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This story is a sequel to Thrown Abroad

After the events of Thrown Abroad, Suncloak the changeling is happily living in Ponyville. Well, sort of. He needs the love of friendship to stay alive! Luckily, there's plenty of ponies who would want to be friends with him. But let's not forget about other changelings here...

You know, this would be a lot easier if the whole concept of friendship wasn't so needlessly difficult.


Amazing cover art by Wolfeh! Find her Tumblr here!
To be found on Equestria Daily here!

Chapters (11)


I mean, um, hi, my name's Fluttershy. And I don't have a kitchen. But um… everypony seems to think I do… So here's my story about the day when everypony suddenly realized it… I don't know why it happened all on one day, but it did.

Chapters (2)

When Cheerilee became a vampire and began doing Princess Luna's bidding, she expected to be tasked with a lot of difficult missions. Being sent to Las Pegasus to play poker was not one of them.

Chapters (4)

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

Sometimes the truth stings and sometimes it's more funny than the original lie. What Twilights about to learn is that even though her teacher lied to her, it was probably for the best, because really, who is going to believe the fall of Discord and the rise of the royal sisters all started with a brick to the head?

Chapters (1)

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

It's Nightmare Moon's first Nightmare Night how will she handle a holiday dedicated to her?
How will Luna keep her in line? Are they even going to have a chance to enjoy this Night?

But really we all know what the real question is: Who is Keyser Söze

Chapters (1)

Life in Ponyville is weird, really weird.
Sometimes an unlucky pony creates a satanic hell spawn muffin. Sometimes the town is threatened with Atomic destruction other times it's saved by a mare with a carton of milk. Other times it's just a bad hair day, these are some of those times.

Welcome to Ponyville

Chapters (3)

Part of the Equestria's Crazies Universe

After being defeated by the Elements of harmony Discord is given an offer he truly cannot refuse.
Or maybe he can I'm not really sure he's Discord.

{Oldness Warning} I haven't actually edited a single chapter (Other than format) Since Dec 21, 2011. There is no proper English only Zuul.

Story Cover I believe was done by Scallywag

Chapters (5)

Miss Cheerilee informs Applejack that she never passed elementary mathematics. Since every pony in Equestria is legally required to understand rudimentary math, Applejack must retake and pass a basic exam in order to avoid going back to school.

Sounds simple enough, right?

Chapters (1)

Coming back to Canterlot shortly before Cadance's wedding to Shining Armor, Celestia and Cadance soon grow bored on the train ride and decide to have a bit of fun...at the expense of a sleeping Luna. Needless to say, the princess of the night is none too pleased with this development and decides to enact some revenge of her own. Hilarity ensues, and bananas may or may not be involved!

Had this idea when I first saw LoCeri's comic, and finally have some time and enough ideas to make a proper story out of it. Just a bit of random fun, not meant to be taken seriously!

Picture used with artist's permission, and seriously, if you haven't already seen his stuff, LoCeri has some awesome and hilarious comics and is definitely worthy of a follow! (Or at least a cookie)

Chapters (4)