• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012


A natural-born proofreader.

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Lapis-Lazuli presents...
When a strange and mysterious magical accident drags poor young Sweetie Belle through a rogue portal in space and time, it will be up to Twilight and her friends to rescue her from an unknown fate. Of course, they're going to have to rescue themselves as well, seeing as how they have no idea how to get home. Faced with madpony scientists, ruthless mobsters and fanatical pony supremacists, it will take every ounce of gumption, style, and genre savvy for them to survive long enough to find a way back to the Equestria they all know and love. But the strange new world they find themselves in does not want to let them leave, and it's not alone in its desire to keep them there...

Chapters (15)

During a traumatic event, an outsider finds himself flung violently into Equestria. His physical form is warped into that of the inhabitants but will his mentality follow? And even more importantly, will anypony truly accept him for who he is? Take a journey alongside this inexperienced youth as he finds himself in a strange new world with very different customs and tries his hardest to find a place for himself where he didn't before. A pity he can't even remember his name...

Okay, the basics. It's first person almost entirely. Very, very long chapters. I try to wrap them up around twelve to thirteen pages but a few slipped over that, especially towards the end. I'll release them slightly stagnated, as I'll be making final revisions as I go. Character tags are NOT final. I'll add more main characters as they show up in each chapter. Expect an update one or two times a week, probably. I adore reviews and structured, constructive criticism. Even if you just want to say you like it, that's fine too. :) I write stories to entertain peoples, so any evidence I get that it's working will encourage me. I hope you enjoy the story!

Chapters (17)

Semper Pie is one of Equestria's most honored and decorated soldiers. Protector of the innocent, hero of countless battles, champion of all ponykind. Even Shining Armor, ex-Captain of the Royal Guard, and Prince Consort to the Crystal Princess, looks up to this great stallion. Truly one of the best and greatest ponies to have ever served under the Royal Sister's banner.

Still, where did he come from? Where was he born? What has he done? Does he have any family? Why would he suddenly want to come to Ponyville?

And why, for the love of Celestia, does he specifically want to meet with the Element of Laughter herself?

Chapters (58)

After an unknown accident Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash awake to find themselves sharing the same body! Now they must struggle to hold themselves together as their world is turned upside down. How long can two ponies exist in a single mind? It’s a race against time as they search for answers before it’s too late. When all is said and done, you’ll never look at Twilight Dash the same way again.

Chapters (15)

Twilight Sparkle is lost and broken, living a new life in a new town, she has forgotten who she truly is. Something happened to Twilight in Equestria that caused her sudden departure, and has half of Equestria scouring the planet for her.
"What did I do?" Is... not a question Twilight had thought of. She'd been happy, and content living her new life in Frostglade. However, she'd always felt like there were pieces to herself missing. Like, she'd lost something important.

When Sunset Shimmer and Trixie Lulamoon finally track her down after months of searching (and barely tolerating the other's presence), the reunion is not a happy one. Their presence has upset Twilight's new life by revealing the first step in unraveling the web of secrets bottled up in Twilight's psyche.

The three mares journey to a place of ancient magic, where they must piece together Twilight's shattered memories, solve the mystery, and then finally go home to where they truly belong. Of course, their journey will not be easy; dark shadows follow Twilight's every move, trying to stop her party from seeing the truth. If that weren't bad enough, it's not just Twilight Sparkle who is being tested by the challenges of the Nexus.

Chapters (4)

Nightmare Moon has been defeated, destroyed by the Elements of Harmony. Still some part of her survives, split apart from Princess Luna and trapped in a world of dreams. Now she searches for a way to return to Equestria, to live again and reclaim her throne. However, the dream world is a confusing place with many strange beings who may help or hinder.

(note: "Crossover" with some characters from Sandman comics, but you don't need to be familiar with them.)

Chapters (29)

Who is Scootaloo? Everypony knows about her present, but when it comes to her past there are as many different answers as there are questions.

Is she the love child of two star-crossed lovers? The last hope for the future? The child of a broken home? A mysterious figure fighting a war no pony knows about? Or is it something else entirely? Is she even a pony at all?

Twilight Sparkle decides to ask everypony in Ponyville and find out about Scootaloo...and the stories, rumors and gossip she gets will leave her wondering how the truth can ever compete with fiction.

My thanks to Page Turner for the new story cover!

Now has its own TVTropes Page!

And has a featured page in the Non-Canon My Little Pony Funny Page!

Thanks to all my readers and fans for all the support and help I have gotten! I am truly touched.

Chapters (24)

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and 350 years ago, Sweetie Belle and I vanished without a trace.
Now here we are, in the future.
Equestria has become a utopia, with everypony living in peace and harmony.
Everything is perfect. All a pony could ever want, and more.
My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I want to go home.

Editing provided by Stereo_Sub and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of Geomancing.

Reading by lieilengi

Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (14)

Featured on Equestria Daily.
Review by PaulAsaran

An Evil Lord learns of a forbidden spell that will destroy the world. Naturally, he intends to cast it.

No problem! Princesses Celestia and Luna will just send Twilight Sparkle to go stop him. That usually does the trick. There's only one catch:

There are only thirty seconds left to stop him before the spell is completed.

Inspired by Half Minute Hero

Chapters (11)

When Celestia went on sabbatical into the west, she promised Twilight it would be only a couple of months. A year and a half later, the sun resists control, the country is in ruins, and her teacher is lost in the wilds. Twilight has become the apostate, her faith in her teacher and her teachings waning. In the wake of tragedy, her resentment blossoms into fury and she vows that something must be done. Shadows gather around Canterlot, and old things that should not have been awakened are on the move. The Student goes west, her hope restored by friendship and righteous fury.

The night, at long last, is passing.

Chapters (53)