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Before the crusaders, there was the three hazards of Ponyville. It's been ten years since the hazards promised to meet again some sunny day. The promise thay made that day will shine through the trouble that split them apart in the years after.

With help from JumbledThought, and Rinnaul.

Chapters (1)

The terrifying tale of the most notorious mass murderer in the history of Ponyville.

Chapters (1)

A mysterious machine is discovered in the cellar of Canterlot Palace. Taking it back to Ponyville to study it, Twilight Sparkle learns that the machine is called a "supercomputer", and contains a mysterious virtual world--and a virtual mare who can't remember who she is. Even as Twilight and her friends learn they can enter the virtual world, something else that lives in that world awakens, and begins to attack the citizens of Ponyville...

("My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is the intellectual property of Hasbro. "Code Lyoko" is the intellectual property of MoonScoop.)

Chapters (3)

Jak and Daxter have found a new Rift Gate. It leads to a land full of... ponies?

Chapters (29)

"Dear Princess Celestia, as your (former) most faithful student, I feel I have to warn you that this is probably a trap. Chrysalis cannot possibly be serious about this. Why would anyone, much less her, want to shoot a documentary on us?"

Chrysalis, queen of all the changeling hives and infinitely cunning architect of their plans to conquer Equestria, has a problem: She knows diddly-squat about ponies. But Chrysalis is cleverer than most—or all—changelings, and she's already devised a brilliant solution to this trifling issue: Make a movie about them.

Tenth place winner in Equestria Daily's Outside Insight contest.

Chapters (5)

-Alternate events DURING Magical Mystery Cure-

A moment three years in the making, it's at last come time for Princess Celestia to choose the next Princess of Equestria. Everything has been planned out, the planets aligned, the proper paperwork submitted.

It was supposed to be so easy, so simple.

How did things end up like THIS?

Created, Written, Edited and Revised by Lunabrony and Leonhard

Chapters (1)

Spike loves Rarity; everypony knows that. But why? Is it just because he finds her the most beautiful pony he's ever seen? Is it her mane? Or is it something deeper, beyond just her looks? This question haunts Rarity, and after a certain incident strikes she's determined to find out the answer.

Got the idea for this after watching the scene from The Cutie Pox where Twilight's mane turns to Rarity's. Cover art is The Kiss by Jack-a-Lynn. You should definitely check his other work out!

Chapters (1)

The latest edition in the Power Ponies series is one that everypony's been waiting for. Crystalline Calamity.

The tale is focused around the Mane-iac attempting to seize a crystal with an otherworldly power tucked away inside. After grabbing the crystal from its' pedestal, she is confronted by the Power Ponies once more.

She tries activating the crystal to see what it does, seeing as there's nothing better for her to do in this situation, but the crystal has a very... intriguing power once it's used.

Now the 7 of them have wound up in Equestria, all of them youthened by the aftermath of the crystal's power. Yet for some reason, Mane-iac came out as a filly, whilst the other ponies came out as foals.

Lost, frightened, and with nowhere to go, Spike brings the 7 of them to Princess Twilight, who is more than happy to care for them in their time of need.

The picture comes from an artist called Beavernator. He's pretty famous for his foal pictures and foal comics. Check him out when you have the time, though you might just see him on Equestria Daily's comic panel if you're lucky.

Chapters (11)

Cheerilee assigns her class to make a presentation of a personal hero, a pony who they admire.
The Cutie Mark Crusaders debate as to who each will choose.

Made for /mlp/'s daily 30-min writing prompt. Again, it took over half an hour, but I'm getting close!

Chapters (1)

(a story based off of the characters made by kilala97)

It's summer, schools out, no more teachers to deal with, what better way to celebrate then going to the lake. A day where nothing but your friends and lack of parents should make up for fun...

Until someone won't stop pushing their friends into the lake.

(Humanized. I might evolve this into a series of short stories involving the characters)

Chapters (3)