• Member Since 18th Sep, 2011


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Forced out of her comfortable life of routine and solitude, Octavia must 'Get with the times,' as her new friend Vinyl so often puts it. When she's forced together with two extremely eccentric musicians, Octavia has to adapt to a whole new rhythm and break her routine in order to just break even on rent. Octavia is definitely going to need a drink.

Chapters (3)

Octavia was always one for planning ahead. Whether it be dinner that night or her career years away, she always had an idea of how to get there. The right amount of practice, the proper performance to the right pony, and she could see her life progressing exactly as it should.

However, suddenly turning into an alicorn kind of put a damper on her plans.

Story thirteen in my Twidash Challenge: Secondary Pairing (Quite Obviously)

Chapters (14)

{Rated Teen for swearing} {Anthropomorphic} {Labeled "Dark" due to mild racism/derogatory slurs, as well as some emotionally upsetting moments in time} {OC x Octavia shipfic.}

It's tough being different. The suspicious glances, the unusual stares, the rumours based off of gossip and not cold, hard facts. All of it stemming from how you look, or act.

Midnight Oil: while being very different, he seemed to be content with this status in mind. He was proud of his intellect, magic prowess, his line of work as a scribe for the Princesses, and his heritage as a unicorn Sarosian—A "bat pony", in a sense—living in Canterlot.

Octavia Philharmonica: A drop-dead beauty, extremely talented with the cello, well-known, and highly respected. She's a member of one of the most prestigious families in Canterlot, and utilises that status to elevate to the top.

And upon meeting each other, both hated the other to the ends of the earth.

When the former must serve the latter for two months after he had unknowingly committed a misdemeanor, will the two's hate for one another remain the same, or will tolerance and love claw through abhorrence's black veil?

Opposites such as these two will no doubt attract… and will drive each other absolutely insane.

Whoo, boy. I'm gonna have FUN with this.

This one was inspired by a few things, rather than a newfound love for Octavia - now my favourite background pony. This was partially inspired by the anime Toradora! and the book The Kite Runner. But this was mostly inspired by you guys. You guys are beautiful, and everything you do is great (Except clopping: Celestia frowns upon that shit.)

I also made the cover art. But if anyone has got anything that I think will trump mine, PM me, and I'll let you know.

Chapters (19)

Octavia Melody is the most difficult part of Symphony's day. Everypony hangs on her every word, worships the ground she walks on, and generally makes a big fuss over little things even when, in Symphony's expert opinion, she got that 3rd G flat wrong in the second movement.

Thankfully, Symphony has a sister; a very observant sister who's intent on coaxing Symphony's woes from her in the least embarrassing way possible.

No matter how embarrassing the least embarrassing way is.

A story designed, or at least intended, to cause warm feelings without the requirement to set fire to your house. You're welcome.
Many thanks to CyanAeolin for the cover art for the piece, have a gander at his deviantart page for both similar, and different, images.

Chapters (4)

Everypony in the club? Yes?
Good. On with the synthesizers.
Octavia, "Call me 8-B3AT", Melody runs the sound-desk; every night hundreds of expectant ponies lend her their ears and every night she delivers, her masterful hooves spinning complex electronic beats on the mixing boards of La Maison Nuit: Canterlot's most popular, and most exclusive, nightclub.
But tonight there's an extra pony in the club, a friend of the owner, apparently, but acting far from ecstatic. One morose mare taking in nothing more than scotch and soda is not something Octavia is ready to tolerate.

Between sets it's time to lift the shades, drop the hood and party down.
Nopony's going to be unhappy on her watch, and she took lessons from the Party Pony herself.
Oh yes.

CyanAeolin (on deviantart) is responsible for the wonderful cover art which was the inspiration to write this thing in the first place. And I must agree with him: Octavia is best pony.

Edit: Wow, front-page feature. Thanks for the support you guys!

Chapters (4)

Disillusioned by the tragic events on Panchaea, Adam Jensen chooses to subsequently end everything and hope that mankind will find a solution to the augmentation debate by itself. Instead of welcoming death however, he finds himself in a strange utopian world filled with pastel-colored ponies.

Unfortunately, this does not mean Adam is allowed any reprieve from morally challenging decisions.

A/N: Deus Ex: Equestria is written in a way that does not confuse people new to the lore too much but feels familiar with the players. This story will feature a vote at the end of several chapters that will affect the direction of the story based on Adam Jensen's actions in the world. It is divided into three categories: Combat, Stealth, and Diplomacy. Choose wisely, for it will have long-standing consequences.

Chapters (5)

Twilight wakes up after a failed experiment and quickly discovers just what that failure did to her.

Will she be able to function in her new form long enough to find the counter spell, or will she go crazy before she gets the opportunity?

Can she handle being a carnivore in a town of herbivores?

What happens when a pack of Timberwolves comes, driving her to an ultimate decision?

5/11/2014 -Featured!

Chapters (30)

This story is a sequel to Proposal in C Major

Full name: Octavia Melody
Fiancee: Concerto
Arch nemesis: Pinkie Pie
Wedding planner: Pinkie Pie

According to Octavia, Pinkie ruined the Grand Galloping Gala. A random encounter between them sparks an odd arrangement; a chance for Pinkie to redeem herself, and a chance for Octavia's seemingly endless engagement to finally end in the wedding she's always dreamed of.

The sequel to this story is Club Vinyl
(Fantastic) Cover art by Ruffu

Chapters (6)

The Galaxy is once again in turmoil.
The Republic faces yet another Rebel threat.
However, they had one hope - 10 pony Jedi Masters had earned both the fear and respect of the Rebels, promising peace as long as they maintained vigil over the Republic.
It was not to last.
In a very sudden turn of events, the Jedi grandmaster Luna disappeared.
With her disappearance rose rumours of a new sith lord, Darth Nightmare, inciting a new rebellion.
It wasn't long before the remaining 9 pony Jedi Masters, Masters Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy, Lyra, Bon Bon and Celestia were similarly suspected of turning to the dark side.
One by one they disappeared mysteriously, all save Celestia.
In desperation the Republic turned to the proposals of the galactic corporation Blueblood Shipyards to make use of the planet Equus, homeworld of the pony jedi masters. The planet is a force nexus so powerful it distorts the very fabrics of reality around it, generating a gravity well powerful enough to maintain a sun in orbit around it.
Harnessing this gravity well they would be able to build a hyperspace cannon capable of annihilating entire star systems.
With this they hoped to create a deterrent to stop the Rebel threat for good.
Now the last Jedi Master standing in opposition to this plan, Celestia, has been accused of treason against the Republic and the Jedi Order and faces execution on the planet Coruscant.
However, the execution is interrupted by the arrival of a lone figure wearing the colours of dark side, wielding crimson sabers, the mark of the Sith.
Who is this Darth Twilight, and what is she after?

Story inspired by the cover art.

Cover art by the amazing NCMares, used with his permission. Go check out his story Night Mares, a great read complete with epic illustrations (available on his DA).

Chapters (2)

Cheerilee catches a massive cold and won't be able to teach class for a while. She calls in for a substitute, but ends up getting an eccentric creature named Miss Frizzle with her even stranger contraption. She can only hope that this new "teacher" can teach without causing mayhem.

Story idea based off this comic

Chapters (2)