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This story is a sequel to If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

Redheart, a sweet, kind, hardworking, cat-loving, stay-at-home-watching-her-Soaps kind of woman. Hard luck with love, she's always been on the lookout for a guy to sweep her off her feet. But, when Vinyl comes along with a "proposition" she can't refuse (even if she wanted to), Redheart just might find the answer to her sleepless, loveless nights... Let's hope they like cats.

Humanized ponies; for your own future information.

Chapters (2)

Dinky Doo asks her mother a question.

Derpy Hooves finally reveals a truth.

Story collaboration with Rootbeer Dew, who helped to write up the ending.

Picture by some guy on Deviantart. Doomcakes, I think it was? XD

Popular Section! 5th July, 2014, Saturday! Thank you everyone!

UPDATE - There is a sequel to this story! To read the sequel, look up TheMyth, and his story 'Where Is The Love?'. This is the official sequel that I gave him permission to write up. Thank you everypony for your views and support! You guys and gals helped to make this a special story!

Link to the sequel! Where Is My Love?

Chapters (1)

Almost everypony in Ponyville knows about Scootaloo. She lives with her Aunt Ditzy and her Cousin Dinky and is one third of the trio of terrors that are the Cutie Mark Crusaders. However, almost nopony knows who Scootaloo's mom is. When her mother finally comes home to Ponyville, Scootaloo doesn't want anypony to find out and her friends are determined to learn why. They discover something they never suspected...

Scootaloo's mom is awesome!

And that is exactly the problem.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash accidentally knocked Fluttershy off to defend Fluttershy's honour, Fluttershy fell for hours metaphorically, but instead of butterflies catching her she fall into a tree were vampire fruit bats were sleeping. She was also unfortunate enough to have her neck land on the two fangs of said type of bat.

Two applefarming parents saw this happening in front of their eyes and took her home, the filly transformed into a Pegasus/Fruit Bat hybrid in front of their eyes. It also made the Filly more animalistic with barely anything pony remaining in her. So they decide adopting her in hope they can bring the filly back to her senses (her pony senses that is), and possibly find a cure for her.

But an apple sucking demon for a sister is not really something Applejack would like if she came back from Manehatten.

Also if hadn't caught on that Applejack and McIntosh's parents are around. They are.

Aiming for 0% Twilight (Stephenie Meyer) jokes.

Requested by J-Rook in these two forum posts.

Edit: 03-07-2014 (dd-mm-yyyy)
This story somehow managed to weasel its way onto the popular list. A Firebird first I think... Strange.
Edit: 03-07-2014 And it was at the top for a little while. What the...

Chapters (4)

The nefarious supervillain Lex Luthor has escaped to Equestria, and has even found a way to combine Kryptonite and magic to build the ultimate Superman-killing weapon. Before Superman can arrive to meet his maker, however, he realizes he hasn't had anything to eat in a while. And those cakes look awfully delicious...

Little does he know that Equestria has its own solar-powered protector, and she doesn't like it when you steal her dessert...

Chapters (4)

When Twilight's latest spell goes predictably awry, she ends up swapping bodies with all three of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. At the same time.

Written for the Body Swap Writing Contest

Chapters (1)

After getting a taste of his own medicine from Lord Tirek, Discord has decided to take his reformation a bit more seriously. Sure, he has magic and friendship again, but it's clearly not enough to warrant his own throne in Twilight's fancy new castle. In order to earn the coveted throne, he figures that he has to be the best friend he can be.

While scrolling through the Friendship Journal for inspiration and pointers, an epiphany hits him. Since he was reformed, he has never made an honest attempt to make new friends by himself. As the first step on this new journey, he decides to rectify that. And who better to befriend than the other ponies that provided the keys to the chest? It's the perfect plan!

Too bad he doesn't really know what he's doing. Yeah, despite understanding empathy, Discord still has a lot to learn about friendship.

Chapters (1)

When the Fourth of July arrives, Celestia prepares for her annual battle against George Washington to prevent the end of Equestria as we know it. But when Twilight interrupts their battle, the Element of Patriotism must join his enemies to save the world, lest it all go up in flames.

Big thanks to the editing help of Titanium Dragon and prereading from Skeeter The Lurker!

Entry into The Most Dangerous Game under the prompts Human in Equestria and a Seventh Element of Harmony.

Cover art found at the powerfully patriotic artist known as SharpWriter.

Chapters (4)

After Nightmare Moon was purged from Luna's body, it left her completely and utterly weak. Struggling to perform even the most basic of spells, she has been spending a lot of time in her quarters trying to regain her strength, but recently she's been dealing with horrifying nightmares that assuage her night after night, each worst than the last.

After a particularly bad nightmare, Luna starts to lose hold of what is real and what is fake, and it is up to her caring and loving sister to help her through her ordeal.

Contains: Diapers

Chapters (2)

The Crusaders are discussing their next crusade when their fellow classmate, Rumble, asks them for some help. Apparently, his older brother, Thunderlane, has been acting really strangely: going out without saying where to, coming home late, and the strange smell of apples coming off of him whenever he does... And it turns out, Apple Bloom has been noticing some strange things going on with Applejack, who has been doing the same thing!

But, when following the two ponies, they're surprised to find out they're... Dating?!

Gift to my wonderful follower, Azure_Shadow, for his birthday! I hope you like it!

Chapters (1)