• Member Since 20th Jun, 2012


A natural-born proofreader.

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Transformed into an alicorn against her will, Twilight’s peaceful world is shattered when she discovers that she’s considered a threat to the throne of the Two Sisters. With her friends nowhere to be found, Twilight must set off on a journey to find the truth behind her transformation, and why her own country considers her an enemy.

Old wounds will be opened, new friends will come forth from the shadows, and Twilight will discover a truth that will shatter her view of her mentor forever. Yet unbeknownst to her, this was her destiny all along.

This fanfic is heavily based on Equestria-Prevails artworks and fanon material. Any credit for the Characters, Locations, and Art that belongs to him must be directed at his page on Deviantart. Any other art will be credited to the respective owners on the author's note section of each chapter.~

I also have to give my thanks to a few guys who are helping me with this:
The awesome Bulder for Proof-Reading chapters seven through thirteen;
The amazing Vexy for revamping the long description;
The fantastic ymom2 for proof-reading from chapter two towards six;
The lovely Divine Path for helping me with rephrasing.

Cover art credits must go to ~Nalenthi

Chapters (16)

What is a Moral Event Horizon, really? Where is the bar set? Is it really a Point of No Return?

The Elements of Harmony are scattered, broken, or dead. The enemies of daylight are powerful, strongly connected...Friends. But there is hope. Trixie has created a spell that can bring their dead friends from another world, giving the Elements a chance to save this one...Before Queen Nyx goes too far.

Contains TrixieJack and some unrequited TwiPie. Based on Past Sins, created with Pen Stroke's permission. Art created for this fic, by BB.

Chapters (13)

Featured 3.7.14, 6.19.14, 7.2.14, 7.8.14
See below summary for additional information

"Make a wish."

Rainbow Dash is presented with an opportunity to gain the skill she needs to join her idols, the Wonderbolts. However, the opportunity seems false, and she learns to accept it as such. But does that mean the wish was a lie? If not, then just whose wish is actually granted?

"You cannot hope to defeat me, dear Princess. Your Harmony lies broken!"

Note: This story began in July 2011, between Seasons One and Two. Show continuity has been considered, but due to constraints, the following canon is entirely ignored:
•Discord's reformation
•Twilight's ascension and coronation
•The wildlife of the Everfree Forest
•The relinquishment of the Elements of Harmony, the Tree of Harmony, and anything regarding the finale of Season Four
•All background characters that do not directly affect the plot (such as Shining Armor, Princess Cadence, Trixie, Snips, Snails, etc.)

Author: Leoshi. Co-Author: Cyros Lugoth. Featured on EQD, Star-5.

Additional tags: Adventure, Drama, Action, Dark, Thriller, Suspense, Struggle, Serious, A/U, Everypony, Rainbow Dash, Twilight Sparkle, Luna, Spitfire, OC

Chapters (21)

Just another glorious day in Ponyville, till the nanite infection is activated. Now it's up to Rarity and an infected Twilight to save the world. This will prove easier said than done though as old friends, enemies, and teachers come out of the wood work, and they all want to shut down the intrepid pair. But have n/ ...detgruhfihvdsivbhdsfh
Insubordinate data terminated. Run Program: Imperium.

Credit for the cover pic goes to Thattagen of here and Deviant art. Be sure to like, fave, and follow.

Chapters (4)

A pony’s cutie Mark. It is something the CMC want to desperately acquire. But what would happen if they not only got what they wanted, but were thrust upon a path that could potentially not only change their destiny, but also have effect on all of Equestria?

Chapters (3)

"Some are born great, some achieve greatness, and others have greatness thrust upon them."—William Shakespeare.

This story is about the latter. Alan Williams, a man trying to take a peaceful camping trip, finds himself in Equestria. Forcing to accept the idea that the show he has watched is not, in fact, fictional has taken a massive toll on his brain, torn as he is between the awesomeness of the situation as well as it's absurdity. What's worse, it seems he is not the first human to be teleported to Equestria, and now he has some big shoes to fill.

Greatness follows.

[...]To those just finding this 'un, ya found genuine gem. Keep your heads inside the respective chapter-comments. Watch out for spoilers. Buckle your seatbelt, fillies and gentlecolts. It's gonna be a wild ride.--Runcible Spoon

Approved by Twilight's Library

Book 1 of the Harmony for All Trilogy

Chapters (35)

For a thousand years, the Code of Harmony has ruled Equestria, and the Code of Dissonance has sabotaged its works at every turn. Now the war for control over the land will come to a head, and one unicorn's decision may decide the fate of all.

For though she does not know it, Twilight Sparkle is the shining example of the Code of Harmony. Her teacher, Princess Celestia is Harmony's most powerful master and she knows her enemies are hatching a plan that threatens to cast down the Harmony of her throne and all she has sacrificed to create.

What she does not know is her foe seeks a new Apprentice to turn to his dark ways. A unicorn with seemingly limitless potential for magic, whose thirst for knowledge may yet lead her down a dark path, who is known to be such a faithful student of magic, eagerly seeking the truth no matter how forbidden it might be...

Sequel: Code of Harmony

Chapters (33)

Sun comes down, Moon goes up. Moon is lowered, Sun is raised. Ever since Discord was originally defeated, that has been the pattern, the heart of stability for life in Equestria, a celestial sign that ponies retain the helm.

But Luna remembers what life was like before, and the shards of beauty which could be found in chaos.

With the second anniversary of the Return approaching along with the associated holiday, Celestia wants to know if there's anything Luna would like to do in marking the occasion. And all Luna wants -- is an eclipse.

Other than Celestia and Luna, nopony has seen an eclipse in more than a thousand years.

This could be a problem.

(This story takes place along the general Triptych timeline, several moons before Luna's Lottery Lunacy.)

Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.

Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (6)

The Glorious Thousand were the ones who stayed. They were the ones who fought. They were the ones who died so that others may live. This was their final moment of respite, in the face of certain death. Here they waited, at the end of it all.

Chapters (1)

Twilight had reached her peak, she was at the happiest point in her young life. The day of her coronation as Equestria's newest princess had finally arrived. Then the unthinkable happened, Sombra appears in the throne room alive and well demanding his chance to be reformed by pony society. The unthinkable happens again, when his wish is granted, spearheaded by none other than Princess Twilight herself. Will Sombra's nefarious plans bring her to ruin, or will she succeed against all odds? Only time can tell as it reminds them both that plans have a way of changing all on their own.

Chapters (16)