from that story you need to know. It's not required reading and it won't offer spoilers to this.

Note: this story has both comedic scenes and dark themes. However, since neither of these dominate in the story, they are not added as tags. This is meant to be occasionally funny, but the subject matter can get pretty dark, a little darker than what we've seen on the show.

The scenes in this story are not meant to remind you of racism, but apparently they might. This is not the author's intent nor is it the author's problem. If the notion of racism among ponies makes you uncomfortable, either avoid the story or finish it.

You have been warned.

Also, avoid comments for massive spoilers.

Chapters (9)

Waking up in an alternate universe in which you are a supervillain can be hard.

Finding out your friends are rebels trying to kill or overthrow you isn't very easy to deal with either.

But trying to solve the situation? That's a real horn cracker.

Chapters (7)

In a universe where ponies have discovered the means to travel among the stars, an empire arose. Lead by Princess Celestia, ponykind reached out. As prophesied, there came a time when Nightmare Moon returned, threatening to bring darkness to the shining kingdom. Six brave ponies, wielding the Elements of Harmony stopped her, and peace reigned once more. Soon however, Luna found the atrocities her sister had committed in controlling her empire and staving off the threats to it. Outraged, she set in motion thousand year old plans that she thought would never be needed.

This is the story of two empires, and the the war between them.

Chapters (10)

It started off as enjoying a night at a classical concert, then one trip to the bar and a few drinks later, and one pony finds himself sharing the bed of one musically talented mare. What begins as an awkward meeting turns into a sharing of music and finding of each other.

Chapters (6)

After being marooned on an icy world in unexplored space, Lumina must now face the perils of this frozen wasteland and search for some way home. But in this dark place, she discovers something that was lost to pony kind ever since the fabled Equestria sank into the ocean over 10,000 years ago. Something that will change her, and possibly the entire galaxy, forever.

Not a cross over, and not an alternate universe. This is the far future, and this has happened before.
Cover art by CSImadmax

Now in the FimFiction Gold Archives!
Now on Equestria Daily!
Now featured in Fort-Book Reviews!

Chapters (16)

After the most important night of her career is ruined and its saboteurs not even so much as punished, Octavia's life changes. She begins to pursue a path that has never been seen before in Canterlot, where concertos and rhapsodies give way to controversy and rebellion.

A path where symphonies are composed with cans of spray paint.

Cover art used with permission by LuGiAdriel14

Chapters (20)

Years ago, two unicorn prodigies attended the same school without knowing it. One became changed by friendship at an early age--the other far later in life.

At a fashion show gone wrong, the two prodigies at last meet. Being who they are, it's impossible for them to resist comparing notes...

(Companion image graciously provided by TurboSolid on DA. Thanks!)

Chapters (5)