• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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Some Canterlot entertainers aren't just musicians... and some ponies fall in love with them anyways.

When one of Equestria's most popular cellists appears at Twilight's birthday party, it's just another gig for Octavia, but a shock for Twilight and the rest of the party-goers. She arrives, wishes Twilight a happy birthday, wows them with her beautiful music, wows them with her musical beauty, and doesn't leave until after everypony else has left. So when a few ponies suggest that this 'entertainer' might be more than just a musician... some eyebrows are raised, but nothing more. Twilight is beyond reproach, after all, and Octavia can earn her living however she wants. When she sticks around Ponyville, however, it becomes a slightly different story - Twilight is romantically-naive, after all, and Octavia is... most certainly not.

The romance of Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's protege, and Octavia van Clef, Canterlot's most famous entertainer.

Rated 'Teen'. Per FimFiction's rating guidelines, this story contains some 'more adult themes', but has no 'graphically adult content'. Rated primarily for sexually suggestive material, but also (in later chapters) alcohol use and adult language.

Chapters (11)

A series of brutal murders seize the attention of the worlds greatest consulting detective.

Soon after meeting his eventual partner Jog Watson, Holmes must contend with the Butterfly Killer, a serial murderer who only kills when it rains and always leaves a dead butterfly with the victim.

The only suspects: a classroom of young ponies.

Chapters (6)

Every story has a beginning, middle, and end. But mine, the story of my life, is far from interesting. My hobbies, my work, my cutie mark, all are dull. Flowers and poems ruled my life, until I fell in love.

My name is Roseluck, and this is the only story I have worth telling.

Chapters (7)

The prince of Mars returns to Equestria to catch up on what his sisters have been up to. But what are his true intentions?

Our favorite heroines are blasting off for a new adventure on the Red Planet...

Chapters (1)

This is not a story of joy and happiness. It is not a tale of friendship or magic, of tolerance or love...

This is the ballad of Minecraftia. That land of bravery and savageness, were only those who were worthy of living were able to survive through the night, and rise during the day to meet the challenges of life once again. To defy death was an art in those fields and mountains, in those valleys and jungles, those blizzards and sandstorms were no pony had ever set hoof upon.

Forgive me for the brutality of the story, forgive me for the horrid truth behind this words. But do allow me to tell a tale of strong hearts, of free souls.

The tale of Minecraftia.


Cover art by me, Irongalley.

Chapters (6)

Things couldn't possibly get any worse for Rainbow Dash. Her job is falling apart, she's convinced that she's made her friends hate her, and even her dream of some day joining the Wonderbolts is in peril. While things are looking pretty bleak for Ponyville's coolest pegasus, her best friend and kinda-sorta fillyfriend Pinkie Pie is determined to whatever it takes to help her, and she's not going to quit until she can put a smile back on Rainbow Dash's face.

This is a side-story of "The Life and Times of a Winning Pony" which occurs after the events of Chapter Ten of that story.

Chapters (1)

==Originally written spring 2011== Equestria Daily Post==
GLaDOS is free of Chell, free to continue testing, when she discovers a portal gun Wheatley tried to repair with duct tape. When the portal gun catastrophically fails, the enrichment center, GLaDOS, and Chell are literally dropped in the middle of Equestria. The mute test subject soon finds the world of ponies far more welcoming than the human world. But GLaDOS sees possibilities. Let the testing begin... for science.

Chapters (10)

Sequel to The Emotional Illness and Life Among the Distant Stars. The Doctor returns to Equestria to find it is the center of a gigantic time paradox. He sets off with the mane 6 to fix the problem, but soon finds the threat is larger than he realized...

Chapters (4)

Daring Doo is the world-famous archaeologist and explorer. She's seen stranger things and experienced more scrapes with death then anypony else.

The Doctor is the last of his kind, from another reality entirely. He's seen more of the universe then anypony thought possible, and still wants more.

A small temple in the jungle holds something both of them want, as well as several dangers neither of them hoped to see.

Chapters (1)

Another day in boring old Ponyville. AJ is out of town, Twilight is busy with her library and so Rainbow Dash is bored to death. As if fortune calls, a well known mare shows up.

This is just a short story about a little adventure of Rainbow Dash and Daring Do.

Chapters (3)