• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012


A natural-born proofreader.

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Total Words: 69,718,165
Estimated Reading: 27 weeks



  • Featured 23643 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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The earth had belonged to the People since time immemorial, until the ponies came to push them out. For centuries, they have hidden in the forest and the hills, slowly losing ground to their enemies.

But now the gods have chosen two young warriors.

Chapters (7)

If you think that your day is a little too short,
With too much to do for twenty-four hours,
Then you fall back on the final resort,
And go back in time with your magical powers.

Princess Celestia, in her infinite wisdom, comes to the conclusion that she doesn't have anywhere near enough time to do everything on her busy schedule. Not a problem for her, though. The solution to having no time is obvious: just make some more.

Chapters (4)

(The Human tag only comes up in later chapters with only one villain and a few minor characters.)

Nightmare Moon, the personal student to the good King Sombra, learns about the return of the dreaded Eternal Twilight. When she tries to warn him, he sends the young alicorn and her dragon assistant Smog, to a small town where she is to supervise the preparations for the Crystal Heart Celebration.

There she befriends five individuals: Sunset Shimmer, Gilda, Trixie, Chrysalis, and Discord. Together they redeem Eternal Twilight and turn her back into the kind Princess Sparkle. And it looks like things will be fine from then on...

But no prophecy could prepare Nightmare for what challenges await. Powerful foes will seek to break apart her new friendship. And an enemy that Nightmare knows nothing about seeks to obtain the revenge she has been plotting for years.

Will the magic of forgiveness and the power of friendship triumph?

*Featured on June 23, September 12, November 9, November 23, December 26 2014, February 7, and July 15 2015!*

Chapters (48)

Discord is up to his old tricks again...But he's noticed something. Something that he can't explain: Love.

And once finding out about it, he comes to the logical conclusion that he needs it...And unfortunately for Ponyville's local farm-mare, he's set his sights on her.

With Cadance's help, will he succeed? Or will Applejack buck him all the way to Tartarus?
And now with a TV Tropes page.
Please feel free to contribute.

Chapters (32)

In the city of Manehattan, everything is ridiculously expensive, so it's hard to live on one's own. Which is exactly why coworkers and friends, Grace Manewitz and Coco Pommel, share a flat. In this mini-series that shows a day in the life of these two mares, misadventures are sure to occur.

After all, what they say is true: "Anything can happen in Manehattan!"

Chapters (10)

A lot happened to Twilight Sparkle the year before she made the transition to Ponyville, before she realized the value of a friend, and before she saved all of Equestria...

After a chance encounter with "Rainbow:" an enigmatic, amnesiac pegasus mare with a rainbow-striped mane and a knack for mischief, Twilight begrudgingly finds herself overseeing her recovery, all while questions keep surfacing. Like who is she? Where did she come from? And more importantly... why can't she get her off of her mind?

As days turn to weeks, and weeks turn to months, destinies are revealed and the past is dug up as Rainbow's memories begin to resurface; and as sinister forces set their sights on Equestria, Twilight and Rainbow find they must overcome themselves in order to become the heroes they are meant to be.

Edits for the story provided by xgfhj.

Sequel officially now in progress exclusively (for the time being anyway) over on my patreon.
Check out the sneak preview here.

Chapters (21)

Long ago, Celestia sealed her sister into the moon. Her subjects, however, began to fear her and the elements she wielded, seeing they could be used on anypony. Heart broken, she fled her kingdom, leaving it to the ponies who inhabited it.

A thousand years later, Equestria is predominantly under the control of Earth Ponies. Industry thrives and magic is considered a thing of fantasy; Big Macintosh always thought this himself. However, his life is soon to turn around, and he will find himself on an adventure like no other.

(The main picture might be subject to change; just trying to paint a portrait of what kind of era the ponies are in in this alternate world)

(Proof-read by Sage-Wolf)

(Made the feature box. Awww riiight!)
(Well that was certainly short lived!)

Chapters (21)

We all seek the truth, even those who were born to die. When six ponies wake up in the last place they expect to be, will they be able to escape and seek the truth for themselves?

I do not own ANY of the characters in this story!
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic is copyright of Hasbro
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is copyright of Hiroshi Onogi/ Square Enix

Chapters (49)

A terrible curse from the cold deeps of space and the dark recesses of time has destroyed Equestria. Princess Twilight Sparkle is the last surviving member of the royal family, and leads the colts and fillies of Canterlot and Ponyville across the Great Salt Sea to settle a new land. She must pit her magical powers, her leadership abilities and her intellect against terrible dangers and foes, and she does what she would have thought unthinkable in order to give her nation a chance at survival.

This is the first part of a planned four-part epic adventure. It is a dark adventure with violence, danger and intrigue but it is not a splatterfest. There may be some mild shipping involved.

Chapters (14)

The Great Tragedy. The night an era ended. The night the skies stopped turning. The night the Canterlot palace, along with all of its occupants, was utterly obliterated.
Nopony knows how it was done or by whom. But they do know that one unicorn stood at the center of that calamitous explosion, and they know that Twilight Sparkle survived where two immortals had perished.
Twilight awakens in a world a shadow of its former self, abruptly thrust into the fallout of a disaster she remembers nothing of. Faced with a foe that is perhaps more familiar than she might realize, Twilight must find a way to restore her broken world and carry on the legacy of her beloved princesses.

Huge thanks to my proofreaders Some Person (chapter 1-12) and RazerWrites (chapter 12-14). The story would have been much worse off without them.

Chapters (20)