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Upon accidentally making a promise that she never would have agreed on while in her right mind, Rarity finds herself forced into a pie-to-the-face fundraiser, along with two of her friends.

Will Ponyville's resident fashionista be able to stay sane in the face of messy whipped delights?

Better yet, will she be able to learn something about friendship in the process?

Chapters (1)

Nopony goes out at night anymore. They all live in fear of the Dentists, the crazed ponies who lurk in the night and catch unsuspecting wanderers. Their latest victim was a young unicorn mare named Pumpkin Cake.

Distraught and desperate, Pound Cake turns to the one who started it all. If it started with her, maybe it can end with her, too. Besides, Pinkie Pie isn't that insane... is she?

Not to be taken too seriously.

Chapters (7)

"Always expect the unexpected in life, after all, life is unpredictable." Jeff Manns, a 20 year-old high school graduate, has finally moved out of his parents home. Jeff's life couldn't be better, he has a job, he's living on his own, the whole world before him, and he has... six magical miniature fillies? How did these creatures end up in Jeff's life, and what does he even know about taking care of these three inch tall fillies? Absolutely nothing could go wrong.

Sidenote - the lovely Fred2266 has actually done a reading from a long while ago on some of the first chapters on this story! So show him some support and enjoy.

Chapters (9)

After being trapped in stone by the Mane Six, Discord uses what little power he has left to summon the one person stupid enough to free him...Johnny Bravo. But will Johnny be able to figure out he's being used in time to stop Discord once and for all?

...Probably not. Equestria is doomed.

Chapters (9)

Twilight Sparkle has too much magic, and it will take her decades to learn to control it. Her spectacular loss of control during her entrance exam only proves that fact. She is a danger to herself and others.

After Sunset Shimmer’s disappearance, Princess Celestia needs a new student to bear The Element of Magic to defeat Nightmare Moon. With all of Equestria at stake, Twilight Sparkle…is not the pony she needs.

Princess Celestia seals Twilight Sparkle’s magic with the distant promise of one day teaching her.

But there are two diarchs of Equestria. Amidst a lucid dream, an offer is made.

“Hello, Twilight. Would you like to be my student?”

Cover art provided by Lafiir.

Chapters (43)

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

Chapters (15)

When Sunset Shimmer wakes up in a strange forest she doesn't recognize after seeing another her at her new school Canterlot High and finds she is now a pony, she doesn't know what's going on.

what's more, when she eats some glowing fruit because she's starving, it takes a strange turn she could have never expected.

And scootaloo, after running away from the orphanage, gets a second shot at life.

new cover art provided by Princess Glitzy, who you can find HERE and this plus her other wonderful works you can find HERE

Featured 27/10/2019. Fitting it get featured during it's final udapte. A kind swan song. thank you all

Chapters (25)

Days after Tirek's near-takeover of Equestria, The Great And Powerful Trixie travels to Ponyville, intent on settling her rivalry with Twilight Sparkle once and for all. No trinkets to fudge her abilities, no megalomania to apologize for -- just pure and simple magician's honor!

Upon her arrival, however, she quickly learns that the information she has on Ponyville -- and Twilight -- is more than a little dated.

Edits (as well as a bit of scene inspiration) courtesy of nanashi_jones.

Chapters (4)

This is Equestria. But something went differently this time. The Everfree is even more out of control, and has become a breeding ground and nesting place for thousands of dangerous creatures. With so many new threats constantly changing, evolving in the darkness, no one knows what the next monster could be capable of. In such a world, the Unknown means Danger.

Meet Pinkie Pie. She's an earth pony who likes parties and making everyone smile. She's very, very good at it.

That's a bad thing.

You see, some of the things she does are... strange. Unnatural. Sure, parties may be her special talent, but that doesn't explain where she got a cannon that can decorate a room. And it doesn't stop at parties. There's something unnatural about that mare. No one can explain it.

Pinkie Pie is an Unknown.

Unknowns are dangerous.

Princess Celestia has taken the poor pony under her wing, and raised her away from unfriendly eyes, allowing her to live what approaches a normal life. Soon, Pinkie will be reintroduced to the world at large, starting with a little town called Ponyville, on the day of the one-thousandth Summer Sun Celebration.

Let's see how that goes.

Chapters (15)

This is what happened, in my opinion, right after the events of "Flight to the Finish". The story of an unexpected dialogue between Scootaloo and Silver Spoon, where we get to know a little more the grey filly.....

A huge, enormous thanks to Graphite Sketch, who helped me a lot to improve the language of this story before I publish it.
Go check his stories, because they are awesome!

Chapters (1)