• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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A changeling gets a very risky and clever idea.
Pretending to be an advanced magic doll left as an anonymous gift in front of Twilight Sparkle's home.
It's so audaciously stupid there is no way it's not going to work.

Chapters (12)

Octavia is a polite mare on her way up to fame as a cellist. She was brought up in a strict manner in order to be the perfect member of a perfect family. It was an annoyance at times, and she felt trapped. Of course, Octavia rebelled against it; her family knew what was best and what kind of pony wouldn't want to be perfect?

One day, she meets a homeless mare named Vinyl Scratch and immediately takes her in and asks her to be her servant. Vinyl opens Octavia's eyes, telling her that she's capable of making her own decisions, and that her family simply needed to accept her.

Chapters (13)

My name is Octavia Harmonious Melody, and I am mentally deranged… No no, I assure you, I'm quite serious. For the past three years I have lived with a voice inside my head, a crazed, lunatic of a voice, who I, through the displeasure of living with for the past three years, have come to almost befriend...


Now my childhood friend-turned-enemy, Vinyl Scratch, is inviting me to further my musical prowess by living under the same roof as her, and as much as I can barely stand the sight of her, she represents what may be my last chance at closure and sanity. The irony of which being that I'm sure she's already insane, if not pushing me towards it.
Although, to her credit, she's a nice enough mare, maybe if I could stop the voice in my head for a minute we could grow to become friends again…
...it isn't a sin to dream, is it?

Chapters (7)

Ever had one of those days where everything's just gone wrong, one problem after another?

Of course you have.

Ever had one of those days when you wake up to find you've accidentally switched places with your counterpart in a world where you and all your friends are stallions?


Maybe that's just Twilight, then.

But the Princess of Magic isn't going to let a little thing like being in the wrong universe ruin her day. She has a schedule - a checklist! - and it matches up with this Dusk Shine's perfectly. Apart from the names and the genders, everything seems to be a match, and Ponyville has seen much weirder things since she moved here.

Being stallions or mares shouldn't make her friends that different. What could possibly go wrong?

Chapters (9)

[Second Person fic starring you and Roseluck]
It's the beginning of summer and you have nothing to do. One day you're wandering the market and you notice a new girl working at one of the flower stands. You decide to talk to her, and a new friendship is born, but soon after, things start to pick up and you're just caught in the middle.
Author's Notes:
-My first time writing a human romance.
-Sorry if it's a little rough in places, this comes after a huge hiatus of writing, so I need to get back into the swing of things.

Chapters (2)

Lovely new cover art courtesy of Dilarus.

Octavia Melody is in a bit of a spot. Life on the Manehattan Space Station isn't easy for most ponies to begin with, but when your BitCard balance is zeroed out and you're living meal to meal? It starts to feel like things couldn't get much worse.

The problem is that that sort of thinking only invites more trouble.

When Octavia suddenly finds herself stuck in the middle of a plot that could destroy the whole of the Grand Equestrian Empire, the source of her next meal is going to be the least of her concerns. Now she must find the Elements of Harmony, unravel the secrets of the Empire, save the universe, and, just maybe, find a way to make some friends.

Quick thanks to my group at the Artist/Writer Collab panel at BABSCon. Without us bouncing ideas around, this story wouldn't be happening!

Also want to thank my stable of pre-readers/editors. So yeah, thanks to The P-Man, Alun Aleriksson, Jack of Most Trades, and Sir Alex. Y'all are wonderful.

Featured on Equestria Daily 12/10/2014! Couldn't have done it without all of my lovely pre-readers, and, of course, my lovely readers.

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to First Meeting

Years have passed since Octavia Philharmonica and Vinyl Scratch first met on the platforms of Canterlot Station. In the short time that they spent together, they became the best of friends. Then they separated, both of them returning to their homes, meeting one another with less and less frequency as time went on. Within a few years, they had only memories of each other, impressions of the fillies that they used to be.

And then they met again, in the hallways of the Canterlot Conservatory.

Chapters (5)

NOTICE: This is an unofficial and highly expanded story adaptation of the "PWaaMLPfim" Youtube Video Series: Phoenix Wright / My Little Pony FIM - Turnabout Storm! The videos came first, NOT this story!!!!

A quiet summer night in Ponyville takes a violent turn when two pegasus ponies enter the Everfree Forest and only one comes out alive, leaving the second accused of murder, on trial for her life. Ace Attorney Phoenix Wright finds himself dragged from his own world, magically summoned to Equestria by Twilight Sparkle to defend Rainbow Dash from charges of killing Ace Swift, a superstar pegasus athlete and champion racer.

Trapped in an unfamiliar world ruled by magical talking ponies, Phoenix must draw on all his wits and experience to solve the crime and uncover the conspiracy behind it... before Rainbow Dash is banished to the sun for a murder she didn't commit.

Parts 1-43 written by RavenRegios, and edited by Firesight. Parts 38, 42, and 44-epilogue written by Firesight with additional input and prereads from TheGoldCrow, AJ_Aficionado, and Leo Archon.

Ownership transferred to Firesight on 1/15/2018.

Chapters (68)

Twilight Sparkle has too much magic, and it will take her decades to learn to control it. Her spectacular loss of control during her entrance exam only proves that fact. She is a danger to herself and others.

After Sunset Shimmer’s disappearance, Princess Celestia needs a new student to bear The Element of Magic to defeat Nightmare Moon. With all of Equestria at stake, Twilight Sparkle…is not the pony she needs.

Princess Celestia seals Twilight Sparkle’s magic with the distant promise of one day teaching her.

But there are two diarchs of Equestria. Amidst a lucid dream, an offer is made.

“Hello, Twilight. Would you like to be my student?”

Cover art provided by Lafiir.

Chapters (43)

A dinner party at Fancy Pants’s manor turns into an international incident as Rarity is accused of grand larceny. With a foreign delegation demanding justice, it falls to Fluttershy and an ace Canterlot attorney to clear her of the charges. But against the dark plot beneath these events, will their wits, skill, and a loud “Objection!” or two be enough to set her free?

A “spiritual crossover” with the Ace Attorney series, by alexmagnet and Belligerent Sock.
Cover art by Belligerent Sock.

Chapters (5)