• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012


A natural-born proofreader.

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Before her descent into madness and her rebellion as Nightmare Moon, Luna lived entire lifetimes as a mortal and traveller amongst the ponies of Equestria.

Restored to her true self, Luna knows she must return to her cyclic life to remain whole. As preparation she chooses to reacquaint herself with the lives of her subjects in this modern age, and in the guise of Sable Moonshine, unicorn scholar and distant friend of Twilight Sparkle, she travels to Ponyville to spend time with Twilight's companions. Despite the 'exciting' month of astronomical observation and scientific research planned by Twilight, Luna nevertheless finds time to work a day at Sweet Apple Acres. And then another.

And another.

Applejack, meanwhile, is pleasantly surprised by Sable's dedication and enthusiasm for hard work. She's less pleasantly surprised by Sable's enthusiasm for Applejack.

Chapters (15)

Luna and Twilight are sunk into a fractured, feudal world, where the knowledge of magic is lost. Penniless and depleted, they're forced into playing by other ponies' rules, all the while trying to discover even where home is.

Chapters (15)

This is Equestria. But something went differently this time. The Everfree is even more out of control, and has become a breeding ground and nesting place for thousands of dangerous creatures. With so many new threats constantly changing, evolving in the darkness, no one knows what the next monster could be capable of. In such a world, the Unknown means Danger.

Meet Pinkie Pie. She's an earth pony who likes parties and making everyone smile. She's very, very good at it.

That's a bad thing.

You see, some of the things she does are... strange. Unnatural. Sure, parties may be her special talent, but that doesn't explain where she got a cannon that can decorate a room. And it doesn't stop at parties. There's something unnatural about that mare. No one can explain it.

Pinkie Pie is an Unknown.

Unknowns are dangerous.

Princess Celestia has taken the poor pony under her wing, and raised her away from unfriendly eyes, allowing her to live what approaches a normal life. Soon, Pinkie will be reintroduced to the world at large, starting with a little town called Ponyville, on the day of the one-thousandth Summer Sun Celebration.

Let's see how that goes.

Chapters (15)

This story is a prequel to Keeper of the Crystal Heart

Will you remember me as the one from the trees, when the forest used to sing?

Bound to the Earth, a guardian spirit maintains a constant watch over the Everfree forest. He has been so alone, for so very long. But this was not always so. He was once proud, with his partner—Rose, the weaver of dreams—at his side, until the grand deception that not only tainted him and his precious forest, but also shaped the very land of Equestria as we know it. Now for the first time, you may see and understand the mythos behind the creation of the Everfree forest, told through Ilias the Firstborn's memories: his Chronicles of Woe.

A story based upon and heavily inspired by the album Neverbloom, created by Australian melodic deathcore band, Make Them Suffer. All lyrical copyrights to S. Harmanis and Make Them Suffer. Permission to use song lyrics obtained from S. Harmanis of Make Them Suffer.

Edited by andygrey, Unimpressive Vagaries, and Cormac McCloppy.

Rated teen for mild themes and infrequent spoiler-tagged language.

Featured on:
Equestria Daily!
Canterlot's Finest.
Make Them Suffer's official FaceBook page! The highest honour I could have hoped for.

This story is 100% approved by Twilight's Library!

Chapters (12)

It’s never particularly easy being at the top of the food chain, even under normal circumstances, but Eleanor’s circumstances are hardly normal: as one-third of the chimera who prowls the fire geyser swamp south of Ponyville, the tigress must deal with all of the usual stresses that come with being an apex predator, and she has to manage two bickering sisters who simply refuse to shut up and do as they’re told. However, she and her sisters face an unexpected challenge when they come across evidence that a new predator is trying to push into their territory.

(For anyone who's concerned about the gore tag, the violence in this story is of the sort that is typical of a nature documentary. If you can handle the stuff on the Discovery Channel, you shouldn't have too much trouble with this.)

Artwork by Page Turner.

Chapters (1)

It's been more than a thousand years since the Mane Six's adventures in Ponyville, and things look very different. Equestria is gone, devoured by chaos. Nightmare creatures roam the lands, changelings prey on the few remaining pony settlements, and all trace of the peace and harmony during Princess Celestia's reign has vanished.

Until, that is, a small group of ponies set out to map the Tangle, and find a slumbering dragon inside. Now Spike, a millenium out of his time and with only his memories to comfort him, is ponykind's only hope. Together, he and his new friends set out to find the one pony who can set things right: Twilight Sparkle.

Cover art by the inestimable TheAuthorGl1m0.

Featured by The Royal Guard on February 4th, 2014.


- Beware of spoilers in the comment section!
- Currently undergoing heavy revision for chapters nineteen and onward. The "lost" chapters - that is, the story as it was originally published - can be found here.

Chapters (32)

After a year and a half of being on this site... FIRST STORY FEATURED! 4/29/14
I love you all.

Parents gone, check.
Castle to themselves, check.
Totally gonna be the responsible older sister... debatable.

Celestia finally has a chance to prove that she's old enough to stay home alone with Luna, if she doesn't completely mess everything up first.

Very short story, very cute story. Personal writing practice.
HERE IS A LINK to the artist of the cover image, of which I take no credit. Awesome gallery, check it out!

Chapters (26)

Nightmare Moon may have been defeated, but Princess Luna still struggles with her inner nightmares. It was so easy to give into the temptations of power the first time, now that she had a taste of it, can she give it up for good? Or will she return to her old ways and have to be banished again, this time forever?

Chapters (8)

During the entrance exam to Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Twilight completely loses control of her magic. Celestia tries in vain to calm her down, but having no other choice she's forced to use a shrinking spell on the filly in order to tone down her dangerous surge of power.

After the exam, Celestia takes the tiny Twilight as her personal student to teach the young unicorn control over her powerful magic, making sure that she will pose no threat to other beings.

Will tiny Twilight be able to step out into a world designed for someone far larger than her? And will her size impede her in the trials of life as princess personal student ?
Side stories: "My Little Twiny April Foals Day" and "My Little Medic"

[img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/109x149q90/138/zvuu.png[/img] [img]https://imagizer.imageshack.us/v2/136x137q90/843/7m25.png[/img]

Kydois (Audience <3!)

Frozen Ice King

Rated PonyStar

Chapters (35)

[Featured on EqD and FiM Fiction] It is that time again, the dreaded flu season. Not even Princess Celestia, the ruler of the sun and day, is safe from it. When Celestia contracts the flu, what pony could possibly nurse Celestia back to health? Why none other than her dear, loving sister of course! Enter Nurse Luna!

Between crazed guards, a palace staff desperate to please their rulers, and a crazed unicorn running around, no pony is safe from this madness.

This is 100% Approved by Twilight's Library.

Chapters (11)