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Twilight Sparkle just loves the new dress Rarity gave her for her birthday. So much so, in fact, that she's got to get her groove-thing on. She has to... dance.

Naturally, this leads to horrifying consequences. Including, but not limited to: winding up in the dance-future, rescuing a dance-topian society from its evil dancerlord, and dancing with the power of friendship.

Chapters (1)

After reading about Daring Do's failed attempt to secure an ancient artifact, Twilight and Rainbow Dash take it upon themselves to find it in her place. Unfortunately, not only do they find it, but by reading a passage from the book, Rainbow Dash accidentally unleashes a curse which causes everyone in Ponyville to speak in puns. This, of course, drives Twilight up the wall, especially since she's the only one who seems to notice.

Chapters (1)

It's been a rough five months working for Suri Polomare. At first Coco thought she was just a bit demanding, but once Fashion Week came around her boss reveals how nasty she really is. When she hears about Suri's awful scheme to steal the trophy from Rarity, Coco snaps.

She snaps hard.

Now with a Youtube reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Second Youtube reading by Visualpony Thenarrator

Chapters (1)

Now with a dramatic reading by AShadowOfCygnus!

The name that makes ponies everywhere tremble.
The name that is the definition of cruelty.
The name that strikes fear into the hearts of all that hear it.
And that's really all that anypony can say. Ponies everywhere wonder what really goes on inside the head of the legendary crystal tyrant. What dreams and thoughts of malice could possibly sustain such cruelty?

What actually goes on inside Sombra's head might surprise everypony...

A big thanks to the amazing Mickeymonster for letting me use the cover art. Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie's birthday is coming up, and given how far along she is in her pregnancy, she's been put on double-ultra-secret activity probation. This means no baking, which means no birthday cake, and that's just something that her daughter, Cotton Candy, can't allow. It's time to bake her a cake! There's only one issue: she can't bake to save her life. Luckily, Papa Pokey's perfectly willing to help out.

Cotton Candy (and the cover art of her) is a creation of the amazingly talented kilala97, who also did the prereading for this story!

Chapters (1)

(Appropriate music is appropriate)

Years have gone by since their victory against Godcat. With the world now at peace, the four heroes decides to take a break from their adventures. To relax and enjoy life.

However, fate seems to have other plans for them.

During a peaceful picnic with friends, a portal soon rips through the atmosphere and sucks up the four heroes. Now ending up in a place not their own, filled with creatures that they have never seen, they are soon tasked to help this new world from the perils that would take place.

Would Matt, Natz, Anna and Lance survive? Would they finally find peace? Would Anna finally make a move onto Lance?
Will both Lance and Matt be swamped with mares? Is Matt truly the greatest swordsman alive? Why am I still describing this?

Find out in their new Tales of Epic Fantasy

Hi guys! Kro here with a new story! This time it being a crossover fic with a game I fell in love with recently. Epic Battle Fantasy!

See here, a friend of mine introduced to me this game via steam and after many hours of decision afterwards, I decided to buy the game. Truly worth the money! The game is fantastic in my opinion with all its quirks, mini crossovers and whatnot.

On a different note, do any of you know of any stories with this kind of crossover? If so, please do tell! I want to find out.

(Image is by c101239c of deviantart)

Chapters (8)

It's a hot summer day, and the Mane Six are eating lunch together. Fluttershy is enjoying her burger immensely. But in the presence of a certain apple farmer, could she possibly be after more than just a good sandwich?

DISCLAIMERS: I planned,wrote and edited this between 2-4 in the morning. Any inconsistencies, confusion, etc. probably stems from that.
I blame my buddy Lion for absolutely everything to do with this story. Send him some love; he's awesome.

Chapters (1)

After what happened at the Fall Formal, Rarity comes to see that Sunset Shimmer's become little more than a recluse, a mere shell of her former self. It also doesn't help that no one in the school is even willing to give her a chance. Rarity sees this as inexcusable. So, honoring their promise to Twilight, she convinces the girls to try their hardest to get Sunset out of her shell by having the girl take part in their activities.

But will a simple shared interest be enough able to open up Sunset's rapidly closing heart?

Somehow featured! (8/12/14) What an awesome birthday present!
Image by Uotapo
Stolen from and Proofread by Harmony Charmer
Edited By the loyal Ersmiller

Chapters (21)

Sweetie Belle has a long record of little "accidents." It seems like everything she does just ends in disaster. After another little accident sparks a fight with Rarity, Sweetie is left to wonder if she really is cursed. Is there anypony to convince her otherwise?

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to If I Could Rearrange The Alphabet...

Redheart, a sweet, kind, hardworking, cat-loving, stay-at-home-watching-her-Soaps kind of woman. Hard luck with love, she's always been on the lookout for a guy to sweep her off her feet. But, when Vinyl comes along with a "proposition" she can't refuse (even if she wanted to), Redheart just might find the answer to her sleepless, loveless nights... Let's hope they like cats.

Humanized ponies; for your own future information.

Chapters (2)